How did Newt Gingrich win the South Carolina primary? Answer: there are no free elections in the USA. There is no 'democracy' in the USA. There hasn't been for a long time.
I have considered this a very real possibility. Especially with the electronic voting machines. However it is not a 100% certainty. You have to consider all the people who sit at home and watch their fox news and cnn instead of actually going to a rally. Those are big #s of people and who turned out to vote in SC; 50-60 yr olds. Probably the largest demographic of head-in-the-sand, sound asleep americans.
Ron Paul scares the hell out of them because many of them truly believe "if we don't attack them over there they will attack us here". What choice does that leave them with to vote for? A "jesus was an ET" mormon, a young pup, obamacare or a guy who just said a bunch of stuff they liked to hear at a few debates last week.
The real problem is all the people who are apathetic and not even registered to vote nor even pay attention while our country ceases to exist as a sovereign nation. Sure voting may be rigged, but the more who participate the harder it's going to be for them to cover it up.
why even vote if its more than likely fixed or hacked?i read something about them using the names of the deceased to add numbers.not sure if its true but i wouldnt put it past them to do something like that.
Attached is our statement of FACTS that was filed with the court Jan 12, 2012. Our initial disclosure statement which is a mind blowing, comprehensive statement of facts collected over many years of investigations and litigations of Pima County, AZ.: [Link]
Excerpt page 5: The goal of this lawsuit is to protect the “purity of elections” in the future, starting with the 2012 elections. At the present time it is easy to cheat using our election computers and impossible to challenge a rigged election. The ease of cheating when matched with the impossibility of challenging any specific election requires court intervention in order to protect the purity of elections and ensure that we will have free elections. END
I am not american, if I was, I would still vote Obama next time round just to keep those lunatics in the Republican Party out of power... Obama is bad but am sure they are worse. This Newt guy looks like something straight out of hell with all he has been saying of late... Some of it just leaves the listener with great disbelief.
Ron Paul is in the wrong party, he needs to jump boat.
Considering Obama's track record of fascism, theft, murder, country invasions, police state expansion, and general psychopathy/ponerology (in only 3 years, no less!), why vote FOR him? To keep out someone worse? So if two serial killers are running for the presidency, are you going to vote for the one who's killed fewer people and say that this is somehow better than voting for the one who killed more people? Why not try a DIFFERENT TACTIC than voting for serial killer X and hoping for the best?
Considering the lack of difference between Obama's policies and Bush's, how much clearer do you need it to be to see that they both work for the same masters?
The lesser of two evils is evil and the results are the same as they've always been when choosing evil. Other choices can be made, they just won't be presented to you on a silver platter by evil puppet masters.
Barry Goldwater former senator from Arizona stated at the rebublican convention of1980, "This is the last election that the winner would be desided by the American people." I heard it myself while I was in the toom where the tv was, not that I was watching the program,
voting machines don't matter when we the people lose either way. why rig the vote counters when the PTB's can simply install a selection of puppets? Teleprompter R or D, but it doesn't matter which one because the end result is the same. That way they continue to foster the illusion of choice via "free and fair elections" and by continuing to take part in the scam the people submit themselves to the system because, after all, we voted them into office and if they don't do a good job we can vote them out. meanwhile, there is no hope, no change and the DC theater can avoid any real culpability by simply "blaming it on the other guy", the other party in the two party dictatorship. It really is just pure evil genius.
I like RP, but I don't think the PTB's are scared or particularly worried about him winning at all. First, the MSM has done a good job nullifying him as a legitimate candidate in the minds of mainstream America, and while he does have a very loyal following and it is spreading, it is not enough to get him the delegates he needs to win the nomination. and no matter how popular he becomes, no matter how long of a reach he may develop it will remain that way. it's not that the voting machines are rigged, it's that the party is rigged and the vast majority of the GOP faithful will walk into the booth, even if they have to hold their nose while doing so, and vote for one of the two "acceptable" candidates because anything would be better than Obama. the neocon fake conservative media and radio, Rush, Hannity, Beck ect. have drilled it into their heads from day one that a vote for Paul is a wasted vote, that he is weak on defense and terrorism and would note only hand the US to the extremists, but would also get shredded by Obama in the election and would have zero chance of beating him. So a vote for Paul assures us of of four more years of Obama.
Now many people who post on sott know that is not necessarily true, but the vast majority of MSM America absolutely believes this, such is the conditioning and propaganda they have been exposed to. so while RP's following may be passionate and vocal, the social engineers have done their job well enough where the silent majority will vote for one of the two pre-approved selections, and the PTB's can rest easy knowing their hold on power is safe and secure, without the need for something as risky and potentially messy, as rigging voting machines.
Ron Paul scares the hell out of them because many of them truly believe "if we don't attack them over there they will attack us here". What choice does that leave them with to vote for? A "jesus was an ET" mormon, a young pup, obamacare or a guy who just said a bunch of stuff they liked to hear at a few debates last week.
The real problem is all the people who are apathetic and not even registered to vote nor even pay attention while our country ceases to exist as a sovereign nation. Sure voting may be rigged, but the more who participate the harder it's going to be for them to cover it up.