Jordan Peterson, the Canadian clinical psychologist, is having an enormous impact on our culture. His refusal to use legally mandated language has
reverberated around the world.
He is obviously rattling leftists as they continue to make hysterical claims about him. The most recent and long-winded example comes from Nathan J. Robinson, the editor of
Current Affairs. He published an almost twelve-thousand-word essay in that journal. It's hard to believe, but even with all those words he lands not a single blow on Peterson. He does manage to make a complete fool of himself.
His essay begins by listing an impressive group of people, including the head of Harvard's Psychology Department, who praise Peterson's work. He then sets out to try to prove them all wrong. He also lists a large number of writers who have treated Peterson unfairly. He then supersedes them all. There is no way to cover all the silliness in this piece, but I can explain a few of the problems in it. If you think I'm making this stuff up, by all means, read the whole messy, wordy essay.
Robinson has a long windup. There are many long paragraphs with snide remarks and hand-crafted editing designed to make Peterson look vague. The man is anything but vague. Finally, we arrive at the first factual disagreement with Peterson. In the famous
interview with Cathy Newman, Jordan said that
you now have more female than male doctors, and the trend in that direction is accelerating.
Robinson tells us there are not more female than male physicians either in the U.S. or Canada. (In context, you can hear the rim shot.) It's worth dwelling on this supposed killer line. Peterson was in England being interviewed by Newman
. His English interviewer is pelting him with questions about the lack of female executives in England. Jordan explained that women are often drawn to alternative professions. For example,
you, in England, have more female doctors than male. That's what he said, and
he is correct. Don't take my word or his. Invest thirty minutes to watch a truly intelligent and, under the circumstances, gracious person at work in that half-hour interview.
While it's worth noting that trends in the medical profession in North America are moving in the English direction, the current ratios are not germane to the conversation Jordan and Ms. Newman had about England. It is fair to ask: was Robinson trying to slip one by, like a Clintonian lawyer, or is he just sloppy in his thinking? I think it's a combination of both in roughly equal measure.
He, like many of his peers on the left, is half-cocked. That phrase will come in handy later.
The original basis for Peterson's worldwide notoriety is his objection to being compelled to use legally mandated language. This is a huge step beyond the current Canadian laws, which prohibit and criminalize certain speech. Robinson denies that the law does any such thing and that it's crazy to think speech would be criminalized. The link he provides looks moderate enough. It's the
text of the law that simply adds gender pronouns to existing hate speech law.
Robinson is careful not to link to the existing law, but we easily grasp its content by noting that the amendment is to the Criminal Code. I'm not a lawyer, so instead of the legal text, here is Wikipedia on that
criminal code. Peterson is right.
Again, I don't think Robinson is lying.
There is a funny space that some people on the left occupy that blinds them to facts. They are just very odd people.
To paint Peterson as a space cadet, Robinson presents a "random" transcript of 17 minutes of a YouTube lecture. He then dares the reader to read all the way through because it's so spacey. I lost the dare. In print, the lecture is full of anecdotes and asides that make it hard to follow. But if you have 17 minutes and have not watched Peterson, this
YouTube lecture is a good one to start with. As a lecture, it is enlightening, in places very funny, and finally at the end a little sad. Two thoughts: Robinson may have shot himself in the foot, as some of his cohorts might actually watch this video. They will see Robinson in the same negative light as I do.
If you believe the claim that this video, which clearly does not translate to print, was selected "at random," please come to Florida, because I have some prime land for you. In today's world, you'll make a fortune growing oranges.
One of the reasons why unfettered speech is vitally important is that
it's our only alternative to violence. Peterson makes a couple of recurring points here. One is that he, like most men, knows how to stand up to other men who have unfairly trespassed. We all know that in a serious - say again, serious - dispute, things can get physical. Peterson says in a variety places that no one respects a man who makes it clear that under no circumstances will he stand up for himself. His second point is that physical force is clearly prohibited between men and women. It is forbidden, and for good reason. But that prohibition can put men in an untenable position. It is important to recognize that problem.
Robinson reads this prohibition as Peterson regretting that he can't hit a woman. That's pretty amazing. Here is the video in question.
Decide for yourself. But our man doesn't stop there. He stoops to the lowest of all internet tactics: he quotes from the comments section. I never know who is serious or even who is, in a case like this, a troll saying things I've never heard right-of-center people say. I think Robinson understands the problem. Not for lack of trying, I can't find a place to leave comments on the Current Affairs website.
A recurring theme in Peterson's work is the need to fix yourself before you reform the world. The world is made up of complex systems. It requires a competence to change a complex system for the better.
It is much easier to destroy a complex system than it is to improve it. One step on the road to competence is to fix yourself. Peterson says to develop some competence. Clean your room before you try to reform the whole world.
While he means that literally, he also means it metaphorically.This sends Robinson into a frenzy of lists of things that people like him aim to fix, and these things are of greater importance than a tidy room. He completely ignores competence. I do not have space here to debate all the issues, but it is clear that
many of the reforms designed to help the disadvantaged have done more harm than good. Rather than get too far afield, I'll say just this: black unemployment is at an all-time low and continuing to improve. Liberals, progressives, socialists, or whatever had nothing to do with that. Programs they want to implement will actually undo this progress.
