"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!" A child shrieking.
"Danny! What is it? What's wrong?" Mother burst through the bedroom door.
"There's a monster in my room!"
His mother sits on his bed and takes him in her comforting arms.
"It's alright Danny, there's no such thing as 'monsters'!"
Danny's mother lied to him. There are monsters in our world.

I have heard and read many stories of abductions by gray aliens. It usually occurs deep in the night. They enter the home of a sleeping person, into their bedroom, standing around the bed without expression. The person becomes aroused by the presence looking down upon him or her. Unfortunately, they can't move. He/she hears a voice in their head, telling them it's alright ("there's no such thing as monsters"). It may happen one time, or it may re-occur, over and over again.

Almost all are taken into a room, inside a ship and a majority shown something either like a movie or actually a movie. The scenes are usually of destruction and the message "implanted" is that we are ruining the earth. Even further, they are told that humankind is to blame. But what have abductees taken from this message a narrow politically oriented position that we are causing Global Warming. Maybe that's why Al Gore has been accused of being an alien! As far as I am concerned Global Warming is one of the biggest conspiracies ever perpetrated on mankind. Do we pollute the air? Of course we do. But the Global Warming hoax was developed to further extend control over We The People and to squeeze more dollars out us!

On the other hand, I must ask, is our planet really in trouble?

I recently watched Michael Moore's movie on Capitalism. While it was well done, and some of it I agreed with, I still feel he really missed the mark. And I bring this up to make this point: We Americans stand around and debate conservative against liberal, and while we're arguing about who's to blame (which we all do a whole lot of), the fox is in the hen house cleaning up! It's always been amusing to me, that when I start talking politics with anyone they assume that I am a Republican, because I am conservative, generally speaking, and they will defend Clinton and Obama to me, attacking Bush. I don't support ANY of them, republican or democrat. But my friend... Don't miss the real issue here... THIS IS THE TACTIC, this is from the original play book, this is the age old manipulation used from the very beginning of the creation of man. Here's the secret to winning (the evil way): create an enemy, a really nasty enemy, then in addition, create a hero. But the hero isn't really a hero. Heroes or champions are virtuous, moral, full of truth and honest through and through. Our country and our lives here aren't comic books and we're not talking about comic book heroes.
"The truth that survives is simply the lie that is pleasantest to believe." by Mary Catherine Bateson
We are indoctrinated in this country to separate everything into two groups, good and bad, good and evil. We are taught to admire superman and despise Lex Luthor, to love Batman and hate the riddler. Now is not the time to go into the delicacies of the two stories. In our time... unfortunately, people often get these icons confused. This is not by accident, it is by design. If everyone hated Hitler in the day, he would have never came to power. Somebody back then believed in him and supported him. Now why is that? Today we look back on history and we can easily see what an evil man he was. Well, we have the luxury of looking back and making a somewhat easy judgment. But when you're in the mix of things, as we are today, it's very hard, if not impossible to see and understand.

We are in the middle of it right now. Who is telling the truth. The Truth has been so beaten up over the years, it's hardly recognizable anymore. So why would alien abductors only talk about Global Warming?

Global Warming... No. Viagra and antidepressants in our ground water... Yes. Processed foods killing us, while the medical field and their associates make billions off The People.... Yes. Economy beyond the point of no return.... Absolutely.
"What luck for rulers that men do not think." by Adolf Hitler
So here we are in the so called modern age. Are we possible subjects of an inquisition? Are we being subject to conspiracies for gain? Are the masses nothing but lemmings, foolishly following? Perhaps, it's that We The People are just trying to survive from day to day, and those with the ability to do so, do take advantage. How far does it go before rebellion begins?

The thing that made Velikovsky so great, was that he was "metascientist". What is that? I've said it many times, he was not compartmentalizing what he learned. He was a holistic researcher. We must do the same. Why aren't aliens who abduct people warning them about other issues? To myself, this is a clear indication that they are purely liars. No difference really from ALL the politicians in Washington. This is why I am mixing the issues here.

We have this tendency to believe what we see, and to believe in a dualistic society. We also get so busy, trying to live our own lives, we don't raise our eyes to see the truck coming until it's too late. So what happens? What is happening right now, as you are reading this? We are subject to every creep, every big business and very likely, many we are not even aware of! Genetically modified foods; dangerous or controlling medications and unnecessary medical procedures; half of our income goes to taxes to support government; our autos and trucks run on fossil fuels - a LOT of fossil fuels, when proven techniques and alternatives have been proven to save each of us hundreds or thousands of hard earned dollars every year; we're fat, lazy, and dependent! We are being taken advantage of.... No it's worse than that!

Not only have our elected leaders and business leaders been using us - our hard work, indeed our lives, to get gain, but they have now become so very greedy that they are fighting each other. And in addition to fighting amongst themselves, their increasing greed has forced them to avoid replenishing the fountain from which they have been drawing their I'll gotten gains. Our infrastructure is failing left and right, people are physically and medically suffering from the greed. It's like the thief that just gets clumsy, robs one too many places, and gets caught. But our scale of things is way way larger!

Now that you are looking at a more holistic view of the issue, include one more item, The Aliens. Doesn't seem to be a part of the schemata? You don't see how they fit into all of this?

Either they are a product of our clandestine government, or if they are extraterrestrial, they are definitely in cahoots with our government. They use the same tactics, they perpetrate the same lies, and it seems they are after the very same things.

Alien Abduction? You live and work in The United States? You've already been abducted....