If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.
There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful.
"the end of the US-EU coalition is interesting and beneficial for multipolarity as a whole" Some of those WEFers aren't going to like this.
As I read this, parti ularly the conclusion, I found myself wondering if those European political leaders even realise that this shift towards...
great quote: means looking at these events more, not less, without discarding their mundane and down-to-earth aspects, but adding a new layer of...
Why not shutdown all this media proven nefarious? Don't even put them on probation - just cancel their license cause they have PROVEN they are...
If the goal of mind-as-such is to effect a certain change, it doesn't care too much about how this is achieved. For those interested in this...
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Reader Comments
Amend it to say what it already says??
The second of the two, supposedly “liberal,” proposed amendments, “would ensure that any person, citizen or otherwise, apprehended on U.S. soil could not be deprived of their freedom without due process of law, AS THE U.S. CONSTITUTION CURRENTLY STATES."
Hey, as long as we’re at it, let’s have ZioNazi/Israeli-Apologista Alan Dershowitz* rewrite the Constitution.** I’m confident that at least HE is CERTAIN that HE could do a better job than Hamilton, Madison, et al.*** And while Duh-Er-Showy-Witless is at it, let’s have him rewrite the Declaration of Independence, so that it’s clear that an AmeriKan’s right to breathe, etc., is only a “privilege,” subject to being revoked whilst being waterboarded, etc.
Think about it. How could the US Constitution POSSIBLY be rewritten where “We the people” would end up with MORE rights? After all, it simply and clearly has always confirmed those rights as innate, pre-existing, and fully independent of “our” (or any!) paper or government! Such a rewrite would be impossible and also plays right into the hands of the PTB. (And note that the first proponent of modifying the Constitution above is NOT the “conservative,” but the “liberal,” Nancy, “Impeachment is off the table,” Pelosi. That is NOT a coincidence, folks. That is how rights are even further watered down, at least on paper. Of course, out here in reality, they’ve long been flooded into raw sewage insofar as “our” “law enforcement/”Security” Complex is concerned.)
I hope - but doubt - that Hugh Mann is right about Americans remembering these rewrites, but I doubt their attention span will pass that test. There’s nothing I’ve seen in recent history that makes me think that the approximately 15% of actively good Americans will win out over the 6% actively evil PTB/Pathocrats and their remant 44% to 79% authoritarian follower AmeriKans.
*Pronounced “Duh-Er-So-Witless” or et alia, above. . .
**Sarcasm alert.
*** Formerly known as ”The Founding Fathers,” in true, American English. Sadly, however, that phrase is rapidly becoming “officially” archaic, and as the denunciations of them and their works increase - in the malignancy known as AmeriKan NewSpeak - they are rapidly becoming “officially considered” as double-plus-ungood proto-terroristas.
Sorry, although my point of "false dichotomy"/illusion of conflict between the individual flunkies of the PTB on "our" behalf remains the same. The difference is that false "liberals," when in power, take away rights THEY don't like (e.g., Second Amendment), while false "conservatives," take away rights of individual choice, etc. They work together towards the same (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) end. And that end has nothing to do with bettering the plight of us, the "governed."
The one thing that the Dems and Pubs agree on these last 10 years is furthering the process of turning America into a prison state. The Iron Curtain has found a new home.
I just wonder who keeps on voting for these people. This guy is a total fraud, bought by the Zionists. He does not give a damn about the American people or the constitution. All he cares about is his pocketbook, supplied by the Zionists. Let's detain him indefinitely WITH A TRIAL.
Let's detain Lindsay Graham indefinitely without a trial for attempting to deprive American Citizens of their Constitutional Rights. What could possibly be a bigger crime than that?
and what about Obama who's also in support of this kind of crap.