A final point: There is a paradox. Like me and many other folks on the right, Peterson is a fan of the socialist George Orwell. Virtually everyone knows
1984 and
Animal Farm. Few people are familiar with
The Road to Wigan Pier. It is a fabulous book that is divided in half. The first half is a heartbreaking picture of the brutality of working-class life in early 20th-century England. It catalogs what the left wants to call the contradictions of capitalism. But it's not that at all. It paints a clear picture of the deprivations caused by the social and personal disruptions of moving from near subsistence farming to an industrial economy. It's terrible, but so is what came before it.
Peterson spends many lectures movingly describing these deprivations. He is also, like many of us, interested in the second half of the book. In it, Orwell describes his total disgust with socialists.
They are not interested in alleviating suffering. They are smug, resentful, bratty snobs who want to strike out at people. That pushed Peterson away from socialism, as it did me and many other people.
Robinson says we should work on our reading comprehension, because here is Orwell's conclusion: "To recoil from Socialism because so many socialists are inferior people is as absurd as refusing to travel by train because you dislike the ticket-collector's face."
I read that line as a teenager. My opinion has not changed: Orwell was wrong. Socialism puts the government in charge of all economic resources. When people realize they and all their relatives are mere economic resources, then the depraved nature of individual socialists takes on paramount importance. They are the inferior people who under socialism run everything - run it badly and run it cruelly. We see that in every instance, in every part of the world, where socialism's been implemented. When Orwell wrote
Wigan Pier, socialists were neither nice nor competent. In Robinson, we can all see that they've gone downhill. Had Orwell lived to see the drivel published by Current Affairs, it's quite likely he'd rethink that quotation.
It is possible that Mr. Robinson's room is neat and tidy. His magazine and his writing are not. His work is creepy in its dishonesty. He should clean up his act. That would start with an apology for the garbage he's spread in this essay. When that's done, maybe we'll listen to his ideas for reforming the world. Well, maybe.
Reader Comments
(Only kidding)
Great people always get persecuted... and the victims honoured. Our species is not learning. There is our pollution.
Blessings Thorpy
n.b. win52... did you know that the creature associated to the 52 is the black panther? (google totem animal b.p.)
Jordan Peterson: The Kwakwaka'wakw controversy
Last week, Pankaj Mishra @nybooks offered his opinions about my life and my work in the New York Review of Books. He also touched upon my affiliation with Kwakwaka'wakw artist Charles Joseph...It's about socialism. I see socialism as common sense, fairness and equality. All jobs from the lowest to the most respectable - by today's standards - as necessary for society to function smoothly. In what is that wrong ? Capitalism is what has brought dangerously close to war. Communism is not better. So what else then ? Why is it that socialism does not work ? I sure would like answers because neither of the three works, apparently. Anyone up to the challenge ?
It does not work because it is a man-made system, just like the other two.
From Cathy Newman’s repeated, “So you’re saying women should...” or “So what you’re saying is we should all just...”
And from the Robinson essay... I’ve noticed this feature often enough that I find myself wondering, “Is this repeated insistence/fear that Jordan Peterson is actually TELLING people to be horrible.., is that a significant differentiator between people who are inclined versus disinclined to take issue with him?”
When Peterson talks about Lobsters, for instance, my impulse is to think, “Ah. So that helps explain some of the differences we see manifesting in society. There is a biological component which expresses in behavior.”
I do not think, “Oh, because this Lobster argument makes sense, I must set aside my personal agency and conduct myself like a Lobster because that is Good and Right; because it is moral. ”
Those are not the same. It is a subtle, but vital difference. I do not crave authoritarian rules to tell me how to behave. The Radical Left, however, seem to actually think that Peterson wants people to punch women!
And we see it: Radical Leftists are obsessed with rules. Enormous energy has been spent trying to work out the most moral and fair stance in any given area of life, from statues to gender pronouns, they exhibit a desperate desire to establish and enforce rules not just of conduct, but of belief and expression, across entire populations.
If you are wired to seek and adopt top-down rules which govern your personal behavior at the level of your cognition and beliefs, then I can reasonably see why there would be alarm at the contention that Humans and Lobsters share certain biological traits which govern social hierarchy behavior. To an authoritarian, rules of behavior once established, are meant to be followed uniformly, without any space allowed for personal choices which fall outside the prescribed options.
For non- authoritarians, however, Peterson’s observations are more akin to an exploration of WHY things are as they are, providing self-knowledge which in turn provides power and options. When you understand the root of your impulses, the nature of your inner monster, you become equipped with the tools necessary to make rational choices, to use your wonderful neocortex to question blind impulse and to choose according to reason. -To choose, if you like, to live efficiently; to recognize that certain social structures are not fabricated from whim, but have deep components; if you want to change how things work, to make them work better, you first need to know how they work.
If you deny those mechanisms even exist, (and certainly not within you!), if you pretend they are make-believe ‘social constructions’, then you are at the mercy of those impulses, of your shadow self, and no draconian law or campaign of punishment, (shaming or mob-bullying) will serve to improve anything. In fact, they will only make things worse because not only are you are not attacking the root issue, you are attacking unrelated support systems which may be essential for your survival. Swinging a sledge hammer around in the engine room while wearing VR goggles, pretending to be fighting zombies (or nazi-zombies); whatever inner demons you happen to be projecting on the world rather than dealing with them in yourself.
Those who wish to outsource their personal responsibilities, who wish to not even see their inner dark drives, to project and punish them in others, and to do it by submitting to draconian laws, are naturally going to want very much for Peterson to shut up.
-And they cry out, “But you’re empowering Nazis with your words!”
I submit: People most likely to believe this are in fact recognizing something in themselves which they are afraid to confront.