People have suggested that the blinking lights in this video belong not to UFOs but to fully identified objects; that they are in fact separating rocket boosters as a launch vehicle enters the next stage of its liftoff.
Anybody who purports that "UFOs are closing in" and that they can save us all from nuclear war, is basing those statements on. . , what exactly? Channeled promises from aliens with important-sounding "cosmic" titles? Disinfo designed to gather up the foolish and leave them sitting on hilltops awaiting bogus space-lifts? Or is it just a product of delusional wishful thinking on the part of the video up-loader? Whatever the case, comments like that are by themselves enough to disqualify any other claims made.
And what's with the spooky music? Why is the uploader trying to engage our emotions? Can't we just study this stuff dispassionately?
If this isn't a normal rocket launch, then of course, it certainly IS something weird and interesting, but grains of salt are required I think, and a lot more context.
other than the blinking lights that seem to be flying near the missile, it appears to be a perfectly normal missile exhaust plume. It gets big at the end because the missile is leaving the atmosphere. I did find the blinking lights interesting however.
NASA just did a launch
Aside from those little blinking lights, it did look like a missle going through stages and different levels of atmosphere. NASA did send up a 'rocket' on Saturday .... here's the link:
One of the first things that struck me with this video was the accompanying sound track, we have heard this sound track before. If my memory serves me correctly it was the same sound that accompanied the recent and unusual Kazakhstan Comet sighting. So my first thought was, "Is this the same poster of video, using the same music, if not where did this video come from and who benefits?"
Then the characteristics of transformation from one form of energy to another, seemed like something coming through some kinds of tunnel or window.
What struck me next was the geometry and more or less perfect symmetry of the final stage of this sighting, once whatever this is came through the final part of that window, it reminded me of the geometry and symmetry of crop circles.
What I find interesting is that as the C's mentioned recently, there would be a lot of talk about "rocket launches", and this talk of rockets is a way of masquerading something "non-rocket" as something entirely different. So when I hear folks talking about rocket launches, it makes me highly suspicous.
I have seen many rocket launches and rockets in full flight, but I have never witnessed rockets performing such feats and manoeuvres and outgassing, or changes in energy frequency output. Granted our atmosphere is fundamentally changing and being loaded with comet dust particles, so we are seeing more unusual effects coming from rocket launches, like the recent light sabre effects from a US launch I recently found, but that phenomena is wholly different to this phenomena and have very different characteristics.
Something we do know about rockets, is that there are designed ergonomically in the most cost effective ways, aerodynamically to move fast, as aerodynamically as possible...that's not something we see here. Also rockets are not usually designed to glow a fiery orange hue, and then change from that bright and clearly visible colour to then begin to eject gas/plasma jets as we can see evidenced here in a pretty and somewhat geometric fashion. That would be a pretty lame rocket as it would be highly visible and wasteful and any ejecting of material would cause additional drag, and seeing as rockets are designed to minimise this, again it doesn't add up. Why would anyone design a rocket that puts on such a spectacular show? This would serve no purpose and would also not be cost effective in the rockets design to make it so deliberately "showy", when it's only real purpose is to move fast from launch point to target point.
So what are we left with? Comet, or transdimensional intelligent plasma? Well seeing as both are actually similar plasmid type of entities, and we would expect plasma to act in a similar way as this phenomena does, it could be either. Not a UFO, not a rocket...but maybe a form of Transdimensional Plasma Comet , or a non-cometary transdimensional intelligent plasma entity? I'm going with the latter until I get a synch winke to tell me differently.
what is or what it means: "plasmid"; and what IS transdimensional and what observable characteristics does it possess?
Ok so another symbolic synch wink. Today in the UK we have had unusually clear skies all day, not a single cloud in view at all, the first clear sky since my last sighting of some high strangeness in our skies that I described as a form of Transdimensional-Intelligent-Plasma or TIP. With my comment above, I wasn't sure this was the same type of anomaly, so I mentioned I'd wait for a sign or synch wink either way to decide whther it was a cometary type plasma event or an intelligently directed type event...I just got my sych wink about 40mins ago in my back yard.
