When we talk about compassion, we talk in terms of being kind. But compassion is not so much being kind; it is being creative [enough] to wake a person up.
Quote, "eliminate these foreign networks" that meddle in the country's domestic affairs". Africa, South America, the Middle East, the Far East,...
The USAID revelations will reverberate around the world. Who received the payouts?
The statement from the FAA was "research and other purposes ". "Other purposes" covers just about anything. It's the ultimate non-answer.
Jeeze, Now for the first in my life I am in full support of Elon Musk with this initiative...Go man Go. You are doing a phenomenal job disclosing...
Why should this physician dealing with the issues of the female reproductive organs, even given a months suspension. He declared his position at...
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Reader Comments
I have personal experience of unusual sitings, I've taken pictures that have no logical explanation other than to entertain the notion of it being a UFO and why have I got so many?
Why are there so many sitings globally of questionable objects in our skies that are never confirmed as true sitings for some unknown reason by the authorities, yet they continue to find it necessary to fund, at great expense, agencies who's only purpose is to maintain the narrative of zero Alien's, zero UFO's 🛸 🛸
Personally, I believe we are them, or some kind of distant relative which they like to keep an eye on, hence so many reported sitings.
This new agency is here for a purpose and one purpose only, to keep a lid on things.
Mind not landing on the moon, endless failed military campaigns, there's only the UFO scenario left that they can now winge on about and ask money for.
And we have had this shit since the 50s and probably earlier from what I know.
We in the U.S. have some amazing shit that if the public found out about would cause quite a scene to say the least. Never mind the fact we have the tech to eliminate oil, nuclear, solar, wind et. Yep
That tick tack story probably Americans playing with Americans as in a test unbeknownst to the witnesses.
Then there are the 'others'.
The two can easily be discerned as to which is which if you can get close enough. Thus you can see the gaped seems, rivets, pipes, and other tells that it is a man made craft as opposed to the "others" which if it has seems are so tight one can not get anything between them. There are no visible pipes nor are there any rivets visible.
Some of the "others" craft have nothing visible except a smooth surface that appears to have no doors windows, or anything else on the skin of the object. The orbs of seeming plasma are a whole other bird altogether.
You all take care and do not let them fool you with an alien invasion that the Nazi scientist Werner Von Braun the U.S. imported told his secretary the gov would pull in order to dupe the American People. He also told us there would come first a "war on terrorism" which would be a hoax.
Why the hell did my above post post twice??
And we have had this shit since the 50s and probably earlier from what I know.
We in the U.S. have some amazing shit that if the public found out about would cause quite a scene to say the least. Never mind the fact we have the tech to eliminate oil, nuclear, solar, wind et. Yep
That tick tack story probably Americans playing with Americans as in a test unbeknownst to the witnesses.
Then there are the 'others'.
The two can easily be discerned as to which is which if you can get close enough. Thus you can see the gaped seems, rivets, pipes, and other tells that it is a man made craft as opposed to the "others" which if it has seems are so tight one can not get anything between them. There are no visible pipes nor are there any rivets visible.
Some of the "others" craft have nothing visible except a smooth surface that appears to have no doors windows, or anything else on the skin of the object. The orbs of seeming plasma are a whole other bird altogether.
Then there are those that are seemingly plasma balls under intelligent control. I know the U.S. has plasma technology like this but I do not thing those that I speak of are that. As Ben Rich of Skunkworks said "We have the technology to take ET home."
You all take care and do not let them fool you with an alien invasion that the Nazi scientist Werner Von Braun the U.S. imported told his secretary the gov would pull in order to dupe the American People. He also told us there would come first a "war on terrorism" which would be a hoax.
Then I met another who has a son in the military and he related the story above. His father told me he asked his son “how this was possible?” His son told him he could not say just be there to pick him up. When he got him home he asked him again at which point he said he can not say till out of the military, His dad told me that from what he deduced after speaking with his son we indeed have that which many have speculated on for decades.
Today humanity is fed a diet of farmed historical artifacts, carefully orchestrated so as to underpin staged historical belief systems.
