When Annie Kagan's brother Billy died unexpectedly and began speaking to her from the afterlife, her future took a surprising turn. She recorded her conversations with Billy from the other side and published them in her debut book The Afterlife of Billy Fingers
.When my brother Billy woke me three weeks after he died, describing what was happening to him in the afterlife, I thought maybe I had gone a little crazy. How could my bad-boy brother, who died a tragic death, who had problems with addiction all his life, who didn't live what most people would call a successful life, how could he be sharing secrets about life's greatest mystery from another dimension? But as time passed, my skepticism turned to wonder as Billy taught me all about death.
8 Things You Didn't Know About Death1. The First Thing that Happens is Bliss. As soon as you die, you're sucked out of your body into a Healing Chamber. The lights in that Chamber erase all the harm you suffered during your entire lifetime, physical, mental and emotional. So, in less than a nanosecond, all your pain is gone.
2. You Still Feel Like Yourself. Even though you don't have your body anymore, you still feel like an individual. Actually, you feel more like yourself than you did when you were alive. There's so much influence from others while you're on earth that in a way you don't get to be you.
3. Light Has a Personality. In the afterlife the light rays have qualities like wisdom, kindness, compassion and intelligence. This light makes visible what is invisible on earth, the Divine nature of all things.
4. Sin and Punishment is a Human Concept. There's a lot of mumbo jumbo on earth about what might be waiting for you after you die. Making mistakes while you're alive is part of the earth deal. If we had to be perfect to get to so-called Heaven, no- one would make it there.
5. Your Life On Earth Isn't a Punishment Either. Sure, there's pain in life, but not because you've done anything to deserve it. Pain is part of the human experience, as natural as breath or eyesight or blood moving through your veins.
6. After You Die, Instead of Judgment Day There's No-Judgment Day. When you review your life, you see the paths you took and the ones you didn't. You see where your genius was and where you might have done better, but you don't feel judgmental about it. And even though it might not make sense to you now, after you die you understand that you had a great life, even the hard parts.
7. You're Happy You Look Like Yourself. You're not concerned with the way you look. There are no pretensions or efforts to appear any which way. You just radiate, which is effortless.
8. Love Is Not the Same As Earth Love. You're not loved because of what you do, how you look, how famous you are, or how much money you make. It's not like yesterday I loved you, but today I don't anymore. Love is truly unconditional. Most controversial of all is that in the afterlife there's perfect compassion and no matter how you lived you are loved.
Reader Comments
i wouldn't say any of those points are psychopathic, but more in line with the human experience. he just wanted to see how far he could go without the limits of human-made concepts of how one should live. of course, i wouldn't choose his path, even billy wouldn't recommend it lol.
More and more everyday since my partner passed last Sept I truly believe that there is no need to fear death. When she passed it seemed as though all my fears of dying passed with her instantly. I was more afraid of dying when she was alive because of letting her here on earth alone. She died from dementia related illness. I don't believe in hell either, no matter how hard they try to make me believe. I believe the Bible is just a story to spread fear in the hearts of people. It gives the preachers a way to make money to live on. God doesn't need your money. I'm not even sure there is a God although it's nice to believe in something. I just bought a book the other day called Heaven is for real, haven't read it yet though. Do I believe Jesus is coming back? Absolutely NOT. Think about it if he came back what would the next generation have to believe in or the next or the next. Nothing. Random thoughts on this rainy Sunday Take Care all of you and have no fear.
Because a spirit from the "other side" says so, some will listen.
In this case, it appears that there are psychopaths on the other side too.
You shouldn't even assume it actually is her brother.
" no matter how you lived you are loved. "
This should raise a big red flag about certain suggestive elements of the book being horse-hockey.
Imagine a war-criminal dying - and for hypothisis' sake survived death because he had a black soul - responsible for many deaths by causing excruciating pain & suffering to victims. Imagine an evil-souled individual, in the "heavyweight class" of Aleister Crowley dying and the essence surviving, going places.
So " no matter how you lived you are loved. " might only fit, if the person has not committed murders and other sacrilegious acts of same class.
Seems like there is something weird going on here. I have recently been reading several books written pre-1950 concerning the afterlife. Books like "The Life Beyond the Veil" (and sequels) by G. Vale Owen; "Through the Mists" (and sequels) by Robert James Lees; "Gone West: Three Narratives of After-Death Experiences" by J.S.M. Ward; and "Life in the World Unseen" (and sequels) by Anthony Borgia. Although written by different people from different locations at different decades, all of these books are in overwhelming agreement that the way you treat people while on this Earth, dictates very much the "sphere" you gravitate towards after death. And any addictions and programs you have will remain after death until you work through them, and it takes time, and is not removed magically in an instant. I therefore find it extremely difficult to believe that someone who was a drug addict is now living in heavenly bliss.
It is very difficult for all of us ... i presume all us, because we grew up being inculcated with the various beliefs, routines, biases and all the other crap that contribute to development of our 'conscious-es' as we sit here and type. We see, while alive, from a limited and conditioned perspective. We see as we have been taught to see. On the other hand, whatever may be beyond the veil, might well not be so limited. Understanding and love might be thought to have no limitations in that realm. But, I don't know since I don't remember the last time I was there. But surely, understanding can be extended, at least in theory given my finite living being, to comprehend the where and why-for of all those who I felt, in life, to have transgressed upon me. And the converse. So it may well be that when I die, to the degree that I move beyond the finite, I will understand those who harmed me... and understand the harm I caused. And experience compassion for them and myself. It may well be possible to love all. Brings back to mind ... Judge not lest ye be judged.