

Meteor fireball disintegrates over Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua

bolide over South America
Immagine della meteora mentre si disintegra, vista martedì sera in vari paesi del l'America Centrale.
Reports on Elnuevodiario (translated by google) confirm sightings of a meteor fireball disintegrating on December 27th over Guatemala, El Salvador and parts of Nicaragua. In some areas of Guatemala people indicated that they saw up to seven flashes in the sky.

Videos of the event, which caused astonishment among the people, were widely shared on social media.

Fireball 4

Green meteor fireball streaks across West Michigan sky

green meteor fireball over Michigan
© YouTube/WOOD TV8 (screen capture)
It's is not something you expect to see on your drive home from work.

As Andrew Gunneson drove south on U.S. 131 from M-57, his dash cam caught a quick flash in the night sky. It was a meteor falling on the horizon.

What fell is technically a fireball, based on how bright it is, but it's not clear where exactly it fell or if it even reached the ground.

Fireballs form anytime space debris collides with the atmosphere. They often burn up after a few seconds, so it's not easy to track the type of debris that fell.

Gunneson described the bright light as green in person. According to the American Meteor Society, green means the material flying through the air is made up of nickel.

Comment: The American Meteor Society (AMS) received over 110 reports about a fireball seen over IL, MI, IN, Ontario and KY on Monday, December 26th 2016 around 22:52 UT.

meteor fireball over Michigan map
© AMS/Google (screen capture)

Comet 2

Incoming star Gliese 710 could spawn swarms of comets when it passes our Sun

Gliese 710
© ESOArtist’s impression of Gliese 710, a sun-like star that will travel through our Solar System’s Oort Cloud in about 1.3 million years.
For years, scientists have known that Gliese 710 will come excruciatingly close to our Solar System in about a million years. An updated analysis suggests this star will come considerably closer than we thought, during which time it's expected to spawn dangerous cometary swarms.

Gliese 710 is currently 64 light-years from Earth, but for all intents and purposes, it's heading straight for us. A new study published in the journal Astronomy and Physics projects the close encounter will happen about 1.35 million years from now, and that the star will come within 13,365 AU of our sun (where 1 AU is equal to the average distance of the Earth to the sun), or 1.2 trillion miles. At that distance, it would take light 77 days to reach the Earth.

That's obviously far, but not in cosmological terms. That distance is well within the Solar System's Oort Cloud—a large bubble of ice and rock that surrounds the sun to a distance as far as 50,000 to 200,000 AU. So while Gliese 710 is sure to avoid a direct hit with any object in the inner Solar System, it'll likely travel through the Oort Cloud. And with its tremendous gravitational influence (it's about 60 percent the size of our sun), it'll perturb the many large rocks currently sitting idle way out there in the outer reaches. This star is poised to send a shower of comets into the inner Solar System, possibly causing a serious impact event with Earth.

Fireball 2

Three meteor fireballs recorded over France in three days

meteor fireball over France 17.12.16
© YouTube/OGVT - Observatoire géophysique, Val Terbi (screen capture)
On 17th December 2016 a sporadic meteor was recorded over France by the private geophysical observatory at Montsevelier, Val Terbi in Switzerland.

Sporadic meteors are usually considered as random occurrences not associated with any particular meteor shower, such as the Geminids which have been observed this month.

Fireball 2

Large meteor fireball illuminates the sky over Colombia

This bright green fireball exploded several times in the sky of Colombia and Venezuela on December 16, 2016.
This bright green fireball exploded several times in the sky of Colombia and Venezuela on December 16, 2016.
A large exploding fireball illuminated the night sky of Colombia on December 16, 2016.

The Geminid bolide struck the skies over the municipalities of Bucaramanga, Girón and Zapatoca of the department of Santander and the municipality of Yopal of the department of Casanare. A similar sighting was reported from the Venezuelan state of Apure.

Numerous users of social networks have reported how a ball of fire ran through the skies of Colombia on Friday night.