Our schooling is our first taste of directional programming, they fill our developing minds with fixed concepts and narratives. It's almost as if they discourage debate and individual idealistic thinking at a young age.
By time folk leave school or college their minds are already primed and for most, further self exploration would seem a waste of time, given the fact that someone in authority has already told you how the World was, is and works
So digging up the dirt ruffles feathers, as for myself? I've learnt more in the last few years than I ever did being at school and what I've now witnessed makes me truly believe the education system is fixed and deliberately so.
On that understanding, I'm very open to the ideas on Alien's and UFO'S.
Be well and a toast to your journey of self discovery for in sifting the fractals of the past there you will be looking back at yourself. Life is strange like that...
Burning Platform seems to have better resolution on their print than your link. They're the second link.
When Apollo 17 (the only night launch) lifted off, it was like a time lapse sun with surround sound and heat. You could all of a sudden see white clouds above you and back over Orlando the sky was bright morning blue. Strangely cool experience.
This link describes the program I mentioned. Alternative 3. Coincidentally, the same year, 1977 Capricorn One hit the theatres. They ran the show, alternative 3, 2 nights in a row on the CBC. So many people called in, they reran the show the second night. Hoax about a hoax. [Link] Alternative 3 [Link]
What was interesting for me at that time in 1977, was the series of coincidences that I experienced when the show aired here in Canada. 1) In school, we had just read a short story about Martians sending nukes to earth, because we were nuking them (not knowing they were there). 2) The show aired on TV, 2 nights in a row. 3) following week, Time magazine had an article on a Doctor who was about to make an announcement about a breakthrough on hypertension. She paid for the room, the food and when the press showed up, she did not. They found her cloths piled on top of her shoes, by the water on the beach, where she would go for walks. No body was ever found. Added some weight to Alternative 3 topics.
But then again, ever since the 70's key scientists have been disappearing without a trace and or dying off in tragic accidents or murders. Which is rare for such a small group of people.
The Sun is undoubtedly 93 million miles away
I was clueless in 1977 and never paid attention to movies--especially space or space travel movies (I have never found space films interesting or intriguing--the first Star Wars [the only one I watched] intrigued me because of the human interactions and tests of mental strength involved), ...so I had to look up Capricorn One. I bookmarked the few articles my search on Alternative 3 netted and will look at them in the near future.
I will say that the footage at the end of Alternative 3, I think, is fake. They land in a flying saucer (reputedly from Capt. Bill Robertson) on a round landing pad (saucer or UAP as they call them today) and end their landing by seeing an unknown entity "burrowing" in the Mars soil--a little too convenient...wouldn't you say? Perhaps like a script? A true landing might well have been far less revealing...rather mundane with reddish soil and rocks the only view.
I can, though, easily believe that we have back-engineered crashed space craft and could easily have flown to Mars. Also, the "scanning" segment looks to me like maybe a helicopter. Wouldn't a true "flying saucer" more easily revolve around a thin point viewing everything on a more level plane? I would also suspect that no one would take such a trip without the pilot being able to perform simple maneuvers like that one. Also, the static "interrupting" transmission looks fake. Moreover, if you're flying a UAP, do you need a "tower" to guide you to a landing pad? Certainly at that level of expertise, the ship could almost land itself.
Having said all of the above, I can readily believe that .gov has lied consistently and continuously to the general populace...not out of fear of creating panic...for their own gain. I have no trouble believing that the truly wealthy Reserve Banksters would payroll such programs for new minerals and elements to exploit...in addition to the power and control they gain over having first advantage in space. I well suspect that a "secret space force" of some type exists. Of course, we know most of the "whistleblowers" Gaia and other sites have debriefed are very likely false.
Finally, JTF, the conclusion which comes to mind is that we humans are easily dazzled by purported accounts of "secret somethings"--whether or not they be secret space programs, secret space forces, secret space bases on the moon and/or Mars, etc. for the simple reason that we know in our guts that fabrications and lies have been broadcast as truth to us for so long, and we can trust nothing and no one at this point.
But...you gave me the most fun I've had in a while.
