Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
I'm going to paste a reminder to everyone who thinks that maintaining the war machine is in our 'best interest'.... from 1977. I challenge anyone...
oh im sure that's not a last ditch desperate act by Z Linsky and i am very certain it was putin doing that since he is evil and has the most to...
Isn't this just an artist attempting to be fanatical and different in order to get views? If it was a normal video then no one would care or...
People are the word of God.... who abide by God.
Feels like he is encouraging us to slowly knuckl'e under.... "Stop the world, I want to get off." [Link] For Mr Todd Hayden.
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Looks like a kid in a gorilla suit. Honestly - I find it impossible to believe that a grown man can't hold a camera still when he has an object in the view finder.