Rick Perry's crazy, wacky and absurd speech at an event in New Hampshire is revealing on so many levels. People are saying he was drunk or on drugs. But I think it's deeper than that.

Perry is obviously losing it. He can't contain his fruity nature under the national spotlight. Politics is a big charade that involves repeating a lot of slogans, and it seems Perry is getting sick of saying "Balance The Budget," and "Cut The Government," and "Grow The Economy."

And it's not just Rick Perry who is experiencing some sort of mental collapse or emotional meltdown.

The trend of mental collapse among high-profile U.S. politicians is very visible in the last days of the U.S. empire.

U.S. political leaders are keeping world-changing secrets from the public. And they have a false persona which they present to the American people. Hence their bizarre episodes of mental collapse.

There is John "Insane" McCain who I'm pretty sure is a retard.

Dick Cheney is considered a psychotic and a paranoid mad man by a lot of people, not just so called conspiracy theorists.

George W. Bush was losing his mind, and gave bizarre answers to questions at press conferences.

Barack Obama can't give well structured speeches without the use of a teleprompter. He is not balanced mentally or emotionally. He is not fit to be President.

Herman Cain is another creepy politician who enjoys manipulating people.

I don't want to pick on just American politicians. Israel's Bibi Netanyahu is a crazy demon who wants a war with Iran. French President Sarkozy is a crazy liar. And so are other prominent Western politicians.

I usually concentrate on the destructive policies that these creepy and insane politicians support. I avoid talking about their personal and psychological problems. I think it is a low blow to talk about Perry's homosexuality.

But it is important that we realize that many of these political puppets are destructive beings who are suppressing both state secrets and personal secrets. Self-destructive politicians = destructive policies.

The power elite only raise up politicians to high office who are either brain damaged, clinically insane, psychologically traumatized, mentally retarded, or emotionally screwed up. Like a Sarah Palin, a Rick Perry, a Barack Obama, a John McCain, a George Bush, etc.

There is no question that high-profile politicians like Perry and Obama are emotionally and psychologically broken individuals. They have mental disorders. And that's normal because presenting a fake face to the public takes a lot of emotional toll on an individual.

The shadow kingmakers and puppet-masters who put Obama and Perry in the spotlight are living in the safe distance. They don't suffer from the psychological consequences that comes with lying to the public on a 24/7 basis.

But with manufactured political stars and phony politicians who tell lies for a living, it is a different story. These men lead shadow lives as well as political lives. Some people can handle putting on a false persona, living with a double personality, and lying to the public because of their unique psychological make up.

But every once in awhile a politician like Rick Perry breaks loose from his false persona and starts to act in public the way he acts in private. They stop being a actor. Perry, whose persona is a "macho tough guy," showed his true self in his speech in New Hampshire - a giddy, weird and crazy individual.

Maybe I'm over analyzing and these politicians are just brain dead stupid who love manipulating people.

Palin, Bush, Perry, Obama, McCain, - all of them have very low IQ. They have rocks in their heads. And these are the leading political stars in American politics.

It is really scary how stupid they are.

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson told the Renegade Economist a story about one of these stupid politicians, saying:
"I testified before the Senate Finance Committee under Max Baucus about a year and a half ago, and the subject was Cuba. But, all of a sudden, some other issues came up, as they are want to do.

And Mr. Bunning over here, the Senator who is now railing against and held up some things because of the deficit spending and everything, I made a remark that China had 1.2, 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars in its current account plus, and I said I was concerned about that. And this is what this Senator who is now so concerned about deficit spending said back to me, he said, 'That's alright Colonel, there's plenty more where those came from.'

Two-faced bastard.

But worse. Worse. It's not just duplicity or two-facedness.

He's stupid.

And, frankly, I'm not sure that in our Senate and in our House of Representatives there are more than a handful of not stupid people.

That scares me more than they being all criminals."
Col. Wilkerson said the last part with a straight face and a serious tone.

This is no laughing matter.