SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: The Hope

Comment: We have decided to re-run this article published April of last year. For some curious reason, searching for it on google gives no returns even when specific phrases from the text are used in quotes for the search. We suspect that this particular piece is being suppressed stringently for some reason and hope that as many of you as possible will share it around, cross-post it, link to it, and otherwise make the information contained herein widely available in spite of google.

©Signs of the Times

My last contribution to the Blogosphere must have been pretty scary. Geeze! You shoulda seen my mail! People going bananas and writing "what to do? what to do!?"

Well, this one's not going to be any better. But let me say in advance that today's particular collection of items will lead us to a certain point of hope which I wish to elucidate at the end.


SOTT Focus: Reading the numbers

The UK government is desperately trying to rescue a large UK mortgage lender while the Federal Reserve is secretly funding US banks to keep them afloat. The collapse of the international banking system is imminent. For the elite it will be a bonanza while for the rest of us it spells a return to servitude in a feudal society.


SOTT Focus: Control of Uppity Women Behind Witchcraft Accusations?

Uppity Women as Witches
Noble Martyrs were likely just Uppity Women

Communicative Behaviors, Witchcraft Accusations, and European Women in Late Medieval and Early Modern Periods

This literature review investigates the relationship between a woman's communicative behaviors and the likelihood of her being accused as a witch in various regions of Europe from 1350 to 1650 a.d. This paper uncovers how women were expected to communicate during this period and what sort of deviation from this normative communicative behavior was present in those ultimately accused of witchcraft. The environmental and socioeconomic changes in Europe, as well as religious factors and the history of witchcraft that influenced the communicative behaviors of women in this period are reviewed.

Take 2

SOTT Focus: Movie-Book Review: Sophie's Choice

I read Styron's novel, Sophie's Choice, when it first came out. I was mesmerized all the way through (and it's a pretty long book!). I didn't go to see the movie in the theatre because, knowing the story, at the time, I didn't want to be depressed. My babies were little and I didn't think I could handle seeing Sophie make that choice!

Sophie's Choice

A couple of years ago, I bought the movie, but it sat on the shelf for a long time, unwatched until last night when most of us here at SOTT HQ viewed it. I don't think anyone else here had read the book, so they didn't know what they were in for.

Ark, my Polish husband left the room about half way through because he just couldn't stand to be reminded of things that were way too real for him. The rest of us continued to watch, hypnotized by the inexorable unfolding of the tragedy. After it was over, nobody spoke for a very long time. It's that kind of movie.

However, there is something about the movie that was left out and this "leaving out" suggests that this movie was used as part of the Exclusive Jewish Holocaust propaganda campaign.


SOTT Focus: Kevin Barrett interviews Laura Knight-Jadczyk: 'Psychopaths rule our world' (Full Transcript)

Laura Knight-Jadczyk is interviewed by Dr. Kevin Barrett on the topics of psychopathy, political ponerology, and 9/11.


SOTT Focus: SOTT Exclusive: Time Travelling Into the Dark Ages

The Time Machine

The Time Traveller (for so it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us. His grey eyes shone and twinkled, and his usually pale face was flushed and animated. The fire burned brightly, and the soft radiance of the incandescent lights in the lilies of silver caught the bubbles that flashed and passed in our glasses. Our chairs, being his patents, embraced and caressed us rather than submitted to be sat upon, and there was that luxurious after-dinner atmosphere when thought roams gracefully free of the trammels of precision. And he put it to us in this way--marking the points with a lean forefinger--as we sat and lazily admired his earnestness over this new paradox (as we thought it) and his fecundity.

'You must follow me carefully. I shall have to controvert one or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. The geometry, for instance, they taught you at school is founded on a misconception.'

'Is not that rather a large thing to expect us to begin upon?' said Filby, an argumentative person with red hair.

'I do not mean to ask you to accept anything without reasonable ground for it. You will soon admit as much as I need from you. You know of course that a mathematical line, a line of thickness nil, has no real existence. They taught you that? Neither has a mathematical plane. These things are mere abstractions.'

'That is all right,' said the Psychologist.
H.G. Wells, The Time Machine

That is how H.G. Wells' starts his story about time travelers. As it happens, certain Physicists today have controverted not one or two but dozens of ideas that are almost universally accepted, the result being that a layman is left with no clues at all about what is serious and what is just another weird and sensational speculation. I would like to bring some rationality to this exciting topic.

