Wall Street has shown Americans how they feel about protests. This video shows unidentified occupants watching protests from the balconies of Wall Street in amusement while sipping champagne.

"US Day of Rage"

Demonstrations began on September 17 to show U.S. citizens anger over a financial system that favors the rich over all other American citizens. Chanting, "We are 99 percent," thousands of protesters gathered near Zucotti Park, close to Wall Street and began their march. Around 5 pm, while attempting to enter the financial district at 55 Wall Street, they were met by curious onlookers from the balconies who were leisurely watching the protesters and doing the unthinkable--drinking champagne.

55 Wall Street

Who occupies 55 Wall Street? The sprawling, historic Manhattan building is home to the Ciprion Club Residences, a private club as well as residence to Wall Street's élite.

Gathered on the balconies of this home of the rich, men in suits and tuxedos as well as women in silk dresses and business suits, casually sipped on their glasses while smiling and taking pictures, seemingly oblivious to the fight of the 99 percent.

The club has a total of 106 residences (living quarters) and their website asserts, "The club will provide you with everything essential to live the good life."

For onlookers "the good life" is a far different cry then that of the remaining 99 percent.

Essential to most Americans is food, shelter, and a job, they don't have time to dress up and sip champagne while their friends and neighbors get arrested for speaking their minds on a public street.