© ShutterstockRussian President Vladimir Putin
Following in the footsteps of her illustrious predecessor Josef Goebbels, Mrs. Ursula Von der Leyen, unelected president of the "Fourth Reich", has imposed censorship. In the endless wisdom of her little brain, Mrs. Von der Leyen has decided that the inhabitants of the EU, who survived or escaped the covid death jabs she tried to force on them with her Pfizer cronies,
are not to be exposed to Russian propaganda. For their own good, of course, because that is what autocrats always brandish as the main justification for imposing censorship. "We decide what is good for you," is what those people like to say. Like Von der Leyen's partner in crime, Blofeld is telling us from his Swiss retreat: "you vill own nussing but you vill bee heppy." However,
EU censorship is not yet complete, but it is advancing. The goose steps of the censors and their columns of cowardly collaborationists can be heard all over the social media landscape. All the news information that is not to the liking of the rulers is branded "fake news" or "disinformation."
When so many people are being kept in the dark about so many topics for a long time, it comes as no surprise to learn that
most Europeans have no clue about what is really happening in the Ukraine. Of course, Russia has already won the engagement, but the European state and corporate media staunchly maintain a mendacious narrative and, on a daily basis, spread heavy doses of fake news and disinformation. When repeated often enough, any lie will end up sounding like the truth. Dr. Goebbels knew this and Mrs. Von der Leyen knows it also. Needless to say, this does create a certain peace of mind,
albeit a false one.
Europe's state and corporate media have been on a Russia and Putin bashing spree for over a decade and have succeeded in instilling the conviction among the public that
there is no way Russia can possibly win in the Ukraine. Suggesting that Putin would be crazy and desperate enough to start a war against NATO, they are also busy
preparing the public for a conflict with Russia. Apart from the fact that Russian weapons are much better and technologically more advanced than anything in the NATO arsenal,
Western armed forces are being destroyed from the inside. Like they are doing in England, by abolishing "masculine-coded"
words such as "rifleman," and prohibiting the use of terms such as "chap." NATO-armed forces have been admitting women in droves, to the extent that in some countries up to twenty percent of personnel is female. Women are admitted in combat roles, even in special forces units. Given the fact that women are no match for men in any physical contest, this means that
the quality of manpower (a forbidden term!!)
all over NATO has dropped dramatically. In this respect it should be noted that in athletics, depending on the discipline, men consistently outperform women by between ten and twenty-five percent. Add to this the fact that in at least eight NATO nations, the minister of defense is female, and it becomes clear that
NATO is no longer an organization to be taken seriously.At any rate, in the firm belief that the neonazi warriors of the Ukraine are in the process of defeating Russia, Europeans are focusing on other issues like where to spend their summer holidays. And immediately they feel guilty, because they hear and read about global warming and are by now
convinced it is all their fault. They hear and read about the thousands of young male Muslims and Africans who love the "West," its women and its generous handouts so much they are coming to Europe to grab whatever they can.
The gullible Europeans hear and read about the many ways the world they inherited is being destroyed right in front of their eyes. But those same eyes do not want to see or register what is actually going on.
The resulting cognitive dissonance is buried under an incessant propaganda barrage.On the rare occasions they are allowed, or rather ordered, to vote, they dutifully cast their vote in elections that have been rigged in a thousand ways.
One very effective rigging method is publishing pre-election polls. When the election results are not in line with the forecasts, the state and corporate media explain these as a landslide or a surprise. Yet real surprises are excluded because of the strict controls on which parties and candidates are allowed to participate. Of course, there never will be real surprises, because
no state will allow its fate to be decided by open elections.Nevertheless Europeans, like obedient and credulous citizens all over the world, never ponder why they would have the right to vote.
Your vote actually means nothing and if it did, you would not have the right to vote. Decisions are always taken by elites, which is not in itself a bad thing as long as such elites adhere to the adage of "noblesse oblige." In making decisions, the common good should always be the guiding principle. But European elites are not permitted to operate according to that principle, because
since 1945 there no longer is a native European common good.Since the US conquered much of Europe during the Second World War, they have kept it under military occupation.
In essence, US-occupied Europe, organized into NATO and the EU, is not different from those parts of Latin America where the US has been calling the shots since 1898. The main difference between the two is that in US-dominated Latin America, people have adopted baseball as a national sport while remaining faithful to their native language Spanish. In US-dominated Europe, people have remained faithful to their favorite sport: football, or soccer as their imperial overlords call it, but are increasingly switching to English at the expense of their native languages.
Most of what is wrong with Europe today emanates from the condition of being under US occupation.
No empire will condone nationalism in whatever form or shape. That is precisely why family-destroying and nation-destroying reform strategies have been introduced since the 1960s. It started with Feminism, "sexual liberation" and the spread of a visually prominent male homosexual subculture. Today it is all about "woke" and about gender lunacy. The entire agenda is
embraced officially by the US government as part of its value system. Although not impervious to these treasured innovations, ultimately the US is protected by its geographical position between two vast oceans and will continue to reap the benefits from the economic superiority it has been enjoying for more than a century.
There is only one way out of the mess Europe is currently in, and that is for Russia to complete the Special Military Operation in the Ukraine. The true contours of that victory and its wider implications are becoming ever more visible: the entire Black Sea coast will become part of Russia, the Western Ukraine will be carved up between Poland, Hungary and Romania and what remains of the Ukraine, about two hundred thousand square kilometers of mostly fertile land, situated around Kiev, will become a Russian client state.
It is a bit more difficult to envision what will become of the rest of Europe: NATO and the EU are not unlikely to collapse, but will that result in a US retreat from its European vassal states?
With the cultural and social demise of US-occupied Europe,
it is now Russia that has come to be the embodiment of European values and culture. As such, Russia once again has a historical responsibility, a mission rather, to liberate the rest of Europe and to return it to European culture.
In the 19th century, Russia freed Europe from French domination, in the 20th century Russia (as the USSR) saved Europe from German domination, and it stands to reason that in the 21st century Russia will free Europe from the US.
Reader Comments
[A tangential thought: The mind influence machine that is Twitter is a significant threat to true democracy and cultural and social normalcy. The debate should not be about whether or not Elon Musk allows ‘free speech’ on Twitter but why he hasn’t shut it down. That’s the only decent thing he can do.]
Sins are getting ripe and karma is a...
So, just who is that guy? Is it Charles Dozsa? Or is it Cecil George Edwards?
To win all the USA has to do is get out of NATO, UN, IMF, WHO, WEF, Open Societies, Foundations, Patriot Act, Close all military basis, FDA, DCD, State Department, DPD, DOE, CIA, EPA, FBI, HLS, and Dominion voting machines. It is not complicated...
The movie Sound of Freedom is the true story of Tim Ballard rescuing children who were sex trafficked opens in theaters today or tomorrow. Because it was blocked from release for 2 or 3 years, we should all try to see it and support it.
Why don't we know who went to Epstein Island or his other residences? Why don't we know what was done there? Look at Hunter's laptop, full of photos of children and pedophilia, as well as drugs and foreign bribes to Joe Bribem. All covered up by the mockingbird media.
When I was in the military I'd have broken your spine in 3 places. And I was just little tiny girl in comparison, yet half the guys were frightened of me. So the morale of the lesson is GROW UP and stop blaming your failures on your mother, you stupid dumb shit.
I, also root for Brother Vlad, aall the way to the moon and back. Let's be clear here. ...
PS:I usually love reading articles from the unz page. but thanks to your pigism about women, I was repelled from going past the few first sentences. And for that I thank you for saving my time.