SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: Connecting the Dots: Mass murder in Haiti, plane madness in the skies

© Associated PressWet cops invasion: the US troops land on the grass of the Presidential Palace in Port au Prince after its demolition by the forces of nature. The forces of nature, really?
It's been a year since Obama swept to power on a wave of euphoria many hoped would bring relief from these traumatic times. He has indeed brought hope to some, but not to humanity. He has indeed brought change, alas it is change for the worse. Behind the carefully groomed image of a man of peace, beneath the thinly veiled disguise of benevolent intentions, dark forces wield the US machinery of government as a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

In this month's Connecting the Dots we witness how, at one fell swoop, the Evil Empire decimated and invaded yet another country. Environmental warfare and cyberwarfare have come to the fore and joined forces with the drone Reapers in the frontline of the Pentagon's quest for full-spectrum domination. Al Qaeda's Christmas Day Special was followed up with a wave of hysterical aftershocks in January that have sinister implications at many levels.

Against a backdrop of freezing weather all across the northern hemisphere the tower of global warming is crumbling. The collusion of big government and big pharma to inoculate us against a non-existent pandemic masks the one true pandemic confronting humanity: the psychopaths that bring us targeted assassinations, wars, torture, toxic vaccines... then blame humanity for their consequences. No vaccine can protect conscience, only awareness of the predators in our midst. "Swine Flu" appears to have receded, but the swine are still with us.

If events in 2010 keep up this pace, then humanity is in for a rough ride. Hang on as we navigate the month that was January.

Better Earth

SOTT Focus: Kevin Barrett interviews Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Joe Quinn (Full Transcript)

Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Joe Quinn are interviewed by Dr. Kevin Barrett on the topics of psychopathy, political ponerology, and 9/11.

Star of David

SOTT Focus: Underwear Bomber Redux - Was Mutallab An Israeli "Secret Weapon"?

By way of deception... thou shalt control key airports
After repeatedly denying that the Christmas Underwear Bomber had any help in his misguided attempt to blow up Detroit-bound Flight 253 on Christmas day 2009, or that there was any sign of an accomplice on over 200 hours of Amsterdam airport security tapes, the US government recently, and very quietly, chose to admit that it had been watching Mutallab all along and that it's now looking for his accomplice at Amsterdam airport.

In one of only a few mainstream news reports on the US government's reversal, the Detroit News stated:
The State Department didn't revoke the visa of foiled terrorism suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab because federal counter-terrorism officials had begged off revocation, a top State Department official revealed Wednesday.

Patrick F. Kennedy, an undersecretary for management at the State Department, said Abdulmutallab's visa wasn't taken away because intelligence officials asked his agency not to deny a visa to the suspected terrorist over concerns that a denial would've foiled a larger investigation into al-Qaida threats against the United States.

"Revocation action would've disclosed what they were doing," Kennedy said in testimony before the House Committee on Homeland Security. Allowing Adbulmutallab to keep the visa increased chances federal investigators would be able to get closer to apprehending the terror network he is accused of working with, "rather than simply knocking out one soldier in that effort."
ABC News also reported:
Federal agents also tell they are attempting to identify a man who passengers said helped Abdulmutallab change planes for Detroit when he landed in Amsterdam from Lagos, Nigeria.
Of course, that's not an admission that Mutallab had an accomplice, but it says a lot following six weeks of repeated denials on the existence of accomplices.


SOTT Focus: Pathocracy: Brave New World or 1984?

To those who have grown up in countries considered "free", the vision of George Orwell's 1984 strikes us as a threatening nightmare, a warning of a not-so-distant future where freedom is but a word. Like seed perpetually scorched before it even has a chance to take root, all that it means to be human is actively degraded, denied, and punished at even the smallest display.

The vision of the Party's rule, its inhumanity and utter ruthlessness and mendacity frighten us and we hope it will never come to pass here. But we have no clue how to prevent it, and just like the people in Orwell's fictional world, we are perpetually caught off guard when it comes to pass in our own lives. One day we wake up and realize we are living in a nightmare, and we have been for a long time. "It'll never happen here" and "We've taken every precaution" become "When did it happen" and "How did we get to this point?" This perennial sickness takes hold of a nation and we are at its mercy.


SOTT Focus: Cass Sunstein: Agent of COINTELPRO

Cass Sunstein
© unknownThe new face of COINTELPRO.
The Obama administration is merely one more in a line of bought and paid for actors in the theater of the absurd that is politics today. If readers still have any illusions about this fact, a look at Cass Sunstein, Obama's appointee to the head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs should help shatter them.

First of all, to put some of his more absurd ideas in perspective, Sunstein advocates a "libertarian paternalism" type of government. As Paul Hsieh writes:
The basic premise of libertarian paternalism is that the government should use its power to "nudge" people into acting in their best interest, while leaving them the choice to "opt out." If the government decides that saving money is good, it would automatically divert a percentage of your paycheck into a savings account in your name unless you explicitly declined. Supporters claim that this preserves freedom because government is only changing the default, while leaving individuals the final choice. It is merely a gentle "nudge," not a hard push.

