Anti-Russia hysteria has made it easy for Americans to think that Putin and Russia are the bad guys in Ukraine. But as the following video shows, people in the US are being played - as usual.
Pussy Riot might be more interesting if they could do at least one of the following:
1. play
2. sing
3. dance
Apparently they can't do any of that. So if you see them, be sure to duck and cover (your ears).
Pussy Riot are obviously a put up job, but put up by whom? I mean they're so f%@3*+%?& dreadful, who the hell would benefit from that? They're enough to make you wanna turn Russian Orthodox.
No mistake, someone has been watching Don Letts footage of The Slits live on The Clash White Riot tour 1977.
Waitaminnit… Pussy Riot-Slits-White Riot. Lieutenant Columbo where are you when I need you. LOL.
some demonize russia and some demonize the US; it's all propaganda on both sides since both are corrupt rqually !! Nations are ruled by freemasonry and if you believe obama is the enemy of putin, you are deluded. international politics is only theathre to make us believe the world is divided and at war !! Since WWIII will involve russia and china, aided by islamic nations inveding the west, makes all the sense in the world the propaganda harrassment being made on russia !! Of course if you are totally unaware of catholic prophecy or you were even told the CC is the bad guy, you'll always be blind and deceived. Zionists and their apostate jews long have vowed to destroy all religions and establish a world dictatorship under the rule of law, aka, the seven laws of noah for gentiles !!! Haven't you been conditioned that religions is ignorance and the responsibles for wars? There you go: brainwashe absorbed !! Soon, in the near future, you'll have to pledge an oath to the lucefiran cabalist seven laws of noah - it's symbol is the rainbow signifying the rainbow bridge between man's consciousness and the seething energies of lucifer, the light bearer, the one who brings light (enlightment) ! You might have even been conditioned to believe we humans are evolving into a superior class of species, right? LOL, all out of the cabala !! I hope those pussy riots rot in jail for a long time !!!
haven't you realized you have fallen into the brainwash of going against the US, like others are being brawashed to go against islam after the paris attacks - these are all techniques to divide people and create hate. These freemasons, controlled by international jewry, control all , therefore all these int politics are all games, mind games to increase instability among people..remember, zionists also need the passes to hate america, to justify the near future invasion of it by chinese forces, while russia will invade europe !! Just wake up..if you wanna talk bad of the US, talk bad also of russia, or china or turkey, or france, of germany, of britain, the top, they are all in it !!! Pay attention to DAVOS this week..the 1% of those who hold the world's wealth, are planning the last details to depopulate 6.5 billion people on earth - they just want the earth with 500 million !1 they will use everything at their disposal: haarp, poisons through chemtrails, all other microwave weapons, food scarcity as always, vaccines, cut of all utilities, you name them !!! Only haarp will cause masive earthquakes, volcanos, typhoons, tornados, floods, etc..I already know 3 atomic bombs will be deployed, one in the northern sea, another in iran and the last in new can mark my words !!
Perhaps only people who are capable of real togetherness have that look of being alone in the universe. The others have a certain stickiness, they stick to the mass.
- D.H. Lawrence
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Printed and Gave! Printed and Gave! Printed and Gave! Its good to give, and give, as a first world society. Let me rephrase that... Its good to...
1. play
2. sing
3. dance
Apparently they can't do any of that. So if you see them, be sure to duck and cover (your ears).