Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Perhaps perhaps take your suppositioning to a private space instead of disturbing reality everywhere🤔
I can't believe I have to keep reminding Yankee Schweinehunds that the EU is their creation and it is their money that got the current batch of...
There can't be peace with Ukraine. Russia is not at war with Ukraine, Russia is at war with the collective West, witch mouthpiece is the US.
Assad would not give in to the central banks so the banksters acted as they do in all such situations. General Smedley Butler “All wars are banker...
The U.S. government has passed a law giving itself permission to spray us like bugs. Here it is explained further: [Link] “Federal Law allows for...
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and alerted the National Telecom Service here in Greece that something "big" was bound to happen but of course I didn't know what that was. Just a bit after my e-mail was sent one of their major servers "crashed"
leaving us without web communication for quite some time : No loose ends. The day of the bombings the server crashed again but having the experience of the previous day they brought it up almost immediately.