putin trump
Unwilling to wait for history to become, well, history, a Marin County legislator wants to make sure state schools teach students about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, requiring the topic in history classes.

Assemblyman Marc Levine, D-San Rafael, said he is introducing a bill to require the State Board of Education to develop curriculum to ensure "all California students will learn how the Russian government conspired to influence the United States Presidential Election to elect Donald Trump," according to his office.

"The work of 17 intelligence agencies including the FBI and CIA confirmed Russian interference in our election," he said. "This is a threat to our democracy and must be treated with appropriate significance in American history."

While federal authorities have said Russia was behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and the leaking of Hillary Clinton's campaign emails, a full inquiry into the matter is pending. Congressional leaders have called for further investigation into Russian involvement, as well as the handling of information by FBI Director James Comey in the lead-up to the election.

President-elect Donald Trump blasted outgoing CIA Director John Brennan after he said Trump does fully understand Russia's threat to the world. "I don't think he has a full understanding of Russian capabilities and the actions they are taking on the world," Brennan told "Fox News Sunday." Trump responded via Twitter, criticizing the CIA's record under Brennan and alleging a "fake news" leak. Trump aimed for a stronger relationship with Russia, and has been critical of U.S. intelligence after it concluded the Kremlin helped him win the eleciton.

Both President Obama and President-elect Trump have said they believe Russia was involved in the hacking, though Trump has questioned the assertion that Russia acted to benefit him.

Levine said if California requires state curriculum to include the information, other states would likely follow suit.

"California is the largest textbook market in the nation," he said. "Textbooks approved in our state are used throughout the country."

Typically, determining classroom curriculum is a long public process, with the Board of Education adopting guidelines. In rare cases, the state legislature has required topics to be included in curriculum. A bill signed by Gov. Jerry Brown in September, for example, requires that financial literacy be taught in six grade levels.

In 2011, the state required schools to include the history of the LGBT community and gay rights.

Levine apparently to want to get a jump on the past, ensuring a current event is eventually a history lesson.

"Through this legislation," he said, "we can make sure students in California and across the United States receive accurate information about the 2016 Presidential election."