Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Hegseth has described Kiev's ambitions to recover its 2014 borders as "unrealistic, Hegseth has described Kiev's ambitions to recover its 2014...
Quite a trophy, actually. ;)
Excellent article! Almost funny, the way he describes the reactions.
MISS you RC ๐ Enjoy his fav. [Link]
Makes one wonder, which people were cut - the ones making the financial decisions, or the secretaries and janitors.
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Gurdjieff wrote several times, how a man can bring himself into a state, where he knows everything he learned so far. That state is so far from us, its unbelievable. If redirecting force by self-remembering can result in total memory access, a deep sleep and waking up in the morning 'full of energy' should have a comparable effect - albeit significantly lessened.