Fifth grade students at Zeman Elementary School in Lincoln, Neb., were recently sent home with a "flyer" outlining how they should handle bullies. The instructions were apparently deemed so ridiculous by parents that the school district quickly issued an apology and the "inaccurate information" was pulled.

That was after the nine "rules" for dealing with bullies went viral, of course.

Here are some of the more questionable ones:
- Rule #3 Do not be afraid.
- Rule #4: Do not verbally defend yourself.
- Rule #7: Do not tell on bullies.
- Rule #8: Don't be a sore loser
- Rule #9: Learn to laugh at yourself and not get "hooked" by put-downs.
You can read the full list, along with their descriptions in the photo below:

© Screengrab via Jezebel/Facebook
After seeing parents' reaction to the flyer, Lincoln Public Schools issued an apology on its Facebook page.

Post by Lincoln Public Schools.

As noted in the embedded Facebook post above, the school linked to another worksheet on bullying, which includes tips like "contact a school staff member" and "do not minimize or make excuses for bullying behaviors."

Many Facebook users were still not completely satisfied after the apology.

"That list of 9 rules for dealing with bullies was hands down the worst advice any person could give to another," one user wrote. "That it was an 'educator' giving it to elementary age children is just beyond the pale. 'Don't tell on bullies... would we keep our friends if we tattled on them?' - Seriously?!"

"Sorry. This is not a learning opportunity. This is a show of complete incompetence. 1970 called, they want their flier back," another commented.

Others wanted an explanation as to why the "ludicrous" flyer even made it home in the first place.

(H/T: Jezebel)