The incident occurred on November 3rd, 2013, when Officer David Maiella stopped Carbone, telling her it was because "she did not apply her turn signal at least 100 feet before the intersection." The police chief and DA arrived shortly after and began to interrogate the woman, asking her if she had any drugs on her. She informed them she did not. Maeilla then claimed he detected an odor of marijuana and arrested Carbone for DUI, in spite of the fact that he conducted no field sobriety test. He patted her down and found no drugs. He obtained a warrant to search her vehicle - again, no drugs.
Kimberlee was then taken to the Lawrence County Correctional Center, where she was instructed by corrections officers to strip naked, bend over, spread her buttocks, and cough. Again, after no drugs were found, she was forced to "prod her personal areas by inserting her fingers into her vagina." With Carbone crying hysterically at this point, the officers again instructed her to bend over, spread her buttocks, and cough. Still, nothing. Horrifyingly, the woman's torture did not end here.
She was then taken to Jameson Hospital for an extensive body cavity search, where it was decided by Dr. Bernard Geiser that Carbone was in need of treatment "for a possible overdose, rectal packing and/or oral intake of a controlled substance." Carbone, knowing she was certainly not at risk of an overdose, declined treatment, and as a result, was bound by her hands and feet, strapped to a table, and involuntarily subjected to the first of what would be three "internal inspections," of her vagina and rectum. When no drugs or foreign objects of any kind were found upon the first probing, a CT scan was ordered, during which the DA allegedly told her it would all be over if she would just provide some information, then threatened her, asking her "if she knew what prison felt like." Nothing was found during the CT scan.
Carbone was then subjected to two more cavity searches of her vagina and rectum before she was told she was free to go - five hours after initially being detained by officer Maiella. Five hours of every woman's worst nightmare. She was kidnapped, stripped, tied to a bed, and sexually assaulted over and over again - by the people we are told to trust the most. Police, doctors, and nurses brutalized this woman repeatedly without so much as blinking an eye.
According to the FBI, the summary definition of Rape is: "Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim." There is no doubt that what this woman experienced was rape, over and over again — all of it, so cops could look for a plant.
Since this horrific incident, Kimberlee filed a lawsuit alleging 17 claims of federal and state law violations, the majority of which were recently dismissed by the U.S District Court Western District of Pennsylvania. Carbone plans to continue to move ahead with the remaining six claims. According to public records, the claims dismissed include:
Named in the suit are multiple law enforcement and public officials and healthcare professionals, including: Dr. Bernard Geiser and Jameson employee Kim Fee, Jameson Health System, Lawrence County District Attorney Joshua Lamancusa, Lawrence County corrections officers April Brightshue and Neisha Savage, police officers David Maiella, Terry Dolquist and Sheila Panella, corrections Commander Mark Keyser, and New Castle police chief Robert Salem. An early neutral evaluation hearing has been scheduled for May 10th.- Conspiracy to violate Carbone's rights under the Fourth (unreasonable search and seizure) and 14th (due process) Amendments, conspiracy to commit assault and battery and conspiracy to harm her reputation. These were dismissed against all named individuals.
- Claims of false imprisonment, civil conspiracy and intentional infliction of emotional distress against Lamancusa.
Claims yet to be decided include:
- Violations of Carbone's Fourth Amendment Constitutional rights against unlawful search and seizure against Lawrence County, New Castle and all police officers, Lamancusa and all corrections officers.
- False imprisonment against Geiser, Fee, and all police and corrections officers.
- Negligence supervision against Jameson.
- Battery against Jameson, Geiser and Fee.
- First Amendment retaliation claims against Lamancusa and the police.
- Claims of intentional infliction of emotional distress against the police, corrections officers and Geiser and Fee, Lawrence County and New Castle."
Reader Comments
Time after time it's been proven that people who purposely seek titles of authority or positions of power often abuse that power to boost their hidden sense of low self worth or to hide some personal inadequacy. Simultaneously, public hero worship is a trait associated with authoritarian culture worldwide and in many ways the feelings one receives from it is similar to an addictive drug. Their brains recognize the euphoric feelings or "high" from it and develop a need to constantly increase the "dose" in order to get satisfaction. Like addicts, their behavior eventually becomes irrational and they become monsters.
The state ('advanced', bureaucratic forms of government abetted with technology and mind control) is heavily invested in (and preoccupied with) classifying its citizens. This classification procedure always assures that certain people will be placed well above the law, and of course, that numerous others are correspondingly placed well below the law. Much of this done, with the way money is handled.
Instead of making things more fair and more equal, the state, by always increasing and expanding its role and power, through greater and greater taxation and regulation and various other forms of excess, always makes things less equal and less fair, more horrific and insane.
The state is psychologically unfit to rule.
There are currently no lands or territories not under rule by the state.
There is no freedom, no equality and no fairness on earth today. There is no place to run to, or to hide.
And there will never be as long as there is this type of government.
People, everywhere, are completely indoctrinated by a wrongful entity that should never have been.
It is a chronic, disabling disease that is steadfastly worshipped and promoted as the cure.
ned, out
Besides it was all within department guidelines and consistent with conduct protocol, which are there to keep us safe from sexual predators, kidnappers, cheats...