For rent in Eau Claire at the start of December, 2019
For rent in Eau Claire at the start of December, 2019
Normally, we talk about how much snow we get in a given winter, which spans across the calendar year from generally October through April. Thus, we define the "winter year" as starting on July 1 and ending June 30 the next year. This allows us to calculate how much snow falls in any continuous winter.

Last winter set the record for snowiest "winter year" with 98.8" snow. Most of that snow fell after January 1, more specifically in February.

Due to that fact, it shouldn't come as a surprise that with the slightly above average snow we've received to start this winter, Eau Claire has surpassed 100" snowfall in the 2019 calendar year for the first time in recorded history. Snow measurement data for Eau Claire goes back to 1892.

We were pushed over the 100" mark with the afternoon snow measurement of 2.4 inches taken at 3 p.m. on December 12, 2019.