Sacramento, California - A poll worker is out of a job, and she says it's all because of an email she sent her supervisor.

The woman says she was concerned about poll inspectors coming to Sacramento for Tuesday's election.

Shannon Lewis has been a poll worker in Sacramento for 15 years. She said she sent that email and was fired 10 minutes later.

"I just tapped out a really fast email," said Lewis.

But that quick email ended Lewis' 15 year job as a Sacramento County pollster.

"I just wanted to get my feelings known and get an answer to the question before polling day," said Lewis.

Lewis' email inquired about something she saw on the internet, United Nations observers coming to local polling stations.

"I was on Facebook one day and I saw this thing that I thought was a brand new thing," said Lewis.

Shannon wrote in her email, "these are not our usual pollsters; they can't vote here, and therefore have no business in/about our elections."

Within minutes she was on the phone with a supervisor who said her services were no longer needed.

"She said 'we can't have any intolerance,' and I said, 'what exactly is it intolerant of?' " said Lewis.

U.N. monitors are not new to U.S. elections. They've been observing here since 2002, but Lewis says she was never told about them during her training.

Sacramento County would not comment on the reasons for her dismissal.

"I didn't make the mistake of doing something on Election Day," said Lewis.

Shannon says she doesn't plan on taking any legal action. She just hopes election officials see this story and are embarrassed by what they did.