America has been playing with fire for years, disrespecting its Constitution and allowing, even encouraging politicians to pander to the fears of an ever-present boogieman over the higher values of individual freedom and responsibility.
Boogiemen are very effective tools in the arsenal of those waging psychological warfare against a nation. They are effective because a good boogieman usually brings legitimate scary qualities to the table.
Islamic terrorists are legitimately scary.
Invisible viruses that spread throughout the population are legitimately scary.
People are willing to give up freedoms under the illusion that it's only a temporary inconvenience. "Just go along and soon all will return to normal," they say.
After the attack that killed 2,900 Americans on Sept. 11, 2001, politicians came under pressure to "do something" to prevent another such attack by Islamic militants against innocent civilians.
Rather than just bombing the Taliban into oblivion and leaving its God-forsaken land, the politicians responded by occupying Afghanistan and launching a doomed effort to transform that nation into something it never wanted to be. At the same time they were failing at nation-building in Afghanistan, the politicians embarked upon sweeping extra-constitutional "reforms" here at home.
- They created the Department of Homeland Security [DHS], which quickly became the biggest and most intrusive of all federal agencies.
- They created the Transportation Safety Administration [TSA] and gave it Gestapo-like control over air travel.
- They passed the USA Patriot Act, which allowed warrantless snooping on the private communications of American citizens.
- They created a secret FISA court capable of operating on the outskirts of normal oversight and granting the FBI new powers to secretly investigate and prosecute potential "terrorists." After it became taboo to spy on the mosques, the new star-chamber court, instead of being shut down, was used to secretly approve federal wiretapping of American citizens, including advisers to a sitting president the federal intelligence community didn't like.
- Drone strikes took out individuals, said to be terrorists, on the order of one man sitting in the Oval Office. Sometimes these strikes took out whole families at wedding parties, providing fodder for the recruiting efforts of Islamic militants.
But that's not all.
As documented in my book, Stealth Invasion, the globalist policies allowing largely unvetted Islamic refugees to flood into Western nations in the wake of each war in a cycle of endless wars, will continue to have a catastrophic outcome for America as an independent sovereign nation.
So we're looking at a 20-year war that cost $2.3 TRILLION and did not change anything in Afghanistan.
And the war is not over. The battleground has simply been shifted from Afghanistan to the American homeland. Now that the Afghan phase of the war is over, coming on its heels will be a mass-immigration program whereby tens of thousands of military-age men will be relocated from Afghanistan to America.
This "resettlement" comes at a time when America is already divided and teetering on the brink of economic collapse.
People talk of Biden's "incompetence" but I see it differently.
This administration has just completed one of the most disastrous retreat-under-fire operations in U.S. history and is lauding it as a great achievement.
In their eyes, it is a great achievement, since the entire goal of this administration is, let's face it, the systematic deconstruction of a great nation.
The scenario goes something like this:
- Retreat under fire in the most humiliating way possible, abandoning billions of dollars in military hardware to the enemy along with hundreds of American citizens who now face an unenviable choice, convert to Islam or be slaughtered. Even U.S. military service dogs were left behind, sold out to a culture that sees canines as unclean and deserving of torture and death.
- Flood the zone of American cities with tens of thousands of Afghan refugees in the short term, hundreds of thousands over a period of years, almost all of whom will require public assistance paid for by American taxpayer dollars and a certain percentage of whom will end up being radicals with religious grounds [Sharia supremacy] for fighting against everything America stands for.
- Afghanistan, rich in rare-earth resources like lithium and cobalt, gets handed over to China, which will use them to further tighten its economic stranglehold on America.
- Biden demands every American soldier gets injected with a new experimental gene therapy, the long-term health impact of which nobody knows.
- America's economy implodes under the weight of hyperinflation, stoked by reckless deficit spending, while businesses and hospitals fail, spurred by the suicidal policy of firing unvaxxed employees.
- Supply lines come under increased pressure followed by bare supermarket shelves, chaos, street violence and possibly civil war.
