"AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible," he declared.
"In 1875, a little-known medical researcher laid the groundwork for a subject that in modern times was to bring American education to its knees--behavioral psychology . A latter-day disciple, B. F. Skinner, later wrote the book "Beyond Freedom and Dignity," arguing that such ancient conceptions as these are luxuries our brave new world can no longer afford. Another ardent follower--John Dewey, the "Father of American education"--took the new radical German redefinition of education to mean the reprograming of young brains and nervous systems, and applied it to his self-appointed task of creating in America the ideal socialist state . John D. Rockefeller, for purposes of his own, bankrolled what was in effect a hostile take-over of our educational establishment. "The Leipzig Connection" is a startling account of how and why these things came about. It lays out in concise detail the story of the development of the educational malaise which we have unknowingly dropped our children into, explaining not only declining SAT scores and the phenomenon of high school graduates who are barely literate, but also symptoms even more sinister: violence, prostitution and drug dealing in the schools, the self-mutilation of tattooing and body piercing, and teenage suicide."This, a synopsis of the book entitled "School World Order" by John Klyczek
Uncovering the corruption in America's school system to save education from fascistic privatization. For more than twenty years, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt has been warning the American people of the New World Order stratagem to overthrow democratically elected school boards with public-private partnerships between the federal government and globalist corporations. In this volume, John Klyczek expounds on Iserbyt's theories by tracing her work to the present moment as a last ditch effort to stop the corporatization of education. Klyczek explores how the infamous Yale Secret Society, Skull and Bones, utilized Robber Baron philanthropy and stimulus-response psychological conditioning to institute a corporatist system of workforce training for a fascistically planned economy. He then explains how this system is being upgraded to a technocratic education system of corporatist "school choice" through virtual education technologies that program students for a globally planned economy.A.I. is NOT GOD nor will it ever be. A.I. is programmed by infallible humans. Input, output. So, all of the knowledge, perspectives and biases are programmed into it. What we see an AI accomplish has to do with the programmers and their intent.
"Today man's larger understanding of the universe, his scientific achievements, and deeper appreciation of brotherhood, have created a situation which requires a new statement of the means and purposes of religion. Such a vital, fearless, and frank religion capable of furnishing adequate social goals and personal satisfactions ... must be shaped for the needs of this age. To establish such a religion is a major necessity of the present... We therefore affirm the following..." [Link]
1, AI does not exist .
2. Its human thought contained in complex software called AI.
3. Religions have nothing to do with the correctness of claims or fairness, they have to do with the TRUTH of the claims. In addition, they were also written by people who lived many centuries ago depending on the religion.
4. What for develop a global religion if the followers are supposedly unnecessary for the global elite? ;-)))
This article is very rich in mental errors, you can write a lot of such observations :-)))