Or did it?...
On September 11th 2001, eyewitnesses to the attack on and collapse of the Twin Towers said:
"At first I thought it was -- do you ever see professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear "Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop"? That's exactly what -- because I thought it was that." - Daniel Rivera -- Paramedic (E.M.S.) [Battalion 31Had enough 9/11 lies yet?
"... it almost actually that day sounded like bombs going off, like boom, boom, boom, like seven or eight, and then just a huge wind gust just came."
- Thomas Turilli -- Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.)
"... that's when the south tower collapsed, and it sounded like a bunch of explosions."
- Stephen Viola -- Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.)
"I guess about three minutes later you just heard explosions coming from building two, the south tower. It seemed like it took forever, but there were about ten explosions." - Craig Carlsen -- Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.)
"I should say that people in the street and myself included thought that the roar was so loud that the explosive - bombs were going off inside the building."
- James Drury -- Assistant Commissioner (F.D.N.Y.)
"My initial reaction was that this was exactly the way it looks when they show you those implosions on TV." - Thomas Fitzpatrick -- Deputy Commissioner for Administration (F.D.N.Y.)
Did you see that bird fly into it?? It must have been hijacked by 11 eveel muslims, and all masterminded by the immortal Osama Bin Laden. Quick take away my freedoms before they do it again....