I'm truly fascinated about any history, that's not just names and dates and lame stories. From the 1850's to the 1950's some strange stuff really happened, almost like an awakening of new potentials. Makes me truly wonder if this period of time was the end of the 70 generations and the fallen were once again let lose on us, for the end times. This would be one of the conditions for as in the days of Noah.
I'm also looking to watch Capricorn 1, once again. A movie about the fake Mars landing.
I thought C1 was about a faked moon landing? I don't recall it except my trivia side guesses OJ & James Caan.
(1) I realized with a fresh viewpoint just how overwhelmed our leaders had been after winning WWII only to confront space aliens offering advanced technology for (ahem) limited use of human specimens...after many, many crashed ET crafts following WWII. Only much later U.S. interactions with Zetas revealed how much they lie and manipulate. (They're Service to Self--what do we expect?) 16 crafts crashed in the late 40s/early 50s; 13 of them in the U.S. Why here? Very likely because we exploded the bomb.
(2) The Tall Greys (Zetas) came because, I suspect, that we are a biologically connected, and they do, indeed, need our DNA because they have sterilized themselves via massive nuclear/radiation wars in their own star systems and can no longer procreate except through cloning (which process is producing less and less quality). What would prompt the bold intrusion into our society and timeline? They didn't want humans nuking themselves thereby destroying their DNA before they could successfully combine Zetas and humans. [ This is also why a massive campaign has been effectuated through MSM to desexualize humans and abrogate normal human birth. (A notable example are men who want to be women and continue to look like men; Rachel Levine is one example. Look at the pictures of Jacinda Adhern who quite plainly has a penis and scrotum although she does look more like a woman. Men who profess to be woman but won't get rid of their male anatomy? Modern-day hermaphrodites = successful Zeta hydbrization?) With the mass sterilization likely to arise from the mRNA vaccinations and lower births rates, perhaps more people will turn to cloning when formally introduced as "the newest scientific breakthrough" for sterilized mRNA-ed humans. ]
(3) U.S. leaders in the 50s were also presented with the Nordic ETs who offered more spiritual help (ostensibly) if we would give up nuclear weapons.
Human leaders knew that they were technologically overwhelmed no matter who they chose (which I have always asserted voids the human agreement to these "treaties"--superior force instantly nullifies free will--no "cleverness" needed).
Guess who was in the right place at the right time to take advantage of all these startling developments? They became known as The Bilderberger Group aka CFR and Trilateral Commission: Nelson Rockerfeller; Zbigniew Brzezinski; George Bush; Edward Teller; Henry Kissinger, and many more names you'd recognize.
Cooper wrote this in 1989-90 and correctly stated that the Secret Service in Kennedy's own car assassinated him. Of course, recent video indicates another assassin was firing from a street drainage hole which delivered the kill shot.
Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
Gen 1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
Gen 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
Here are some links to shed light on what Aliens really are. With the evil in the world today, it makes sense why they don't want us to know this, because it's easier to control us. Prior to the modern era, we knew what they were, predictive programming since the great wars have lead us away from the truth.
[Link] - the UFO quotes is interesting, since you do not hear about them too much in the MSM.
By taking religion out of schools, you open them up to the occult and right now it truly is the occult running our schools with all their twisted and sick agenda's played out on the initiates. School is less about learning and more about conforming to the world they want you to live in, than what the world really is about.
This is a good conversation!
Probably a bit longer than that, I am beginning to think that we have a totally false narrative of things before about 1800. A good rabbit hole to look into are the whole "mud flood", "Tartaria" - especially the early history of Australia
Stolen History - Lifting the Veil of Deception - [Link]
With regards to where we live, whether it is a sphere and if so, whether it is the size that we are told, whether there is a heliocentric solar system et al ....
I think one has to go through the discovery for themselves before one can comprehend "what difference does it make". The two opposing possibilities are so different, either we are the centre of our God created existence or we are soulless, bio-electrical accidents stranded on an dying rock in an insignificant solar system in one of billions of equally mundane galaxies
Indeed, what difference does it make, why would they lie to us
(Hint: The official narrative is the one where we are the insignificant potential trans-human slaves)
The only one who got it right, was King Philip. After that, they came back stronger. French Revolution, US Revolution, Stallin, Marx, Hitler. Masons, always behind the scenes.
