The youth, who is believed to be in his late teens, is thought to be the victim of trafficking although he is not able to describe what has happened to him.
He is thought to have fled a house in London.
The boy was discovered after approaching a person at a bus station who he heard speaking a language he understood. The person put him in touch with staff at the Coventry Refugee & Migrant Centre in Bishop Street after the boy asked for help.
All he had in his possession when he arrived in Coventry was a letter from a solicitor saying he was "stateless".
He told staff he did not know his name, age, or country of origin. He said he had been trafficked into the country.
Paul Wheeler, from the centre, said: "As far as we can tell he could have fallen out of the sky.
"He doesn't know his own name or his country of origin. We don't know how long he has been in the UK - all we know is that he tells us he got on a bus in London and arrived in Coventry."
The man could be in his late teens to early 20s. He speaks Urdu, Hindi and basic English.
He says he came to the UK when he was around six years old and has been kept in a house in London. He told the centre's safeguarding unit that he was not allowed outside and he did not go to school.
Mr Wheeler said: "He thinks he came to the UK when he was six because "the lady in the house" told him that.
"But when we gently asked what had gone on in the house, he became very nervous and as of now has said nothing.
"We have no idea how old he is."
The Coventry Telegraph understands that the youngster has tried to claim asylum.
The young man has not been working illegally in Coventry and was not asked to come to the city - he simply arrived here on November 11.
Because he is stateless it means he is unable to register with a number of bodies in the UK.
He cannot see a doctor or get help from a number of different agencies.
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