I was out there going for a smoke with my housemate, and just lighting up and commenting that I loved clear skies at night. The sky was filled with around a half dozen airplanes at various altitudes, but as we both cast our gaze to the south, we saw a plane with it's bright flashing lights, and then we saw something else. At a lower altitude and travelling from a Western to Eastern direction were two small bight continuous lights, obviously not planes, and flying slowly, spaced out from each other at slightly different altitudes, but travelling perfectly in synch. Before these objects, which I felt were two clear examples of TIP's had a chance to pass the limits of our vision (as obscured by our house) the leading TIP dimmed and vanished, with the second tip retaining it's course and direction for just a few seconds more before also vanishing before our eyes. So my minds been made up, as I've had what I feel to be a synch wink letting me know I was on the money...what were witnessing above is a form of Transdimensional-Intelligent-Plasma, performing the equivalent of a light show for us to bear witness too, and a sign for those with eyes to see, to open their minds to the possibility, potential and concept or for those with structural blinders, to ignore the symbolism as they do with crop circles and carry on as they are unto whatever karma awaits for those who ignore the signs of a Divine Cosmic Mind.
I realise I may draw the ire of many for sharing this as I have, but last time I shared a sighting like this, I was pleased to find the next day a news item confirming that I was not alone in seeing the signs, so I'm hoping I wasn't the only smoker out there again with eyes open and I hope I wake tomorrow to find someone who has had a chance to capture the motion in the ocean waves again ;o)
The universe often speaks to us in signs, it is up to each of us, too either acknowledge these signs as they were intended or to refute them and remain wilfully ignorant to the learning we can gain from them ;o)
...this is the launch of Progress M-03M - a spacecraft used by the Russian Federal Space Agency to resupply the International Space Station (ISS). The launch took place on 15 October 2009.
Now, I'm not sure what those pulsating dots are but I'm just assuming them to be something falling off the rocket. Could be wrong - but they certainly are not alien craft shooting a "Russian missile" down.
What is interesting - of course - is the atmosphere and how it reacts to a stimulus like this one. We saw that before with the "spiral in the sky" footage.
The most interesting aspect here, in my opinion, is that somebody took this footage out of context and blatantly manipulated it to fall under the agenda of alien disclosure. Sheesh, everything is a UFO now!
It's like - for "them" - it's much easier to admit to an existence of extraterrestrial life than to talk about rocks falling on our heads!
could be a screen to keep peoples minds interested in a spielerei whilst something else goes up or comes down! Adam7117 has a good explanation...theres a lot of fakery on the internet just for the hell of it....soon we wont know the truth when we see it...and yeah, as Woodsman says - "And what's with the spooky music? Why is the uploader trying to engage our emotions? Can't we just study this stuff dispassionately"?
Having grown within 15 miles of the Cape Canaveral Testing station (1942 - ) I can comment on the video with some degree of knowledge. The expansion viewed is typical of an upper solid booster stage during separation and boost. At altitude the plume of the exhaust expands into the near vacuum conditions and produces the glowing expanding cloud. The blinking lights are probably some debris released during separation and staging. I may not be 100% accurate but I can assure you that this looks like a typical rocket launch and staging. I saw nothing that appears to be anomalous. All of us are looking for something that confirms our innermost suspicions regarding UFO's and ETs. Good luck and keep looking.
On James McCanney's website he has MP3 archives of his (mostly) weekly one hour radio talks.
His April 26, 07 talk he speaks of the earth itself having a number of electrical fields that act somewhat like the sun powered solar system capacitor (that's my interpretation of his work).
What this means is that an object entering the earth space and discharging the earth capacitor may take on the characteristics of a comet.
Unfortunately he doesn't supply a great deal of detail - but I thought of these rocket light trails when I heard the talk.
He's great fun to listen to - he's got some well-targeted political comment, too.
The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him who, near two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest.
- Judge Learned Hand
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Damn, but this article has an Aqua tune playing in my head: "I'm a Barbie Girl, In a Barbie world. My brain is plastic, and it's Fantastic!"...
Pretty spectacular if it's not CGI. Seems like we do have some friends in high places...