Fireball 3

Fireball spotted over Swiss skies

A meteor was filmed above Montsevelier from Val Terbi in Switzerland. Specialists can take a look at the spectrum of the meteor that was captured by the dedicated camera. A spectrum can be used to determine the composition of a material.
meteore and spectre Montsevelier
The meteor above Montsevelier.

Fireball 2

SOTT Exclusive: Four Fireballs Streak Across Irish Sky

On Tuesday, December 13th 2016, Sharon Owens, a resident of Bodyke, Co.Clare, Ireland, reported seeing not one but four fireballs streak across the morning sky.

Not long after sunrise, Ms. Owens spotted the first of four very bright meteors from a window of her home. Speaking to, Mrs. Owens stated:
"I was actually pulling the curtains in the morning at the windows at the back of my sitting room and saw [the first fireball] between the trees. I then got my phone camera and ran outside with my daughter and stood at the side of the garden taking photos. I was able to get a clearer picture from there so was sure what I was seeing.

I've watched enough videos about meteors/fireballs, so I knew what these were. I was excited to see one, but then to see 3 more straight after was amazing. They came in one after the other. They were white and had a brighter front. The end of the tails were sort of wiggly and breaking up. They were going really fast and I heard a bang, but only from one of them."
Below are two images of the fireballs photographed by Ms. Owens.
Fireball over ireland sharon owens
© Sharon OwensOne of 4 fireballs seen over Bodyke, Ireland this morning

Fireball 4

Huge meteor fireball illuminates night sky over Spain (VIDEOS)

meteor fireball over Spain
© videoslavoz / YouTube
A huge fireball hurled across the night sky in Spain at an approximate speed of 72,000 kilometers per hour. It was visible in all parts of the country and is believed to be a piece of an asteroid.

The fireball was first spotted by Spanish scientists at 22:25 local time on Sunday as it passed over the southern regions of Andalucia, Granada and Jaen.

The object was described as a part of an asteroid to El Pais by Jose Maria Madiedo, an astrophysicist of the University of Huelva.

It was "considerable in size" so that "it could survive its passage through the Earth's atmosphere," Madiedo told Europa Press.

Comment: NASA space data supports citizens' observations that - meteor fireball activity is increasing dramatically!

statistics meteorites fireball
For more about fireballs over Spain see Jose Maria Madiedos' Twitter profile, or Youtube, or page about fireballs and meteors.

Fireball 5

Meteor fireball photographed hurtling towards ground in Wraysbury, UK

Meteor over Wraysbury, UK
© Windsor Observer
Two young eagle-eyed sisters from Wraysbury were on hand to catch an astronomically rare photograph of a meteor hurtling towards the ground last weekend.

Phoebe, 12, and Jasmine Hale, 13, from Douglas Lane, spotted the burning space rock from a bedroom window in their house before running outside to the Wraysbury carp fishing lake behind their house to capture it on camera.

The girls' mother, Jamie Hale, said the sisters thought it might have been something else at first. She said: "Phoebe was looking out of her bedroom window at the back of the house and she could see something with flames falling from the sky.

"At first she thought it was a plane going down! "She ran down to the bank of the lake with Jasmine and Jasmine took her phone and took the photo.

"They said it was falling really fast and they watched it until it went out of sight. "They realised, when watching it, that it was a small meteor."

Fireball 3

Massive meteor fireball explodes several times off the coast of Norway

Fireball Norway
The fireball that exploded off Norway
A huge greenish fireball exploded several times off Norway on December 6, 2016 sparking fears among residents from both western and eastern Norway.

The meteor, 50 times brighter than a full moon, turned the night sky into day at 5:15am. Many people were awaken by loud booms.

5:15 am, December 6, 2016, the sky off Norway suddenly lit up. A huge fireball exploded over the Norwegian Sea, southwest of Sogn og Fjordane. Reports of the glowing blue sky were reported as far south as Kristiansand.

Calculated path of the huge fireball that exploded off Norway on December 6, 2016.
© The Norway Meteor Network Calculated path of the huge fireball that exploded off Norway on December 6, 2016.
A camera from the Norvegian Meteor Network, situated in Olso some 500km away, captured the powerful sky event:

This next video was shot from Bergen, Norway:


statistics meteorites fireball