None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
The bigger the ship, the harder it is to turn. All these things may happen, we'll see.
So why am I building an ark now that Trump just won in a landslide? So some of mankind can survive the deluge of liberal tears about to flood the...
People should move out of the country to another, when they don't like how things are going. Maybe they can make their own country someday and it...
Comment: Everyone should cancel their subscriptions to Scientific American. +1
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that the 'stand down' order in Benghazi was to get rid of Ambassador Stevens because of his involvement in shipping 'al-qaeda' fighters and Libyan weapons to Syria. Basically, with the "arms to Syrian extremists" story brewing in the media, Steven's was either not reliable enough to know what to say or what not to say if and when he was called to testify, or he simply knew too much about what was going on and was 'disposable'. Green Brigades in Libya got a tip off about lax security at Steven's CIA compound (probably from the CIA who were stationed near by) and decided to take revenge for American destruction of Libyan society. When no 'rapid response team' was forthcoming, they continued their attack and eventually got Stevens and his two bodyguards.