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Obama's State Of The Union Address - A Live Analysis

'The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force'
Obama's State of the Union speech is occurring as I write this, and against my better judgment I actually turned it on. It's about 20 minutes into the incongruous jocularity of the President and the Chamber - and he just said that he will encourage legislation to reverse the ruling of the Supreme Court that Corporations are 'persons' and can donate to election funding. He says this is wrong - this will allow society's most powerful to influence elections, as well as foreign interests - he won't have it.

The Supreme justices sit there on camera like stunned corpses as a bipartisan standing ovation explodes in the Chamber. He's addressed ear mark spending, lobbying limits and transparency, changing political discourse, the super-majority dictated by the Republican minority leadership (60% majority needed to do anything), and further tax cuts for education and child credits. He states that voting no on everything is hindering progress (what an astonishingly brilliant observation!).

Comment: Three pertinent quotes to consider, all by one Adolf Hitler:
"How fortunate for leaders that men do not think"

"The broad mass of a nation will more easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one."

"The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appeal of rhetoric than to any other force"


SOTT Focus: US Hypocrisy In The Hanging Of 'Chemical Ali'

Scape goat for the continued illegal US occupation of Iraq - 'Chemical Ali'
Saddam Hussein's former defense Chief Ali Hassan Abd al-Majid al-Tikritieh, cynically dubbed 'Chemical Ali' by the US government was hung yesterday by the US puppet government in Iraq. That is to say, yesterday, the US government hung a former Iraqi politician in an effort to justify its almost 7 year old invasion, occupation and wholesale destruction of Iraq and the genocidal murder of millions of Iraqi civilians.

The US government has long claimed that Saddam, and Ali Hassan Abd al-Majid al-Tikritieh were responsible for the gassing of thousands of Iraqi Kurds in the town of Halabja in 1998 as part of the Iran-Iraq war. Strong evidence however suggests that the Iranians were responsible for the attack. Even stronger evidence exists to support the argument that the US government far-surpasses any other nation in the use of chemical and biological weapons against innocent civilians.


SOTT Focus: Disaster Capitalism Comes To Capitol Hill

Many civil liberties groups in the US are up in arms over Thursday's Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United V Federal Election Commission, that gives corporations free reign to spend as much money as they can afford (which is a lot) to influence American political election outcomes. This is the same gaggle of Supreme Court Justices (more or less) that gave us, literally, the glorious reign of George Dubya Bush. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann dedicated one of his 'special messages' to the ruling which he said made all US politicians 'prostitutes' to big corporations. what's new?

Star of David

SOTT Focus: Arun Gandhi And 'The Jews'

Dr. Arun Gandhi in front of a picture of his grandfather Mahatma Gandhi

Arun Gandhi is the fifth grandson of the famous Mahatma Gandhi, a public figure and an established and true man of peace. So what was he doing spreading nefarious 'conspiracy theories' about the Jews back in January 2008?


SOTT Focus: Connecting the Dots: 2009 - The Year in Review

© JonnyRadar/
Warm winter blessings to our readers this New Year! And midsummer's greetings to our readers in the southern hemisphere! We thought we'd begin this month's Connecting the Dots by welcoming in the new year with some reflection upon the old: 2009 was a truly smashing year in more ways than one.

Climategate broke out just as Connecting the Dots went to print last month. As we felt might happen, the Copenhagen Summit took a mighty hit from the 'truth vibrations' and despite frantic efforts, no binding international treaty came to pass. For now.

The mother of all cosmic ironies was not lost on us as the temperatures plummeted and negotiations at the 'Global Warming' summit froze! But the question remains: is the freezing weather in the northern hemisphere simply explained by regular variations in weather patterns? Or is climate change, in the sense of a fundamental change in the planet's climate, really happening, only not in the way we're being told?

As the solstice is a time for festive fun, we have a special treat for you this month, a pantomime, complete with odd characters in funny costumes and underwear that sparkles! Even Silvio Berlusconi makes a cameo appearance, until his mask nearly breaks in two. Sadly, not everyone saw the funny side, so we'll be looking at some of the darker implications of such episodes. We'll also be assessing the likely impacts upon our lives as a result of the latest phony act of terror.

Venture with us now into the shadow world of espionage and subterfuge, where the heroes refuse to bow before the Evil Empire and the villains do their Zionist master's bidding on the grand stage of power politics. Who are the real terrorists in this Faustian drama? Are they connected to those who claim ownership of the planet's resources for themselves at the expense of humanity? Would they really have us pay for the air we breathe and the water we drink? Is it possible that 'evil' is a real phenomenon?