Trump poll
© Brendan McDermid / Reuters
The ongoing very public quarrels between President Donald Trump and the news media represent a "generally unhealthy" relationship, most Americans said in a new survey.

Overall, 83 percent of respondents to a newly released Pew Research Center survey agreed that Trump's problematic relationship with media outlets is "unhealthy," while 73 percent said the tensions between the president and journalists "are getting in the way of Americans' access to important political news."

Concerns about this "unhealthy" relationship hit at least 78 percent across all demographic groups considered by Pew. The highest concerns were among Democrats (88 percent), those making between $30,000 and $74,999 (87 percent), and Hispanic respondents (87 percent).

Of the more than 4,000 people surveyed, 94 percent said they were aware of Trump's damaged connections with news media, with 72 percent said they have heard "a lot" about it. Only six percent had heard nothing at all about trouble between news media and Trump.

Young Americans were least likely to have heard of these tensions; 55 percent of those aged 18-29 said they have heard "a lot" about the Trump's hostile relationship with new media. This is compared to 71 percent of those 30-49; 77 percent of those 50-64; and 86 percent of those 65 and older.

Comment: So the older one is in the US, the more likely they are to, at the very least, notice the tensions between Trump and the media - even if they don't necessarily understand the reasons for it.

The survey did not ask respondents about who they blame for the tensions or what they would like to see happen to resolve them.

Other polls released of late have not been kind to Trump. An AP-NORC poll released this week found that 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Trump's performance as president. About the same number of people said the US is headed in the wrong direction. At 50 percent, Trump's handling of the economy received higher approval marks.

Meanwhile, Trump received just 35 percent approval from respondents to a new Quinnipiac poll, a mark that is three points below his predecessor Barack Obama's lowest approval rating in the same poll. In 2013, Obama stood at 38 percent approval in a Quinnipiac survey.