Ron Paul, war on weed
© AP / Steve HelberAfter Attorney General Jeff Sessions decided to roll back an Obama-era policy that led to a hands-off approach on marijuana law, former Rep. Ron Paul (pictured above) said: "The war on drugs is a totally illegal system. It's an excuse to violate civil liberties wholesale, and Jeff Sessions has been one of the worst."
Former Rep. Ron Paul hit out at Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Saturday over his decision to roll back an Obama-era policy that led to a hands-off approach when dealing with marijuana in states where it has been legalized, and called for Sessions to resign.

The new policy allows federal prosecutors to decide how to prioritize resources to crack down on states that have allowed adults to posses recreational pot.

"He represents something that is so un-American as far as I'm concerned," Paul told CNN's Michael Smerconish. "The war on drugs, to me, is a war on liberty."

"I think that we overly concentrate on the issue of the drug itself, and I concentrate on the issue of freedom of choice, on doing things that are high risk. We permit high risk all the time," Paul said. "We do overly concentrate on what people put into their body."

"The war on drugs is a totally illegal system," Paul said, adding that it's "very questionable constitutionally."

"It's so terrible. It's an excuse to violate civil liberties wholesale, and Jeff Sessions has been one of the worst," he said.

Sessions has come under fire from Democrats and politicians hailing from states where marijuana is legal, including Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo.