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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Big Pharma: the Medical Mafia

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If you believe pharmaceutical corporations hold the health of the general public in high regard, it's time to reconsider. The industry is filled with examples of wrongful death, extortion, fraud, corruption, obstruction of justice, embezzlement, fake journals, harassment and hit lists that would make even the most hardened Mafia godfather blush. This week on the Health and Wellness show, we take a close look into the atrocities perpetrated on the public by this massive, psychopathic industry and emphasize alternatives to being another brick in the pharmaceutical pyramid. As always, we'll feature Zoya's Pet Health Segment.

Join us Friday mornings at 10am EST, where we expose the lies and emphasize the truth about health in our modern world.

Running Time: 01:56:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Non-Grexit, Iran sanctions, and Operation Jade Helm

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In the aftermath of the unexpected climb-down by the Greek government following its successful referendum, speculation is rife as to why the Syriza government suddenly capitulated to the Troika's 'austerity' demands. One rumor has it that Putin turned down Tsipras' request to fund Greece's return to the drachma. But was that ever in the works? And what happens now for Greece?

Iran is celebrating the 'nuclear' deal that will lift international economic sanctions, but as the country opens its doors to foreign investment, who is the real winner in this situation? Elsewhere in the Middle East, a 'terrorist attack' in Kurdish Turkey is blamed on ISIS, and immediately followed by Turkey joining the 'Western Coalition' bombing of Syrian targets. How convenient...

With military exercise 'Operation Jade Helm' underway in the US Southwest and cops continuing to 'fire at will' and get away with it, Americans of all color are justifiably anxious about what's going on. The answer may lie in Secret Government calculations about 'The Big One', a catastrophic earthquake in the US West, or with impending natural disasters in general.

Your hosts will be discussing all that and more on this week's episode of 'Behind the Headlines'. Tune in this Sunday, 26th July 2015, from 2-4pm EST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 01:59:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Weekly Broadcast - 25 July 2015

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your hosts Harrison Koehli and Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

This week, join our hosts as they discuss the latest week in news.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:00:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Psychiatric drugs and the Moral Compass

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This week on the Health and Wellness Show we'll be discussing Psychiatric drugs and the disruption of the moral compass.What are some of the dangers and pitfalls of psychiatric drugs? How have they damaged our society? We'll be discussing these topics and more. Tune in Weekly, Fridays at 10am EST.

Running Time: 01:49:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Anti-Empire Report - Interview with William Blum

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On this week's episode of 'Behind the Headlines', Sott Radio Network co-hosts Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley discussed current affairs with author, historian, and U.S. foreign policy critic, William Blum, whose popular online newsletter, 'The Anti-Empire Report', chronicles the global horror that is US foreign policy... or rather, empire-building.

Disgusted at what the United States government was doing in Vietnam, William quit his post at the US State Department in 1967, and became a freelance journalist in the US, Europe and South America. He was also a founding editor of the Washington Free Press, the US capital's first 'alternative' newspaper.

In the 1970s, William worked with former CIA officer Philip Agee in exposing CIA personnel and their misdeeds around the world. Among his many books on US foreign policy, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, first published in 1995, is critically-acclaimed as the best book on the topic.

Running Time: 01:41:00

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Snakes in Suits

SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: The myth of the myth of the psychopath

There are some recent trends in the field of psychopathy: whitewashing, denial, and glorification of psychopathy. On this edition of the Truth Perspective, we go into the reasons why they are completely wrong.

We also discussed the latest shooting in Chattanooga with its similarities to other shooting events in the US, and the recent rumors surfacing that the Dutch Safety Board may be implicating Russia in the MH17 crash.

Running Time: 01:52:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Understanding Grexit - Banksters, Austerity, Debt Control

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Forget the funny money, this is war against the people. And not just the people of Greece, although they're currently in the firing line. On this week's episode of Behind the Headlines, we'll be looking at the context that is woefully absent from the utterly inane mainstream media narrative surrounding 'the Greek debt crisis'.

The euphoria of last week's resounding 'NO!' to austerity in the referendum has quickly given way to bitter acrimony in Greece, following the resignation of maverick Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and the apparent capitulation of Prime Minister Tsipras to the EU's demands for the imposition of austerity measures.

How did this situation come about? And whose debt is it really? Will Greece be forced out of the Eurozone currency? What might happen if it does? Do Eurocrats and European leaders even understand what they are doing? And what is Washington's interest in this apparently intra-European affair?

All this and more this Sunday, 12th July 2015, from 2-4pm EST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 01:28:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Joachim Hagopian: US Empire's Psychopathic Psyche Exposed

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This week's guest on The Truth Perspective is Joachim Hagopian. Joachim, a licensed therapist, is best known for his hard-hitting blog, 'American Empire Exposed' ( where he outlines the drives, policies and actions of the U.S. military/industrial imperial juggernaut. His articles can also be found on Global Research.

Joachim's unique perspective comes from his experiences as a West Point Military Academy graduate and a stint in the U.S. army where he learned, first hand, which characteristics were nurtured in an individual; which were punished, and which were rewarded.

Based on this period in his life, Joachim wrote a personal account of his realizations in an online book called 'Don't Let the Bastards Getcha Down' ( where he gives a firsthand account of how the military mindset actually regards individuals, and what some of the powerful and most well-known U.S. military leaders do (many of whom are West Point graduates) to attain their positions of power.

Join us as we discuss the many disturbing dimensions of the American Empire, where it is today, and where it is leading us.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events. Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:02:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Ireland's Holocaust - Interview with Chris Fogarty

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Our special guest this week on Behind the Headlines is amateur historian Christopher 'Chris' Fogarty. Fogarty was born in Chicago and raised on a farm in Ireland. He worked with his father on contract-plowing, meadow-mowing, and on a threshing mill. He has a degree in civil engineering and has worked around the world on major engineering projects. He served with the U.S. army in France.

He has spent years investigating the truth about the Irish 'famine' and runs a website where he exposes the truth that the deaths of up to 5 million Irish people in the 1840s was a result of systematic policy by the British to starve the "rebellious Irish". He has been a regular columnist for the past nineteen years in Irish American News, runs the web site and is the author of Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it 'Perfect''

Chris has been a keen observer of the trials of Irish republicans in London, Dublin and the Cullyhanna reenactment/investigation. He was 'honored' by being framed by MI5 and the FBI for triple murder of the Langert family. Weeks prior to his trial he was warned by an FBI agent that British and US intelligence were planning to "silence him" because of his human rights advocacy on behalf of Irish Catholics in the north of Ireland.

Chris is the Chicago agent of the National Graves Association (Ireland) and is in the process of systematically installing grave markers over some of Ireland's hundreds of Holocaust mass graves.

Running Time: 01:53:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: In-dependence Day Nonsense

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your hosts Harrison Koehli and Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

This week, join our hosts as they discuss that glorious American holiday Independence Day, and why you're not as free and independent as you think you are.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:01:00

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