© Katie McLean | A sink hole is roped off with police tape at 716 West Pierson Road on Friday, March 21, 2014 in Flint
A sinkhole on Flint's north side in near a fire station has exposed gas lines but has not forced the closure of the station.

The sinkhole is west of the Flint fire station six at 716 W. Pierson Road, is adjacent to the entrance and exit for fire trucks, according to City Spokesman Jason Lorenz.

The sinkhole, however, is not stopping fire trucks from going in and out of the station.

"It's more of a hazard to the sidewalk," Lorenz said.

The city has barricaded the area because gas lines are exposed.

City officials haven't closed the station because Chief David Cox Jr. said there is no safety hazard to firefighters, Lorenz said.

Source: The Flint Journal