© onenewspage.comA mumps outbreak at Harvard University has affected 40 members of the school community.
Many people are already aware of the mumps outbreak at Harvard University that has spread to forty students, developing in recent weeks from two isolated cases that were discovered on campus earlier this year in late February. [1]

The irony of this outbreak is that it has occurred only among vaccinated students.

The MMR vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella has long been the subject of controversy, with its connection to autism, earning a starring role in the highly publicized recent documentary Vaxxed.

Now, you will learn why the MMR vaccine has more reasons to be criticized than just for its role in creating symptoms of autism in children.

Why Aren't The MMR Vaccines Working?

Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Health Security, claims that vaccines are not strong enough to provide sufficient antibodies to people who live in the close living spaces of college dormitories. "The exposure that they have to mumps is so high in these situations that it overcomes the ability of the vaccine to protect them." [2]

According to neurologist Dr. Russell Blaylock, vaccines actually decrease cellular immunity, which is much more critical for disease protection than antibody levels. Dr. Blaylock's research also demonstrates that if any immunity is actually provided from vaccines, it is limited. [3]

Comment: Blaylock: Big Pharma Vilified Researcher for Threatening Vaccine Program
The truth is that the case against the present vaccine schedule is very powerful and built on the findings of some of the most prestigious researchers in the world. The problem is the media and academia are so controlled by the pharmaceutical giants that the general public has no idea that this research even exists.

It is now known in the research world that questioning vaccine safety is a career killer. Researchers who dare to do so have been fired, denied research grants, their articles are rejected by the more "prestigious" science journals, and they are no longer invited to speak at national meetings. The atmosphere of fear is pervasive - all generated by the pharmaceutical giants and their minions...

The data demonstrates that millions of people are seriously injured and thousands die as a result of vaccine complications every year. In many cases the damage caused by the vaccines exceed the risk of the disease being vaccinated against - such as is the case with the chickenpox, tetanus, measles, mumps, hepatitis B, and HPV vaccines.

The United States is the most over-vaccinated country in the world and evidence is growing that we are trading an "illusion of protection" by vaccines for a massive increase in vaccine-related chronic diseases.