- Chaos and war in America brings chaos and war on a global scale.
- After a couple of years of war and vaccine-induced deaths, the deconstruction will have been completed. A clean slate will await the promoters of the Great Reset [aka New World Order]. They will brutally put down any remaining resistance and install their global technocracy in which the lives of every human being will be intimately managed by a beast system built on AI, facial recognition software, gene editing, QR codes for everything and everyone, a cashless digital money system and a social-credit scoring system similar to that already in place in China.
That's just the beginning.
Look at what happened with other war-torn nations in the Middle East and Africa, such as Iraq, Syria, Sudan and Somalia.
The flow of refugees from Somalia began in the early 1990s and continues to this day.
Once the original war refugees are relocated, then they apply to get their extended family members to join them here in the U.S.
This "chain migration" has led to entire Somali ghettos springing up in cities throughout the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul area of Minnesota. These ghettos now serve as the political base of the America-hating communist revolutionary Ilhan Omar, who enjoys a safe seat in the U.S. Congress.
Similar demographic transformations have occurred in parts of Seattle, Columbus, Ohio, and smaller cities in Maine, Kansas, South Dakota and Georgia. My book documents the litany of unspeakable crimes against Americans the Somalis have committed and I testified as an expert witness before a committee of the South Dakota State Senate in 2019, during which I enumerated in painful detail the murders, rapes and stabbing attacks carried out against Americans by Somali refugees and children of refugees.
I'm not saying these Afghans will necessarily replicate the horrific record of bad behavior exhibited by the Somalis, nor am I saying they should be left to suffer under the Taliban if they are truly trying to escape the harsh reality of Sharia law.
But they should be vetted by a qualified expert, not Joe Biden's State Department, and those found truly worthy of refugee status should be resettled in the region, where they will find a culture more favorable to their own, and where there are many rich nations that can easily afford to resettle them.
But here's the thing. I know a lot of folks still don't want to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyway.
We must prepare for the possibility that the abandonment of freedom-loving Americans in Afghanistan is a prelude to the abandonment of freedom-loving Americans here in the homeland.
The deceptions being wrought on this nation are so strong that even many freedom-loving conservatives are drinking the Kool Aid.
Almost every day I learn of another friend and fellow conservative who had clear reservations about the experimental gene therapy injection, and now they have "flipped" and submitted to the jab.
This is all related.
The humiliating retreat from Afghanistan.
The continued monstrous propaganda war against the American people to get them to accept an experimental medical treatment, wearing down even the ones you thought would stand strong against it and who you thought could see through the lies.
In the end, how many of us will be left standing?
Will Fauci, Biden, Gates and Company get, in the end, what they were looking for all along, which was to get their serum into the arms of virtually every American and install freedom-crushing digital vaccine passports in every corner of America, making it impossible to buy or sell or work a job without accepting their mark of obedience?
Let's not forget where this virus came from.
And let's not forget that China and Russia are not mass-vaccinating their troops with experimental gene-based injections. They are hardening their troops for war and using less-risky traditional vaccines to protect their warriors.
The Afghanistan story that's enveloped the news cycle for weeks is about the obliteration and humiliation of America. It's tightly related to the pandemic crisis and the shot, which is gradually weakening America and other Western nations.
We are witnessing quite possibly the most brilliant use of the Hegelian dialectic in human history play out before our eyes: A crisis brings chaos and disorder and out of that chaos comes shocking reactions from governments across the world, the redefinition of "normal" and a complete reordering of society.
Many didn't see this coming. They really thought this virus would go away, like all the other viruses eventually went away. What they somehow missed was that those pulling the strings behind the scenes would never let go of this virus and their announced solution, mass vaccination programs, is only making it worse.
What seems obvious to some remains hidden to others. The virus is being used, just as Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum said it would be used, as an "opportunity" to reorder the economic and social structure of the entire world. Every business, every institution, every individual will be affected, Schwab said.
Schwab's words jibe with the manifesto of the U.N. Agenda 2030 and its 17 goals for sustainable development.
