Ian caused the most significant hurricane loss in Florida history, with total economic damage of $100 billion.
Sheets of rain and record-breaking floods continue to wreak havoc around the world, but in parallel, volcanic and seismic activity in the Ring of Fire peaked in September:
- 7.6 M earthquake in Michoacan, Mexico (September 19)
- 7.6 M earthquake in the Eastern New Guinea region (September 10)
- 7.0 M earthquake Southeast of the Loyalty Islands (September 14)
- 6.9 M earthquake in Taiwan (September 18)
- 6.9 M earthquake in the Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge (September 4)
José Luis Mateos, a physicist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, pointed out that the likelihood of having three strong earthquakes on the same day in different years is 0.00000024%.
"The coincidence of the dates of the earthquakes deserves to open new lines of scientific research. It must be done with seriousness and methodology. In science, new questions require answers", said the National Seismological Service. "There is no scientific reason that explains or justifies it."So what's behind this quite unlikely series of events?
Pierre Lescuadron tells us in his book Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection, that human experience and collective consciousness are connected to nature in subtle, and not-so-subtle ways, and it seems that nature responds to emotionally charged human events.
It might not be a coincidence to see significant earth changes events when there are crises and turmoil in society. The Chinese Dynastic cycles show that much too.
So we can assume that these series of coincidental earthquakes in Mexico have something to do with suffering, oppression, and overall social crisis.
In general, things are getting tense out there, to say the least. We have the Great Reset psychos pushing for a controlled collapse of the existing economic and social systems to impose their totalitarian utopia, and the only counter-force now is represented by Russia and China.
So far, neither front is giving ground on their objectives, yet, the Western world is starting to show clear signs of an impending precipitous fall. So maybe it is not so crazy to suggest that as this conflict between these opposing forces develops, and the serious, global social consequences start to become more obvious (famine and sickness, for example), we might see a gradually increasing response from the cosmos in the form of earth changes and cosmic events.
All this and more in our SOTT Earth Changes Summary for September 2022:
Or watch on Odysee.
To understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it is taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection
Check out previous installments in this series - now translated into multiple languages - and more videos from SOTT Media here, here or here.
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Sorry if I seem to be hogging content, but honestly, I think this is important - from an electrical standpoint and better understand weather and such.
Click on the "Earth" button (bottom left), select 10 hPa elevation, and tell me what you see?
By the way, the elevation is pressure top down I think.