© flickrMRE - Meals Ready To Eat
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through the Federal Emergency Management Agency, (FEMA) has placed a rush order of two million meals to be delivered to Floyd Bennett New York Harbor Parks and Lakehurst New Jersey.

The solicitation was placed at 2:30 pm EST on 2 November 2012, with a response time of no later than 8 pm on the same day.

The solicitation was amended less than four hours later for providers to provide a quote of four million meals, preferably of the self-heating variety.

The request is for self-heating Meals Ready to Eat (MRE) with a 13-month shelf life preferred, delivered wrapped and palletized by 4:30 PM local time on Monday, 5 November 2012.

One half will be shipped to Floyd Bennett New York Harbor Parks and that will be due on 6 Nov 2012, the other one million will ship to Lakehurst New Jersey and be due the following day.

However, in the solicitation it is clear that more MRE's may be ordered at the same price and allowances have been made for a quote of 4 million meals to be delivered.

This is not the first time that FEMA has made solicitations for flash deliveries.

In September of this year, FEMA requested a provider to provide up to one million meals within a 48 hour period because of Hurricane Isaac. However, there is no record of any company being awarded that contract.

Hold on New York and New Jersey. Meals are on their way.

Now you know why Preppers try to have two weeks worth of food and water. Help may take a while. Let this be a lesson to all of us, preppers or non-preppers.