Better Earth

SOTT Focus: Comet Biela and Mrs. O'Leary's Cow

Cometary fire ruins, as seen from the corner of Dearborn and Monroe Streets, Chicago, 1871.

Last night we watched Super Comet - After the Impact, a Discovery Channel special that basically takes the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs and put into modern times. They added some cheesy drama, following the struggles of several individuals or groups, before, during, and after the impact, to show how people would react to such a global cataclysm. They used the same type of cometary body assumed to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, the same size, same impact location, and utilized all the computer modeling they have done on this past event to try to show what might happen (and to show what they think happened then). Not terribly creative and suggests that they really don't know all the effects of such an impact and are just putting things together from what little they have been able to figure out about that one impact, some (or much) of which may be just speculation, though I'm sure that there is some good science going on there.

This show highlights what we have already noted in this series of articles: the difference between the American School of Asteroid impacts that happen only at millions of years intervals and the British School which posits that showers of much smaller objects occur with great frequency in between those millions of years events.

The cheesiest part of this "docu-drama" was, of course, the depicted foibles of the humans experiencing the event. But, in a way, even those depictions were useful. The one guy who simply couldn't grasp the nature of the event, kept traveling "home" (which happened to be the site of the impact) even when it was clear that there was no home left. His emotions basically drove him to his own death.

Other people continued to act as if the world was still the same place and suffered thereby, though they learned to cope. What was clearly evident was that it was lack of knowledge about such events that was the chief problem for all of them.

During the course of the show, one of the experts made the remark "WHEN it happens," as though he - and the rest of them - knew for a fact that this was on the agenda for our near future. The very fact that so many scientists are working on these problems, including a large number of them studying the possible human reactions and behaviors and how to deal with masses of people, should warn us that there IS something they aren't telling the masses in the headlines of our daily newspapers, though certainly they are "testing" public reactions with shows such as Super Comet - After the Impact.

On my desk, before me, I have a book out of the more than 30 volumes and scores of papers on the topic of comet and asteroid impacts that I have collected in the course of this study. The title of this book is Hazards due to Comets and Asteroids edited by Tom Gehrels, with 120 contributing authors, published by the University of Arizona Press in 1994.

There is something in this book that I want to bring to your attention before we get on to our main catastrophe of the day: Mrs. O'Leary's Cometary Cow.

Comment: Continue to Part Seven: Tunguska, the Horns of the Moon and Evolution


SOTT Focus: Fluorine Compounds Make you Stupid - Why is the Government not merely allowing, but promoting them?

Human Experimental Mice

Reading today's story: UK Minister orders fluoride to be added to water reminded us that some years ago we had a discussion here at SOTT about Prozac. Someone mentioned the technical name of the compound and it was noted that it was similar to Fluoride. So, several members of the group started looking at this issue and, yes, sure enough, the same poison that is being used to dumb us down in so many other ways, is being given to people as a prescription for any number of psychological problems. I guess that the Powers that Be figure if you are made stupid enough, you won't have brains enough to be depressed. This material was compiled for Signs of the Times by mgt and we have updated some of the old links. It's still shocking.

Symptoms of Fluoride Poisoning - Click image to enlarge and read and weep...


SOTT Focus: Burka Bombers: Spontaneously Exploding Iraqi Women

The evil 'Burka bombers of Baghdad', shown here with detonator.

Did you hear the one about the exploding Iraqi women?

Two women walk into two separate pet markets in Baghdad with a box of birds. They walk up to a vendor and say: "I hear you are enjoying something of a boom in birds these days, how much will you give me for these specimens?" Before the vendor can reply a large explosion destroys most of the stalls in both markets, killing one hundred people and maiming hundreds more. Later that day a report of the events appears in all of the world's newspapers...

Eye 2

SOTT Focus: The Trick of the Psychopath's Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others

Political Ponerology
© Red Pill Press
After reading the book Political Ponerology, A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes by Andrzej Łobaczewski, I wished to interview the author. However, given that he was sick, he was unable to respond to my questions except in the shortest way, a single paragraph. Fortunately, I was able to interview Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Henry See, editors of the book who discussed the questions with him via telephone and were thus able to speak on his behalf.

I think everyone should read this book because it provides the keys necessary for understanding events that we often can't comprehend. The book describes the origins of "Evil", its true nature, and illustrates how it spreads throughout society.

Mr. Łobaczewski spent years observing those in power whose actions were the incarnation of evil, people described in psychological terms as anti-social, psychopaths, or sociopaths.