By posting this article on this web site, are you endorsing Ms. Wood's theories? Or are you merely presenting this article for information purposes, i.e., presenting all possible sides of the discussion? For what it's worth, without going into detail, if you apply Occam's Razor to the available facts, Ms. Wood's theories quickly take a back seat to other more credible theories, like James Fetzer's (et al) views on the use of micro-nukes in combination with nano-thermite, controlled demolition, etc.
I think dr. Jan Pajak had an interesting theory about this phenomenon. The cassies already commented that he is not so hypnotised by the illusion and thus can come to logical conclusions. He works on advanced magnetic propulsion systems. Some of his observations are intriguing and many people tend to disregard these because they think that such things are impossible. But what do I think is that in the universe that is infinite nothing is impossible. So i might think that he is onto something. It might be a good idea to check this with cassies or maybe not who knows.
Hot topic.
What acts like a burning building in free-fall, disappears before it hits the ground, has a funnel-cloud on top, tosses people and vehicles like toys, has paper littered everywhere yet fumes and glows like sodium on fire, makes no seismic impact of importance, no bodies but body part fragments, steel twisted up like wet noodles yet not cracked, lacks mass where gargantuan buildings used to stand, and is blamed on Hijackers armed with box cutters and 2 jets loaded with 600 F burning fuel?
How bad is it?
You could just as easily have blamed it on Invaders from Mars using disintegrating rays, as the implausible Piper Cub school dropouts with 2 757's. The former sounds like sci-fi, and the latters stinks of a cheesy story.
Why not merge the two and blame it on Larry, Curly and Moe The Extra Terrestrial Terrorists.
The Federal Bear isn't interested in any who, what, when, why or how of annoying and messy 9/11 details.
They like thier garbage the old fashioned way, strewing it everywhere and plodding off for greener bins.
We're here because we want to know. Knowledge protects.
It was Niburu beaming up the gold under the WTC! We can't see them because their planet is protected by a hologram projected onto an atmospheric shield of gold mined off the earth by the Sumerians, who used their drills after work to write blogs on prefired clay tablets. After hacking our internet transmissions, the reptilian Niburu ambassador to America traded the Council on Foreign Relations the highly classified Backwater World Domination playbook with full recipes in exchange for a forensic blackout. They still need us for our Cabernet Viticulture and as a backup slave culture for some highly dangerous interstellar mining projects, in case the current miners get macked. That's it!
I am thinking Cold Fission.
NOT Cold Fusion, but low-energy Fission.
Once started, it eats through homogenous metals, etc.
It likes Iron and Calcium (Steel and Concrete).
Marble is missing off one of the buildings facade. Marble is metamorphosed Limestone (Calcium Carbonate).
They were covered in shiny aluminum cladding and had very narrow windows. Not much glass.
All that cladding should have made for a huge pile at the bottom. What happened to the aluminum?
Are there any images of or examination closeups of the cladding?
- from the evidence like presented in the above viedo for example - that someone (PTB) has that technology, we just don't understand the nature of it, cause this knowledge is hidden from the public. Very interesting!
JustPassinThru - basing on your comments i bet you're a shill, why else would you come back here time and again?
The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him who, near two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest.
- Judge Learned Hand
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By posting this article on this web site, are you endorsing Ms. Wood's theories? Or are you merely presenting this article for information purposes, i.e., presenting all possible sides of the discussion? For what it's worth, without going into detail, if you apply Occam's Razor to the available facts, Ms. Wood's theories quickly take a back seat to other more credible theories, like James Fetzer's (et al) views on the use of micro-nukes in combination with nano-thermite, controlled demolition, etc.