The US Ambassador to the UN, she claims she believes majority of civilian shelling casualties are victims of the separatists.
The penalty for lying to Congress is up to 8 years of imprisonment.
Ambassador Power's testimony was the subject of a story we ran on Monday of this week, and a helpful reader got back to us and pointed out that we had missed the most important part of it.
Apparently, Ambassador Power lied to the committee she was testifying before, thereby committing a felony.
Congressman Rohrabacher, one of the loudest critics of Obama's Russia policy, asked her if she thought it might be possible that the majority of the civilian casualties killed in Ukraine were victims of the Ukrainian army.
It was a "gotcha" question, because this is a universally acknowledged fact.
Here is what the ambassador answered:
See 1.50 in the video:"I think it is highly unlikely on the basis of reports we have received from the United Nations and the OSCE."
This statement is demonstrably not true. Reports from the UN and the OSCE conlusively demonstrate what it obvious to everyone even halfway paying attention - that the victims are almost universally victims of Ukrainian army shelling.
It is starkly preposterous to suggest otherwise, because even a dimwit could grasp that the separatists are unlikely to bomb their own people.
It is simply not plausible that the ambassador beleives this, and is not aware of the facts.
Comment: She's just happy to be a puppet on a string. Supporting mass murder is part of her job description:
Ironically, Power is the author of a book which studies US foreign policy responses to genocide, so she has more than a passing interest in these issues. The book's title is A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide,
She has made protection of human rights a hallmark of her career, yet she is one of the most energetic and committed boosters of the aggressive Ukrainian military campaigns in the East, which have featured the most barbaric human rights violations imaginable - shelling defenseless civilians - children and elderly, with horrific, blood-curdling casualties, visible for all to see in gory detail on Youtube.
The shelling serves no military purpose and is done only to terrorize the local population in the hopes of triggering a Russian response.
Here is what the law says:
mutates a little more each day. soon she will be showing. her eyes are sinking already. and her heart has been fully taken. all that is left is a machine. a wicked, sick vision of women like her, victoria nuland in power. no thank you.