© Dr.TimBall.comDr. Tim Ball
Far from being the final word on climate change, last week's United Nations report suggesting near certainty that human activity is causing a rise in Earth's temperatures is actually further proof that the conventional wisdom is dead wrong and the Earth is cooling right on schedule, according to one of the leading scientists who is skeptical of the climate-change premise.
Last week, the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, reported it was 95 percent certain that climate change was the result of human activity, specifically the burning of fossil fuels that emit "greenhouse gases."
"That's the result that they get when you premeditate your science," said Dr. Tim Ball, former professor of climatology at the University of Winnipeg. "When you set out to establish a certain scientific outcome and you program your computers to do that, you shouldn't be surprised if that's the result you get.
The problem is what they're getting out of their computers is not fitting with what's actually happening. Of course, that's been the problem with the IPCC all along."
Ball told WND the deception of the IPCC and its allies can be seen in how the reports are released, with the policy statement drawing headlines while the scientific information comes later and is largely ignored.
"(The summary for policymakers) is
a document written to scare to public and scare the politicians into providing more funding for their own research and their own political agenda," he said. "The actual science report, which it supposedly is based on isn't going to be released right away. They've always done it his way because the summary for policymakers completely disagrees with what the science report is saying. They know that the media and the public are not going to read the science report. And they also know that if any of them get into it, they won't understand it anyway."
The latest data actually show temperatures have dropped in recent years. The IPCC and other scientists have branded this as a "pause" in climate change. Ball said that characterization implies that temperatures are temporarily holding steady and will inevitably rise again soon. He said that conclusion is dead wrong.
"The temperature is going down and has for 17 years while carbon dioxide increases," Ball said. "According to their hypothesis and model, that's simply not supposed to happen. Rather than doing what they should do and coming out and saying, 'Our science is wrong, our models are wrong and we apologize for all the inconvenience we've caused you,' they're just plowing ahead."
The long-held contention of those who warn of climate catastrophe is that rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere lead to higher temperatures. So if that belief is incorrect, why are temperatures getting cooler?
"The sun is causing the cooling that's going on. The sun reached a peak of activity around 2000 and has been declining ever since," said Ball, who noted that the cooling trend will continue for years to come.
"We're heading toward what occurred around the year 1800. It was called the Dalton Minimum of low sunspot activities," he explained. "We certainly are down to that in number of sunspots this year. That means the cooling will continue at least until 2030 and yet the government is preparing for warming, which is outrageous. Some people think that this cycle of sunspot activity and global cooling will take us down to as cold as it was around 1680, which was the nadir of the Little Ice Age."
More evidence backing up Ball's position comes from the polar regions. New reports from the National Snow and Ice Data Center suggest Antarctic ice levels are at record highs. Ball said the southern hemisphere has been cooling for some time. He believes the clinching evidence comes from the Arctic Circle.
"This was the year that even one scientist at NASA predicted that the Arctic ice in the summer would be gone completely," he said. "Well, there's 60 percent more ice this year than last year and the reason is because of the cooling sun and the cooling temperatures."
Ball also rejects the contention that climate change brings on more extreme weather events, not just higher temperatures. He said hurricane season was very quiet this year and tornadoes were down as well. He chalked up record high and low temperatures to the jet stream shifting from a west-east flow to more of a north-south line.
The "premeditated" science is a major culprit for the climate-change concerns, according to Ball. But he also blames the media.
"The main reason they were able to get away with what they've gotten away with is that a majority of the mainstream media were complicit in what (the IPCC and other scientists) were doing," Ball said. "This is where the Founding Fathers have been corrupted because they believed the media would be the watchdogs, the gatekeepers. The mainstream media have failed completely."
the change from Zonal Flow to Meridonial Flow.
'Some people think that this cycle of sunspot activity and global cooling will take us down to as cold as it was around 1680, which was the nadir of the Little Ice Age." '
the Maunder-type Solar Grand Minimum, or somewhere between that and a Dalton-type Solar Grand Minimum.
'The long-held contention of those who warn of climate catastrophe is that rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere lead to higher temperatures. So if that belief is incorrect, why are temperatures getting cooler? '
What really drives Earth's climate is the amount of UV and shorter high-energy Solar output hitting our outer-atmosphere. Lotsa spots=lotsa UV from Sun, more east-west flows isolating the tropics, subtropics, temperate, arctic zones, and keeping the precious Earth heat in.
No spots = more IR (InfraRed) hitting the outer atmosphere. Unfortunately, this is a re-radiating back to space window, so the Earth loses heat out the poles. Because the outer atmosphere shrinks with no spots, and the flow changes from west-east to more North-South, and the precious Earth heat energy is lost to space at the poles.
Had the MSM been doing it's story vetting, they would have noticed the growth of the Antarctic Ice. And that something was very wrong with the picture of global warming. But, they didn't do what they should have done, and like Dan Rather, they now sport a dotted eye.
There, that's not so difficult to understand, is it?
Carl Sagan would never have even furrowed an eyebrow over this no-brainer.
Because AGW is the biggest, smelliest pile of political bs ever to foul the air.