Sott ECS June 2021 cover
The EU came up with the great idea of reducing the environmental impact of farming by cutting crop production, while food production worldwide is getting a significant hit from extreme weather, and the Covid lockdowns... you know, because reducing CO2 and "going green" is more important than food security. Make no mistake, they don't know what they are doing, and they do not have the planet's and your best interest in mind.

In the same nonsensical line, mass media focused on record heat temperatures in the West US during June, while completely ignoring the hundreds of record cold temperatures in the South and Midwest because it does not fit the "official climate change narrative".

At all costs, you must not pay attention to reality because reality does not follow the official narrative! So don't mind about the summer frost that swept across the UK or the below-freezing temperatures in the Scottish islands. And don't pay attention to Greenland's massive ice gains during the melt season, while Iceland reported anomalous snowstorms that trapped tourists in Vík í Mýrdal. And that's not all, New Zealand reported the all-time lowest temperature ever recorded with a -8.8°C at Dunedin International airport. And on the other side of the planet, Argentina reported an incredibly rare snowfall that damaged crops in Cordoba.

And what about those noctilucent clouds that have been seen further and further South, like in Paris and Calgary this month? These clouds are more evidence of the upper layers of the atmosphere getting colder, and more loaded with cosmic dust and volcanic ash. Of course, higher precipitation, and bigger hail are other related phenomena.

But Ok, it was not all about cold and snow, localized areas of the US Northwest and the Canadian West Coast are being beaten by record heat and droughts, which are making it almost impossible to grow seasonal crops.

Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil are also suffering from an anomalous drought that has damaged crops and affected food production, forcing halts in wheat exports. Brazil has lost 27% of its production this year, and 60% of households have food insecurity due to the lack of sufficient access to food.

In general, food prices continue to rise as global food production is reaching a bottleneck mainly caused by extreme weather.

All this and more in our SOTT Earth Changes Summary for June 2021:

Watch it also on's Vimeo channel:

To understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it is taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection

Check out previous installments in this series - now translated into multiple languages - and more videos from SOTT Media here, here, or here.

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