Goal 3.8 is "vaccines for all" and Goal 16.9 calls for the creation of a "legal ID for all, including birth registration."
Your digital health passport is the beginning phase of your legal ID that entitles you to global citizenship, allowing you to travel and participate in the reordered society envisioned by the social engineers at the World Economic Forum and U.N.
For all of that to fall in place, the U.S. as we know it must fall.
We are losing our identity as a country.
We are losing our identity as individuals.
Don't think for a minute the two aren't related.
They have a new identity ready and waiting for us to accept, and they will use both the carrot and the stick to get you to take it.
The communists and the Islamists are on the same page, working together to bring down the United States.
So don't be fooled. This is not about losing to the Taliban. This is about losing to the Great Reset and the United Nations Agenda 2030. The powerbrokers behind the scenes, Schwab, Gates, Soros and their globalist buddies told us ahead of time what they had planned. Few listened.
Don't think you can hide from this evil. The only way to defeat it is to confront it head on, now. Mandates are un-American. Sue them. Boycott them. Protest them.
You think you'll be able to lie about your vaccine status? Maybe buy one of those clever forgeries off the internet? They're already one step ahead of you. See their plan for the forgers here.
You thought you could get your employer off your back by conceding to take the experimental injection?
Think again.
A schedule of nonstop, continuous Covid shots is already being arranged, says Kerry Chant, public health director for New South Wales, Australia, the nation serving as the model for the Great Reset's medical tyranny.
Again, Gates spilled the beans last year that one round of shots wouldn't be enough. If only more folks had listened, they would not have been intellectually and emotionally ambushed by the events of today.
If you concede to that first shot, you will be required to get another one every six months, just to keep your job and "protect yourself, your family and your community," as Fauci says, against the latest deadly variant.
Are you going to sign up for that plan?
Will you join the growing ranks of the deceived, who are willing to allow their freedoms to be taken in the name of "health and security," only to get duped into buying them back at a horrific price?
It's only a shot, it's only a mask, it's only your bodily autonomy... Before you know it, you become the property of a beast system designed to steal your very human identity and replace it with a synthetic, counterfeit identity. Welcome to modern-day slavery. You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
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Reader Comments
Twenty years ago we’d just had the rollout of mobile phones (I got my first mobile phone in 1996) email, and the internet (I got connected in 1996). The snooping powers of the Patriot Act targeted these new technologies. The real invasion post 9/11 wasn’t of Afghanistan and Iraq, it was of cyberspace.
In the past 20 years we’ve seen huge advances in DNA technology. It’s at a point where viruses can be created/modified and so-vaccines can be mRNA or based on gene editing, probably allowing God only knows what changes to our bodies and minds.
In the next 20 years we’re going to experience the changes to our world and lives that will be caused by AI.
We’ve moved from reactive Order Out of Chaos to proactive Order Out of Chaos.
But don’t worry, you’ll own nothing but will be happy. WTF! NO, you mean WEF. 😃
Sitting in Canada, working for a very large American corporation at the time, I could not believe how quickly the US citizens gave up their rights, without a whimper. I had lots of conversations with my friends at the time and lot wanted to move to Canada or elsewhere because of it. But the deception runs deep and infrastructure had to be in place and companies on board (Media and all attached to it). The indoctrination of the Zombie state (here in Canada too) goes back to News papers, movies, then radio, then to the boob tube. All progressions in controlling the masses. Add in sports to entrench fanaticism and 2 party politics and then everyone has a side to be on.
Fresh out of University in the 80's I noticed democracy and capitalism crumbling. The big "tell" for me, was the distraction of the masses with bigger and bigger sporting events, more days more games, etc. Just like the Roman Emperors did to distract their masses, and we all know what happened to them in the end. But now with technology, they can distract and control even quicker and the masses can't see the poop for the flies.
I love the mantra they keep throwing in our faces, "You can't handle the truth" when actually we can handle the truth, most just can't see it. Neither can they handle the truth....getting out.
Make your peace and hang on tight, the ride they created is meant to keep us scared.