The mystery of what kind of star self-destructed to create the supernova observed by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe in 1572 has been solved at last. A stellar ember called a white dwarf exploded after gorging on material stolen from its neighbour.

Previous observations had hinted at such a scenario, called a type Ia supernova. But the evidence was not strong enough to rule out other possible causes of death, such as the gravitational collapse of a massive star's core.
Tycho's supernova
© Max Planck Institute for Astronomy/O Krause/NASATycho's supernova left behind an expanding cloud of super-hot debris, which appears green and yellow in this composite X-ray and infrared image stitched together from data from the Spitzer and Chandra space observatories and the Calar Alto observatory in Spain.

Now, a team led by Oliver Krause at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, has spotted telltale signs of a type Ia supernova using the powerful 8.2-metre Subaru telescope in Hawaii.

They studied "light echoes" from the centuries-old supernova - light from the original explosion that reflected off interstellar dust and then headed in our direction.

Faint echoes

The light echoes from Tycho's supernova - one of only six recorded in our galaxy in the past 1000 years - were first reported earlier in 2008 by a team led by Armin Rest of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The echoes are around 20 billion times fainter than the light Tycho observed directly in 1572.

Krause's team detected silicon, sulphur and iron signatures in the echoes' spectrum that pointed unequivocally at a type Ia supernova.

"We are now fully confident that one of the most popular supernova remnants detected in our galaxy was produced by an ordinary type Ia supernova that was first detected more than 400 years ago," write Andrea Pastorello of Queen's University Belfast and Ferdinando Patat of the European Southern Observatory in Germany in a commentary on the study.

View a gallery of other shimmering supernova remnants (move your mouse over the images to read the captions).

Journal reference: Nature (vol 456, p 617)