Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
The Telegraph, of all shabby British tabloids - doing a U-turn ?!?
I think it's just a question of time until proof turns up that Wackopedia was financed through USAID, NED, and similiar channels.
Some democrats are afraid to reveal what they had for breakfast, in case it is used against them in some way!
It's only useful for information that can't be easily politicised or distorted - otherwise, the bias is often very obvious.
No plastic in his brain?
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Reader Comments
They want the individual. Categorised and easy to control, one that happily consumes and works their profit machines deaths door.
They have polarised society on every level. Through media and politics they created division of Cultures, Politics, Nations, Men & Women and our Race itself.
Merkel and Macron have publicly stated they want to build a EU armed forces to tackle the "threat of nationalism" That is double speak for YOU.