I don't posit a deity; I simply understand the Universe as intelligence or consciousness. I believe, as humans, we are in constant communication with Universal Consciousness through our Higher Selves or Consciouness...often described as a "soul." The Biggest Lie Ever Told has been that our "minds" are intellectual or analytical only and convey nothing else of importance when, in actual fact, our "minds" are the conduits to the Universal and Eternal. Thus, waking up with a song playing in your mind is one message route.
I learned from my QHHT session that I could only understand certain material through analogy and symbols--the "translation" to finite had no language to use. For example, I was a young adult male involved in another civilization (or perhaps an unknown "lost Earth civilization"--again, who knows?), and unfortunately, this civilization had a board or coterie of people very much like those currently manipulating this world. The ravages of war were conveyed to me, because part of my "human 3D" mind was still "awake," via flying-type chariot machines which created untold horror, havoc, and murder. These machines were capable of interplanetary travel, and war was being spread to other planets for the purposes of subjugation. My understanding was that those crafts could not be conveyed to "my mind" and that "pictures" commonly understood on this planet in this dimension were being used to relate a semblance of what occurred at that time. Sometimes receiving a message from the Eternal is like this process. A song in the morning.
Yes, I've enjoyed this conversation immensely. I don't often "wig out" over ET material, but I love finding synchronicities while delving into a subject. Who knows? I love the admonition from Bill Cooper: "Listen to everyone, read everything; believe absolutely nothing unless you can prove it in your own right!”
Von Daniken plagurized this text and the film Contact (1997) uses the description for the technology built on the instructions in the film.
An "invasion" is too complicated to pull off, though I expect the "aliens" will destroy some specific targets before the peaceful handover
Maybe the scriptwriters are spit-balling Aliens bringing us the ultimate anti-Covid vaccine (One that will be really effective if we maintain our monthly boosters)
Renegade: The Life Story of David Icke (FULL MOVIE) - [Link]
Sadly, however, the explanation is easy! I think that some local area of cattails overgrew and had an exhalation of swamp gas. First, did you see them? I've met one other person who did. Next, My dear, are you OK? Be tough.
Apologies for lack of editing. Please feel free. Gotta go.
Well . . . , fingernails on a blackboard never bothered be but . . . that intro? (This is me. . . I'm aware) That just calls out in pain like a screech owl. . . Tangent: Are you familiar with those loud and scary sounding oversized larks? (Screech owls.) They'll raise a hackle on a cackle - if those are words. . . . It was dark - really dark! - I was riding my bike on a berm (levee?) out on the St. Johns River, between two canals in which gators are a given. (I ain't talking little cute gators, you know I mean what I say.) And I was peering down into the east side canal - again, it was dark - trying to detect movement in the water's surface . . . when behind me (to the west) came a noise - (still gives me chills even writing about it - seriously - but you know I don't need to say that.) Behind me came some beyond scary sound . (this is far more friendly sounding - WAY . . . [Link] ) Well, I figured it was some bull gator in horny season -and though I sure don't scare easy, that resonant, haunting damn near orchestral call of some demon scared the f out of me . and I spun around! . . .
And there were 6-7 little 'hoot owls' (baby screech owls - about 7" tall, tuft to tail, all lined up on a sand live oak branch at about shoulder high for me (I'd guess that I had a headlamp on or such - No. I know I did because I was surprised that they didn't all fly away when my headlamp beam hit them like these four but older [Link] - when I think about it, I guess they were all fledglings - yes - not at all good at flying yet - and THAT was why they didn't fly away) and - whatever - their 'dissonant harmony' (or such) - well, to me, t felt like the largest gator that ever lived in the St. Johns was coming over the berm for me.
But what was there and they were so cute and tiny they looked like kittens!
And there were 6-7 little 'hoot owls' (baby screech owls) all lined up on a sand live oak branch at about shoulder high for me (I'd guess that I had a headlamp on or such - No. I know I did because I was surprised that they didn't all fly away when my headlamp beam hit them - when I think about it, I guess they were all fledglings and THAT was why they didn't fly away) and - whatever - their 'dissonant harmony' (or such) - well, to me, t felt like the largest gator that ever lived in the St. Johns was coming over the berm for me.
