The German government's SRU Council on the Environment recommends all citizens be limited to a meat equivalent of just 2 sausages a month in an all-encompassing totalitarian behavior control plan.
In a segment dubbed "The Green Dietary Transformation": ban shock for the barbecue season!", critical German journalist Julian Reichelt (Germany's version of Tucker Carlson) presents "the craziest yet planned green ban": a complete elimination of meat from the human diet in Germany and worldwide.
Germany's Federal Minister of Agriculture, Cem Özdemir (Green Party) is now moving to force Germans to radically stop meat consumption by limiting meat intake to just 10 grams daily, which is equivalent to about 2 burgers a month.
The German government's latest proposal stems from recommendations made by the Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen (SRU) - German Advisory Council on the Environment, which is set up to directly advise the German government on policy.
The recommendation is latest effort by Germany's Socialist-Green government to regulate every aspect of human life and to ban everything that contributes modern human prosperity and health.
Radical behavior alterations deemed "a must"
According to the SRU government advisory council, "the manifold environmental crises of our time" can only be overcome by radically altering human behavior, which means "the way we live, consume, move and feed ourselves." (page 11).
In his Youtube video, Mr. Reichelt presents some excerpts of the SRU recommendations to the German government:
- The government is gearing up to make meat so expensive that few people will be able to afford it.
- Children ar to be instilled with new "values" and pitted against their parents.
- The government will make meat disappear from view everywhere.
The 222-page government SRU report has it all down, black on white. This is not conspiracy theory. It's the blue print for the future of humanity, authored by a small group of elitist Germans who believe they know what's best for the entire world.
According to Reichelt: "What's coming at us from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture is nothing less than the largest, most radical and comprehensive upbringing measure in the history of the Federal republic of Germany." [...] "The language in this document sounds like it comes directly out of the utopia of a vegan surveillance state."
High tax on meat
The SRU recommends increasing the tax on meat to a level that would make unaffordable for the lower income working class, for whom a barbecue is one of the few remaining pleasures left to enjoy after a hard day's work.
The SRU expert advisors to the German government also recommend eliminating meat from school cafeterias and instilling "new values and norms" in children with the aim of further psychologically pressuring and shaming families away from meat consumption.
Of course the government is advised to implement these radical nutritional measures as stealthily as possible. In the SRU document:
If it's communicated in the future that cafeterias are required to follow the quality standards of the German Association of Nutrition, and it not be mentioned that it's about a reduced amount of meat being offered, then there would possibly be less attack from the media."Meat should be difficult to access
In the event citizens insist on meat, then it should be made so that is hidden away and made difficult to find, advises the SRU - "like X-rated movies at a video store, hidden from sight in another room," comments Reichelt. "Whoever reaches for it, should be ashamed."
Taken off restaurant menus
At restaurants and other public eateries, meat would not appear at all on the menus, and would only be offered on a separate menu that would be handed to the patron only upon request. That's a recommendation made by the government's very own SRU advisory board.
The SRU advisory council have even gone so far as to recommend overhauling supermarket shopping carts in a way that would promote the purchase of vegetables and plant-based foods, and discourage meat buying. It's all written in the SRU report. It's no conspiracy theory.
Do as I say, not as I do
What about the government officials themselves? Would they follow there own rules? Of course not. It turns out that Agriculture Minister Özdemir is hearty meat-eater himself. His wife was recently videoed preparing a 2-kg steak:
That recording has since been removed from most of the Internet.
At last year's Oktoberfest in Munich, Green Party leaders were recorded enjoying a huge plate of meat sausage while guzzling beer from their mugs. The elitists have no intention of following their own rules.
Reader Comments
No turning back. There is no way to help them. They are braindead.
I see they are just brain dead as you put it.
Along with the removal of reliable energy, a starving work force goes a long way to chasing industry out of the country.
I'll keep on saying it, populations have a decision to make, government is corrupt and no longer works towards a free and healthy society, its time for a MASSIVE change.
And as for the rest of the plebs eat bugs or a Solyent Green future. AKA known as a modified form protein called of Cannibalism.
[Link] Solyent is People, maybe a metaphor of our life and time in this reality.
It has been know before in times of conflict and world upheaval, I guess it takes some kind of.. mindset, to ingests the living body of another, but then again, are not vast swathes members of society, ingesting the minds of humanity, into a future...of a drone world of slavery, whole families.
