Hologram Universe
© The Daily Galaxy
One way to think of the Universe is like a grand resonating drum, reverberating in the field of consciousness. Like a cave that responds to sound waves with an echo, the universe actually responds to thoughts and intentions as well as actions. It's important to realize that more than just echoing these back to you in the precise form you sent them, the Universe collaborates with you.

Open Your Eyes And Expand Your Vision

As your partner in the projects you want to realize, the experiences you want to attract and the goals you want to achieve, the Universe may have different options or interpretations to offer which could differ from what you expect. This is why it is necessary to be open minded and trust in this process. In fact, it can help to consider, what if the Universe has plans for me that are even better than the ones I can imagine? You'll never find out unless you can let go of some of that control and expand your vision.

Many people have a narrow view when it comes to their goals and desires, keeping a tight grip on their initial vision: "My future job/partner/project must look exactly like X, or I will not accept. I met this expectation of myself."

If you have this tunnel vision, it may cause you to miss opportunities because you fail to recognize them as such. Often things show up in our lives in a different form then we expect, but with the means to bring us to where we ultimately want to go. If you can let go of a controlling grip and open your mind to alternate paths, you will begin to see how to use what comes back to you.

Remaining Creative And Open

The mind state of play is important for encouraging a creative approach to problem solving. This is because while in play mode the mind is open to letting ideas flow and seeing different perspectives. A fear-based mindset does the exact opposite, essentially putting blinders on one's vision. So, by adopting this perspective you are playing with the Universe to bring what you want into your life. You will begin to see opportunities instead of hurdles, and challenges instead of setbacks.

The trick is to change your perspective. You may not be able to change what cards you are dealt but you can change how you view them, which can have a dramatic influence on your journey. Would you rather journey through life bitter and resentful, fearful and closed off or open and fearless? By choosing to look at situations with a more positive and playful perspective, you invite more joy and positive experiences into your life.

Asking For Help

If you ask for help, the Universe will respond. There are many ways you can do this, some I personally find effective include contacting my spirit guides, accessing my Akashic records, prayer and even Tarot. You can even ask for help to come in your dreams. Usually help comes through gaining insight or clarity into a situation. The more well formed your question, the clearer your answer will be. For instance, if you ask "will I ever find love" you may get a "yes" but there is no indication of when this is in the works for you. The best way to communicate your questions is to form it clearly and think it calmly.

Interpreting the answer can be tricky. The metaphysical world communicates in a different language from what we are used. As opposed to a linear set of words and syntax, messages from the metaphysical come in the form of images, symbols and metaphor. Often, it can be hard to tell what they mean. The trick is to be open to how answers come and what they are showing you. For instance, you may be wondering something and suddenly a song pops into your head with lyrics related to your pondering. This is likely a message to help shed light on what it is you are wondering about. Since our society does not prioritize teaching us to interpret these signs and signals from the Universe, we often have to teach ourselves and it can be a hard terrain to navigate at first. This is why when you first begin to make contact like this it can be useful to seek out an expert you trust, be that a Tarot/Akashic record reader, elder, spiritual leader, medium or coach.

The Challenge - Don't Let Fear Or Doubt Stop You!

Show you are committed to your intention, be that to find love, achieve your goals or reach fulfillment, by putting a little action in. Do something and the Universe will take care of the rest.

The Universe responds to commitment in the form of actions, taking care of 90% of what is needed to make it happen. You'll meet the right people, be in the right place at the right time, things will come together. As Terrance Mckenna said:
"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed." -Terence McKenna
So, it pays to trust and believe in yourself enough to face what may seem like impossible odds, and of course dare to dream big!