A government watchdog, which monitors cults and suspicious spiritual activities, is keeping an eye on the hamlet of Bugarach in the south of France, which is said to be the only place in the world that will survive an Apocalypse next year.
The remote hilltop villages have had an influx of New Age visitors in recent months.
Comment: We, here at SOTT, do not think that the "End of the World" is coming - and certainly not in 2012 (remember all the hoopla about the year 2000?), though we do regularly assess the scientific evidence that the Earth is in for a rough ride for a few years. We further do not assess the signs as indicating any special dispensation falling on Bugarach - or anywhere, for that matter. What is coming is global climate change for sure, and possibly localized cometary bombardment. No one is going to escape the former and the latter is a crapshoot - a matter of luck.
We naturally abhor the frenzied speculations based mostly on ignorance and pathology that have taken the field in such venues as "Project Camelot" and elsewhere, including ridiculous ideas such as Richard Hoaxland's about Comet Elenin. It is just that sort of wild rumor-mongering and craziness that led to the deaths of many gullible people belonging to the Heaven's Gate group back during the Hale-Bopp fiasco. So, certainly, there is some concern about this sort of thing, and rightly so.
However, for a government to step in as the French government has, and to authorize a group of people belonging to a real cult, (Miviludes) to decide who is or is not a cult, is taking the thing a bit too far. It amounts to establishing a Theocracy where one religion has the right to declare all other beliefs heretical. More than that, it is a government that has abdicated its responsibility in terms of making the facts - the Scientific Truths - available.
That is the gap that we, here at SOTT.NET, try to fill.
A report published by watchdog Miviludes said that the picturesque village near Carcassonne should be monitored in the lead-up to the end of 2012.
"I think we need to be careful. We shouldn't get paranoid, but when you see what happened at Waco in the United States, we know this kind of thinking can influence vulnerable people," the Daily Mail quoted Miviludes president Georges Fenech as saying.
Comment: Ummmm.... excuse us, but using Waco as an example only reveals the agenda of George Fenech. Waco was a pretty peaceful group and they did NOT commit suicide - the government provoked them and then destroyed them. Is that what Fenech has in mind here? Destroying any competition to the corrupt, pedophilic Catholic Church?
With a population of just 200, Bugarach has long been considered magical, partly due to what locals claim is an 'upside-down mountain' where the top layers of rock are older than the lower ones.
The Internet is awash with myths about the hamlet.
These include beliefs that the mountain is surrounded by a magnetic force, that it is the site of a concealed alien base, or even that it contains an underground access to another world
Aside from the dangers in Bugarach, the Miviludes report also warned of the risk of increased activity by Apocalyptic groups across France in the run-up to 2012.
Comment: As we note again and again, apocalyptic groups arise when there are anomalies in the environment that are not being explained adequately. Science has been taken over and corrupted by the government to such an extent that there is no Truth, no real knowledge, being given to people hungry for it. It's the modern version of "Let them eat cake."
The report said that among the groups highlighted in the report, the Ramtha movement is said to be focusing on southwestern France to spread its message.
Other groups being watched include the Raelians, founded by a former sports-car journalist who claimed to have had repeated encounters with aliens.
However, the report said that its aim is not to stigmatise movements but to inform the public about groups or individuals whose doctrine or discourse follows an "end-of-world" theory.
Comment: Miviludes' aim is to eliminate competition with the Catholic Church and ITS "End of the World theory" which posits that you have to turn your children over to the church to be molested and your money over to support corrupt priests.
Miviludes was set up in 2002 to track the activity of sects, after a law passed in France made it an offence to abuse vulnerable people using heavy pressure techniques, meaning sects can be outlawed if there is evidence of fraud or abuse. (ANI)
Comment: In short, Miviludes is an arm of the French government which basically means that France is a Theocracy, run by the Catholic Church, one of the most evil and corrupt End of the World cults on the planet.
"What is coming is global climate change for sure"
Just to keep the misunderstandings to a minimum : )