But what was there and they were so cute and tiny they looked like kittens!
Another version of their call, but I'm telling you, it was frigging scarier than these calls I've found by a magnitude. I wasn't even high but they were in a lower pitch . [Link]
Those little SOB[s had me convinced that an army of (literal) gators were coming up from behind me from the other canal.
It was dark - really dark! -
. I'm going to try to find some sound replication. [Link]
One thing I am aware of is, that this is messing with the minds of humanity, that there is something strange that surrounds our world, that has is, and has influence, that they may have on our reality.
Is it exotic technology, created by a terrestrial influence. Who knows, for one thing I am aware of for sure, it is a distraction.
Not that I am a fan of Dark Journalist, but this interesting video, to make my point, the whole issue is a minefield of disinformation, fantastical stories and conspiracy.
(Some of his older vids, 4+ years old, are a bit cringry - too many poses practiced in a mirror!)
All the secret space program is a bit "alien" to me as I lean towards being a "Flat Earther", which includes accepting the possibility that we live on a surface (spherical or otherwise) that might be a lot larger than we are allowed to know about. I tend to think "alien" UFOs are more likely to be from out of bounds area of our "planet" (or our plane-let). DJ / Farrell suggest that such crafts are more likely to be from our solar system as opposed to from another star system.
However, the authorities seem to think "space" is anything over an altitude of over 100km (Karman line) and as such they probably have some pretty advance tech and hefty black budgets (as identified by Catherine Austin Fitts purely based on a financial analysis)
One issue that I think we face is that what we believe is irrelevant ... it's what "they" believe that matters
NASA reeks of its Nazi and occult origins, they're still naming their missions after Egyptian deities etc and I suspect the X-Protect mentally is very, very real
On a side note, I'm very drawn to the discussions re the Eight Sphere and Ahriman
Gigi Young Esoteric X Threshold: Rudolf Steiner Eighth Sphere Symbology - [Link]
It's not so far fetched when one looks into the history of Britain's Penal Transportation system, shipping people of to new found lands in America and then Australia for little more than stealing a bread roll
Whether Australia was "unpopulated" land when the First Fleet arrived in 1788 is another topic!
(The lead ship of the First Fleet was renamed just before it left England - to Sirius)
Rockets are a type of firework, very spectacular, you see them shoot up in the air making lots of noise and light, but they don't go to the Moon
Love this gem from Wiki So why doesn't Newton's 3rd Law apply to the "collapse" of WTC towers?
As re 'rockets', that's just the word we used here. I got it from Pops when I still called him 'daddy.'* ALL of our dads were either rocket engineers (on the river side of the RR tracks) or rocket techs (out west)
*And around here, only sissies call their fathers 'daddy' after first grade. ...So... (and this is true, of course) . . . I changed our father's name to 'Pops' when I was 8? (Our sisters still refer to him as Daddy.) Likewise, as re the more essential parental person, kids could call them 'mommy' a while longer. (I've never really thought about that completely* - i.e., when we stop calling father 'daddy' vs. mother 'mommy' - but we stopped calling her mommy in 73 - October I believe. The Who came out with Quadrophenia - (the only album I ever bought when it literally hit the stores*) and in it, PT talks about how "'our Mums" are doing and what not. GREAT ALBUM! So, 'mommy' then became for me and my brother, 'Mum.' Thanks to you UK folks for that. (Meanwhile, our sisters call her Momma or Mommy.)
*I obviously have more thinking to do.
*I've still got it. I would guess - or at least hope - it's got value.
She's doing a good job.
(I have probably asked before and apologize if so but have you ever seen a UFO? I have - one time was strange and cool - didn't bother me at all - despite the hype that TF has long claimed that people would panic or such. Government's simply gotten overtly evil.
Mine was at Cape Hatteras ~76. However, it just looked like a too fast moving geostationary satellite but it was like when I directed my attention to it and wondering about it, it knew/was aware that i was looking at it and saying WTF and it went from going due west quite fast to going back to NE instantaneously and disappeared within 1.5 seconds and it was GONE.