I am at a loss for the world political ideology, that is leading our eyes before us, if this madness of world domination by a bunch of psychologically deranged individuals continues to exists in our beautiful world. It challenges not only our diversity of world cultures, in which we should embrace our differences, and learn from each other, how we can thrive and survive in diversity.
Humanity has survived for millennia upon millennia on our beautiful world, will survive again, let us hope, after all the suffering, we can build a better future, and the world never again, with the falsehood of the words Never Again...Only to be repeated, time and again. Will never be repeated, because we can and emerge into a new light a new world of possibilities and futures awaiting.
Last night for supper I had a pork chop. A pig we raised. Also had lambs quarter, a common wild weed, prepared as you would spinach. Potatoes, alas, were purchased at the grocery because we are out of our own home grown. But we currently have 700 ft.of potatoes planted and growing, for later summer, fall and winter. I eat a lot of potatoes. Not the frozen, packaged, developed kind. Obviously, I eat quite a bit of meat. Like cows, chickens, sheep and goats.. And wild food, too.
I started cutting hay yesterday using ancient equipment; the tractor is about 75 years old, the mowing machine is somewhere around 60. The hay rake likewise and the baler, too. I do worry that they will wear out to the point that I cannot fix them. But so far I have been able to. I worry sometimes that I will wear out, which I eventually will, but that is another story.
The hay will feed our sheep, cattle and goats. I grow a little bit of corn, though not as much as I used to, when we were dairying. Open-pollinated. Non-hybrid, non-gmo. My son plants some oats and we have a little threshing bee in the late summer. We have friends and family that attend. The threshing machine belongs to our son, as does the grain-binder. These machines are about 90 years old.
We have a very large garden. Most people around here have no garden and no animals, except for maybe a dog and/or a cat. Even though this is still considered 'country' (and not 'city') around here. There are lots of people.
What they (the people) do invariably have is a big modern riding lawn mower and lawn spray that they use to kill weeds in their precious modern highly productive lawns. They mow and then mow and then mow their lawns! This is their farming.
They think we ( my wife and I) are nuts. What are they eating?
I forgot to mention the other farmers around here. When they're not busy with their vast acreages utilizing millions and millions of dollars worth of recent equipment and harsh chemicals, they are busy mowing their lawns too.
What are they eating?
As to what are they eating? For now, from a grocery store. Next year, who knows?
Thank you nedlud for the little insight into your life. Much appreciated.
In my yard at our main place there have been very few "weeds"....there have been a few plants I've intentionally removed: poison ivy (no-brainer), virginia creeper vine (I just don't care for it - I have another vine I prefer), that sticky weed that is so annoying, and this grass whose roots formed underground and really was unappealing. Otherwise, I don't mind clover, I don't care what type of grass grows, I like some diversity, and in my yard which can be naturally moist, the moss has really grown well and moss is very low maintenance and even aesthetically pleasing. If there is a dry spell some of the grass growing I'm sure will be ok - that is the beauty of diversity.
Trying to have a "unilawn" looking perfect is not only "not green" it is wasteful and pointless and who judges somebody these days if they have only one type of grass growing?
Take something as staple as meat away, something has to fill the gap.
It is not sad in itself that humanity has reached this level of complete dictatorial hypocrisy: the sadness lies in the fact that it does nothing to stand up against it.
That doctor is quite a character; If more were like that perhaps I would trust them again.
But they aren't, so I won't.
Thanks for the info!
Juliana of the Netherlands - Wikipedia - [Link] She was born in 1909, so the timing of your speculation seems accurate (???? - or maybe tis another Juliana?) - as far as I'm concerned she is the psycho the doctor mentioned in the video you provided and is it not telling how they think the rest of us are nothing but cattle? Not only it is telling, the proof is in the pudding, and so really - what you gonna do to something thinks they can kill you off - you and your sisters and brothers - on a whim. They think so little of you, they think you hardly exist if not for their godly presence I reckon, and truly - how more wrong could they be before they get Justified Retribution direct?
So if these sickos think they rule the world, they can keep pushing and doubling down, but just now about everybody is starting to realize there are sickos out there and something is amiss. They may be able to push many levers but as the days pass in 2023 determination amongst folks who care and love their kin, neighbors, and other folks in general - WE are going to prevail in this battle of will betwixt 20th century ideas proven wrong and better ideas whose time is upon us.
You can take that to the bank.
She was born under the sign of Taurus. For those who are into such things, here is her astrological chart [Link]