Today in Basra, Southern Iraq, two members of the British SAS (Special Ops) were caught, 'in flagrante' as it were, dressed in full "Arab garb", driving a car full of explosives and shooting and killing two official Iraqi policemen.
This fact, finally reported by the mainstream press, goes to the very heart of, and proves accurate, much of what we have been saying on the Signs of the Times page for several years.
The following are facts, indisputable by all but the most self-deluded:
Number 1:
The US and British invasion of Iraq was NOT for the purpose of bringing "freedom and democracy" to the Iraqi people, but rather for the purpose of securing Iraq's oil resources for the US and British governments and expanding their control over the greater Middle East.
Number 2:
Both the Bush and Blair governments deliberately fabricated evidence (lied)about the threat the Saddam posed to the west and his links to the mythical' al-Qaeda' in order to justify their invasion.
Number 3:
Dressed as Arabs, British (and CIA and Israeli) 'special forces' have been carrying out fake "insurgent" attacks, including 'car suicide bombings' against Iraqi policemen and Iraqi civilians (both Sunni and Shia) for the past two years. Evidence would suggest that these tactics are designed to provide continued justification for a US and British military presence in Iraq and to ultimately embroil the country in a civil war that will lead to the break up of Iraq into more manageable statelets, much to the joy of the Israeli right and their long-held desire for the establishment of biblical 'greater Israel'
Coming not long after the botched London bombings carried out by British MI5where an eyewitness reported that the floor of one of the trains had been blown inwards (howcan a bomb in a backpack or on a "suicide bomber" INSIDE the train ever produce such an effect), more than anything else today's event in Basra highlights the desperation that is driving the policy-makers in the British government.
British intelligence would do well to think twice about carrying out any more 'false flag' operations until they can achieve the 'professionalism' of the Israeli Mossad - they always make it look convincing and rarely suffer the ignominy of being caught in the act and having the faces of their erstwhile "terrorists" plastered across the pages of the mainstream media.
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The REAL face of "Islamic Terror" - Two SAS agents caught carrying out a false flag terror attack in Basra, Iraq September 20th 2005. |
Official:British troops freed in jailbreakFrom the WashingtonPost
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- A British armored vehicle escorted by a tank crashed intoa detention center Monday in Basra and rescued two undercover troops heldby police, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official told CNN.
British Defense Ministry Secretary John Reid confirmed two British militarypersonnel were "released," but he gave no details on how they werefreed.
In a statement released in London, Reid did not say why the two had beentaken into custody. But the Iraqi official, who spoke to CNN on conditionof anonymity, said their arrests stemmed from an incident earlier in theday.
The official said two unknown gunmen in full Arabic dress began firing oncivilians in central Basra, wounding several, including a traffic policeofficer. There were no fatalities, the official said.
The two gunmen fled the scene but were captured and taken in for questioning,admitting they were British marines carrying out a "special securitytask," the official said.
British troops launched the rescue about three hours after Iraqi authoritiesinformed British commanders the men were being held at the police department'smajor crime unit, the official said.
Iraqi police said members of Iraq's Mehdi Army militia engaged the Britishforces around the facility, burning one personnel carrier and an armoredvehicle.
Video showed dozens of Iraqis surrounding British armored vehicles and tossinggasoline bombs, rocks and other debris at them.
With one vehicle engulfed in flames, a soldier opened the hatch and bailedout as rocks were thrown at him. Another photograph showed a British soldieron fire on top of a tank.
"Many of those present were clearly prepared well in advance to causetrouble, and we believe that the majority of Iraq people would deplore thisviolence," Reid said. [...]
Iraqi security officials on Monday variously accused the two Britons theydetained of shooting at Iraqi forces or trying to plant explosives. Photographsof the two men in custody showed them in civilian clothes.From ChinaView (orginally pooled from the BBC)
When British officials apparently sought to secure their release, riotserupted. Iraqi police cars circulated downtown, calling through loudspeakersfor the public to help stop British forces from releasing the two. Heavygunfire broke out and fighting raged for hours, as crowds swarmed Britishforces and set at least one armored vehicle on fire.
Witnesses said they saw Basra police exchanging fire with British forces.Sadr's Mahdi Army militia joined in the fighting late in the day, witnessessaid. A British military spokesman, Darren Moss, denied that British troopswere fighting Basra police.
Iraqi police detained two British soldiers in civilian clothes in the southerncity Basra for firing on a police station on Monday, police said.
"Two persons wearing Arab uniforms opened fire at a police stationin Basra. A police patrol followed the attackers and captured them to discoverthey were two British soldiers," an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua.
The two soldiers were using a civilian car packed with explosives, the source said. He added that the two were being interrogated in the police headquarters of Basra.
The British forces informed the Iraqi authorities that the two soldiers were performing an official duty, the source said. British military authorities said they could not confirm the incident but investigations were underway.
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