I damn sure fear 'our' 'leaders' and supposed governments almost infinitely more than I might fear what or whoever' is behind UFO's. If they're good, . . . I've gotta say:
Hey! Good Guy aliens! Help!!!!!
Pretty much as one with TF.
Other obligatories are WRH, Unz, Global Research & Truthseeker UK - oh, and for the over the top stuff AA. Wicked sense of humor.
I mean, I presume that you've, at some point in your life, picked up an angry, unwilling, cat and suffered for it. Instead of 'be water', I say 'be a cat'. Use your knees and elbows and get inclose. I kinda figure you to be even more than one's typical survivor type so I wonder whether any advice I can give could even help, but God damn it, never back off from biting their noses off etc.
You deserve to live. Them? As far as I can tell, they probably ain't SOTTypes and.... well, Lord, let us be merciful on them.
On a sad, but realistic note, SWIM says good coke ain't been around since the 80s maybe the 90s -and he would surely know.
Good thing I watched those Transporter choreographed videos earlier.
SWIM said it seemed better than pharmaceutical because it had more of that banana taste, but . . .
Edit: Hey, these fucks fuck with you? Fuck them! Break out a can!
Need a lawyer? Ask and I'll set up a chat.
I honestly think I've never said this (I usually bitch about treble and bass) but their sound needs far, far less mid range! Don't recall ever having said that before as the others are so much overused. Sounds like there's potential there but they need to lose the dissonance register - it's not flying. (I don't know how the Beatles did it, but they could. Pure magic.)
Have you ever seen Rick Beato? [Link] He's a guy a little older than me (I hope) and a big music mixer producer whatever and a natural musician.
Modern Music's Death by Autotune. [Link] (The rack of guitars behind him makes me drool.)
If 'don't call me 'your Honor' is a punch line, I've never heard it.
(OK, I'm calming self down thinking 'No, RC, that's not an insult etc.' but (like you I'd bet) I'm kinda like that, hence my favorite word: explication?
"Maybe I should have gone sarcasm."* No, maybe I should have gone to bed.
*Never go undeclared sarcasm nor full tard.
In my paste, AA today on JA: rc
Good song: Flobots - We Win the Day [Link]
The kid with the suicide pistol also, for me, is a big thumbs down. I've gotten low enough to where I could fully understand why folks kill themselves, but I've never pointed a gun at my head - and there's usually been one nearby.
Hell, we had rifle club back when I was in 7th grade.. . but I learned the rules before I was 5. May I ask if you've ever fired one? Please of course feel free to not reply. I swear, it's always seemed to me that a lot of robbery killings involved someone who never had fired one shot. When they did, they say to selves, "Holy shit! It does that???" Again, they're destruction machines.
Any lyrics from them you wish to link me up with? Thanks.
Excellent Dr. Tenpenny video I'm listening to now provided by D44 somewhere: [Link]
My older brother got freaked out then pissed at me along with my dad who lectured me because I had pointed an empty BB gun at my bro. Basically, "I made sure it was safe" countered by a "Never do that under any circumstances."
My LAME! yet instantaneous defense, well, you know. . . .
I retired from the field of honor with shame. (In my defense I've gotta say that it was so f'g tiny as to almost point itself and what not and every other excuse under the sun. More shame. Oh well.)
I've never heard that rhyme before.
Once I had a loaded one aimed at me in a not so serious standoff. Other than that, some tasers for no good reason, and one guy shot one at me who just missed when I was sitting in the back of a car (windows down) and had cooperatively entered the cruiser. I gave it back mockingingly, ~"I guess you're gonna want this back, eh?" Picking it up by the dead leads as he was not holding down the button. He said, "Yeah," and I passed it through the window with a correction for him: "Careful, don't tangle the wires now."
Anything that contradicts the CIA version will be banned from social media platforms
Hence when the CIA, Navy, or any other useless lying murderous department of XYZ suddenly "releases" something, we should immediately assume it is a lie.
The Pentagon haven't noticed them because they are looking up at the sky....unawares of the rubber dingy ships because they move so slowly and quietly....their language is unknown to the earthlings...