Fire in the SkyS


Fireball flying over Finland

My meteorcamera captured this awesome fireball in Finland Rajamäki. Camera is pointed to at NW and has approx 85 degrees wide field of wiew.


Blazing fireball turns London sky from night to day

For a few seconds tonight, the sky in south London lit up - all from a peanut-sized object hitting the atmosphere.

It was a meteor.

Members of the London chapter of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada confirmed what many others saw just after the supper hour.

A bright light that began as orange, then turning white sailed from the northwest towards the southeast.

One observer believed the light trailed over the sky for as long as five seconds.

Dave McCarter, the chapter president simply wished he had seen it.

"They're fairly frequent," he said. "If you're out looking up the likelihood, you're going to see some of these nice meteors.

Comment: Interesting that at other times in other countries the national press trivialises sightings of fireballs in the sky by reassuring readers just how rare they are, but here the emphasis has flipped to place the sighting within the context of them happening "all the time!"

Nothing to see here folks, it's just another space rock (which we'll guesstimate was the size of a peanut to reinforce the notion that it was utterly insignificant) that turned night into day over yet another major population center!


Fireball over Germany 04 Feb 2010

Bavaria, Southern Germany - A night shift worker in west Augsburg, observed an object which might have been a meteorite fall from the sky at 3:04 A.M. local time (CET) and burn itself out before it hit the ground. The appearance, angle and velocity of the phenomenon rule out the possibility that the flaming object could have been man-made leaving out fireworks as an explanation.

The actual size of the object and its distance was not determinable from the observation point of Katzenstadel. Nor was any sound audible from that distance.

© Meteomedia / Mark VornhusenGais


Shetland Islands: Auroras and a fireball

This week, the brightest auroras of the year have been surging around the Arctic Circle. Never one to waste a photo-op, English astrophotographer Pete Lawrence boarded a "Northern Lights flight" on Feb. 15th, and this is what he saw 37,000 ft over the Shetland Islands:

© Pete LawrenceEnglish astrophotographer Pete Lawrence boarded a "Northern Lights flight" on Feb. 15th, and this is what he saw 37,000 ft over the Shetland Islands


New Chemical Diversity Discovered in Old Meteorite

© Meteorites AustraliaA piece of the Murchison meteorite.
A new analysis of an ancient meteorite that fell to Earth in 1969 reveals millions of complex compounds, underscoring the richness of our galaxy's primordial soup.

More than 200 pounds of the meteorite were recovered from its crash site in Murchison, Australia in 1969. Subsequent analysis classified it as a carbonaceous chondrite: a rock that formed in the early solar system's mix of gas and dust, floating for billions of years until finding our planet.


Cover-up underway following meteor strike in Hidalgo, Mexico

© Inexplicata
Inexplicata recieved a message yesterday morning from Contributing Editor Ana Luisa Cid regading the collision of an unexplained object in the state of Hidalgo (central Mexico) -- initial excitement over an "extraterrestrial" event was replaced with more conservative comments about "Soviet-era space junk", "meteorites" and even "an explosion in a local mine".

News items received today read thus:
Meteorite allegedly left a hole 30 meters in diameter and caused houses and buildings to shake in five municipalities of Hidalgo and Puebla.

At 18:30 hours on Wednesday, [February 10, 2010] a light accompanied by a powerful rport caused homes and buildings to shake throughout five municipalities in [the states of] Puebla and Hidalgo. The event was attributed to a meteorite impact.


Ibaraki, Japan: Meteor Lights Sky

Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan Meteor Lights Sky!

I just received a report of a fireball sighting over Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan seen at approximately 8:28pm;
"... (we) were driving near our apartment, and we saw a bright flash of light in the sky ahead of us. We are not sure what was it, but it is possible that it was a bolide. It looked like a very bright falling star.

Time: around 20:28 Japan local time
Place of observation: on Route 296, Shimotsuma City, Ibaraki Pref.
Latitude: ca. 36°10'30"N
Longitude: ca. 139°59'30"E

We were heading south-southeast on Route 296, and the light fell sightly eastwards,
low in the sky."


Meteorite Hits Mexico

© Newsolio
A meteorite has smashed into the ground in Mexico, leaving a 30 meter (100 feet) wide crater, reports said.

The meteorite impact was in the Ahuazotepec Municipality in Central Mexico between the cities of Puebla and Hidalgo.

The precise impact area of the meteorite was in a relatively unpopulated area and hit around 6.30pm local time, Mexican media said.

The Ahuazotepec, Mexico meteorite impact was so massive it broke windows in homes many kilometers from the epicenter and people reported buildings swaying and mass confusion. Other reports said the Mexico meteorite impact partially damaged a road and a bridge.


Meteorites Common in Central Alberta

We are never alone. As mankind continues to plod its way into the stars, it's sometimes easy to forget that heavenly bodies, which blaze across the night's sky only to hammer into the earth, constantly visit us.

These visitors are meteors, the stuff of legend, fear and even faith among ancient peoples.

And those violent visits still speak to us today, not through mysticism or legend, but through science. After all, we are dealing with an extraterrestria - an untold billion-year-old chunk of rock that has been hurtling through untold reaches of space.

Amateur astronomer and author Anthony Whyte says that the exploration of space begins in our own backyard. It's an epic mystery that can fill in the missing pieces of our past and tell how the landscape was, and is, forever changed by each impact.

His new book, The Meteorites of Alberta, is a journey that delves into the history of this province and the explorers who are still peeling away the legends to find the facts.

"The more I read about this, the more and more interesting tales I discovered. I said '... it's a shame this stuff isn't more widely known."


Ireland: Mysterious Fireball Sighting Linked to Meteor Reports

Mystery still surrounds the reported sighting of what is thought to have been a meteor in south Fermanagh. One witness described seeing a 'fireball' lighting up the sky near Teemore last Wednesday evening - around the time that a number of similar sightings were reported in neighbouring counties in the northern half of the country.

It is the first time in 40 years that such a sighting has been made in Ireland, with only about half a dozen recorded meteorite falls in the country altogether.

The last one was in 1999, and the last one in the North was in Derry in 1969. One lady from Teemore told the Herald: "It was about 6.15pm on Wednesday evening and it wasn't fully dark. I saw the fireball from a window in the living room. It dropped a few miles from the house I'd say. At first I thought it was a small helicopter but it was more like a rocket or a flame gliding through the sky and then it disappeared into the fields a couple of miles from here in Teemore. There was no smoke or anything so I knew that nothing had crashed. It was just so unusual and it was not a rocket or a firework. It must have been about 12 to 18 inches in size."