U.S. Capitol Building
© REUTERS/Jason Reed
How will history judge America 100 years from now? Right now we live in an age were despotism trickles down from the very top where the President resides down to the local dog catcher . I mean from the highest levels of our federal government down to our local municipalities including the county seat. We can see the reign of terror starting with the Department of Homeland Security at the top down to the local county Sheriff, the city police and local constable. It is very obvious seeing the thuggery of Police today abusing the public.

Seeing that Police Officer saying just because President Obama does not follow the Constitution gives him an excuse not to abide by his oath either. Monkey sees, Monkey does. To the Police officer in Halmetta New Jersey who made that remark not following his oath. If he is a married man back then when Bill Clinton was President. I would like to ask him this question. Just because President Clinton did not keep his vows to his wife Hillery sleeping with every woman that aroused him. Does it give you the right to go cheat on your wife because the man in the oval office did it?

A good example of trickle down corruption and tyranny because the leadership we live under has no moral restraint anymore. President Obama leads by his terrible example by not honoring his oath send the wrong message to law enforcement officers nationwide. We can not fault the government for all their criminal ways. Do 'We the people' have to accept responsibility for this mess? Who has failed holding public servants accountable?

Who is the blame for all this trickle down corruption and tyranny? We can not blame to the politicians in all levels of government. The only group is to blame is ourselves. We did not go to city council meetings and county commission sessions. We did not hold our county sheriffs and constables accountable when they abused their power. We did not go observe court cases making sure the accused has due process of law. Since we went to sleep for decades assuming our public servants we elected had our best interest at heart. Because we were so gullible and naive in those thoughts for all these years. We are now experiencing a rude awakening because of our apathy.

The corrupt control freaks who seek to dominate the slaves by their predatory nature do what they do well. That is screw us all over. As we all hoped for the best. We have failed to keep watch or we looked the other way. We are now figuring out how this trickle down tyranny and corruption happened. Many of our local municipalities and state governments sold us out for thirty pieces of silver in the form of government grants with strings attached to do certain task in a binding contract if they want the funding from Washington DC. Even if what is asked of our local leaders violates state laws and the Constitution. That means even if infringing on the rights of the individual is part of the agreement.

Since we did not object or bother to ask questions about what our local servants were obligating us to with these agreements. We now get the government we deserve.

Now we have an out of control government. It does not matter if it is the local government all the way to the top on Capital Hill. The Federal or state government will not overtly go and oppress the population. They will give grant money to the county and city government to carry out certain task without passing any laws by the Legislative process. So do not be shocked at the following because Local government in partnership with Federal agencies attacks our God given freedoms. So again,do not be surprised:

When you see DUI checkpoints.

When you see home gardens banned by a zoning ordinance just passed the city council or at the county seat.

When farmers markets are shut down under the color of law.

When the city or county seizes a person land under a environmental reason with out just compensation because of UN Agenda 21.

When Lemonade stands on the street corner are told to close shop because they do not have a business license.

It seems over the top to see what was legal for decades is now being outlawed by our local and state governments. These infringements to our economic as well as our person liberties has happened nationwide in many small communities and big cities. The reason is our local elected politicians are doing the dirty work for the Federal Government without an act of congress for Federal funds. This is done through the unelected bureaucracy using the rule making process circumventing the Constitution implementing these programs called joint partnerships by contract known as cooperative agreements. This is how our local and state governments are corrupted by our Federal government. Just follow the money.

So what is the solution to take back our homes and communities from the trickle down moral rot from the top? The answer is simple, but not easy.

If we can reclaim our autonomy in our city and county government being free standing. If we want to take back our sovereignty asserting state's rights of self rule where the Federal government has no jurisdiction over us. Than we have made a start knowing where to begin. So where do we start?

We have to rebuild government from the ground up starting with the government closest to us. When I seen the tea party protesting in Washington DC wasting time and energy trying to change a government that is broken beyond repair. The activist's energy would have been better spent at home taking control of our local government. Not making a trip to DC where the government ignore our voice anyway.

The illusion of reforming the Federal government so distant from us holding out hope with every election. We were thinking if the voters sent the right congressmen and senators to Capital Hill who claim to be conservative to speak for us is an exercise in futility. The reason is sooner or later, politicians will be tempted by all the trappings with the perks, privileges and power. This changes well meaning people over time with the best of intentions going to Washington DC. As a result, those who are supposed to represent us become very distant and far removed from the constituents they are supposed to serve.

The grassroots movement starting with the government closest to us is where we can stop the trickle down corruption and tyranny. It is electing moral people to office who will to the best of their ability and integrity uphold and defend the Constitution of their state and the republic.

That means electing a county sheriff who will interpose themselves between the people and the abuse of state or Federal power. Who will serve as a peace officer and not generate revenue for the political coffers. As the highest chief law enforcement officer. He will form the common law Grand jury to investigate local corruption and protecting people from over zealous prosecutors. The conservator of the peace who will laugh at Department of Justice's lunacy in publications calling patriotic groups terrorist as pure hogwash.

Electing a county commission who will govern within it means with what they have and not what they want for their pet projects. They will not send swarms of bureaucrats and deputies out to eat of the people's substance with taxation by citation.

The county seat must respect private property rights of land owners not selling out for every Federal grant that violates the law of the land.

People must elect a city council who will not use the Police Department and the local bureaucrats for generating revenue. The political body must be good stewards with the taxpayers money and resources. That means treating the funds as a sacred commodity for the public benefit. Not as a political tool for personal gain by those who hold office.

The Police chief will not be sent to be wined and dined by the FBI or be trained by Israel's Army to learn how to treat American people like the Israeli defenses forces treat the Palestinians without mercy. He will tell FEMA and DHS when they tell him the veterans are threat to national security. He will throw those publications in the trash and tell the Feds "go take a hike."

Putting an end to this trickle down corruption and tyranny starts with the government closest to us. From the grassroots we can do more than reclaim our God given liberties. We can rebuild our local economies and be self sufficient producing where we live. Waiting for congress to fix things has failed us miserably. The solution has always been in our hands. it is not the responsibility of the politicians to fix problems we ought to be doing ourselves.

A true public servant creates conditions by getting government out of the way so people can be productive reaching their full potential. It is the choice of the individual to seize the opportunity. First we have to vote out of office the political whores who have no regard for the people they are supposed to serve. If we start there. The we made a good beginning

Do not hold your breath waiting for Washington DC to repent from their corruption and tyrannical ways. Do not give up your hopes up for a political fix from the District of Criminals. Our nation's capital is now called the Sodom on the Potomac. I mean so far beyond repair with no redemption in sight.

If we want to stop trickle down corruption and tyranny from reaching our communities at the local level. It starts with us taking action reforming government closest to us. Do you agree?