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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Interview with Joachim Hagopian

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your host Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

This week on The Truth Perspective Joachim Hagopian returns to discuss the biggest geopolitical developments we see in the world today. Always putting these events into broader context, Joachim's insightful analysis can be found on his blog American Empire Exposed, as well as his regular contributions to

He is also the author of a manuscript entitled Don't Let the Bastards Getcha Down which is an account of his experiences as a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. And has worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for nearly 25 years.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:07:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Willpower

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January 18th has been dubbed by the media "Blue Monday", the most depressing day of the year. Among other factors, like weather and post holiday finances, one of the contributing factors to this depressing day is that it's usually around the time that people have failed at their New Years resolutions. We thought this would be a good time to discuss willpower, what it is, how we can build more of it and what impediments stand in the way for us to follow through with our goals.

Join us Fridays at 10am EST for the SOTT Talk Radio Network's Health and Wellness Show, where we expose the lies and emphasize the truth about health in our modern world! With us as always will be resident animal health expert Zoya with her weekly Pet Health Segment.

Running Time: 02:00:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Fascism 2.0 - Mass hysteria against refugees in Europe

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New Year, new show time! Behind the Headlines will now be broadcast 2 hours earlier than previously, that's 12-2pm EST / 5-7pm UTC / 6-8pm CET

New Year celebrations apparently passed relatively uneventfully in Germany, which last year took in a staggering 1.1 million refugees fleeing Western wars in the Middle East and North Africa. But then, four days later, descriptions of very ugly scenes in Cologne emerged in the media.

People took to the streets to protest against 'sexual terrorism' committed by 'a thousand' refugees, officials began retracting and contradicting earlier statements, and mass hysteria broke out in Germany and across the Western world as the media hinted at a massive cover-up.

On today's episode of Behind the Headlines, we're joined by Dutch editor Amari Roos to discuss the backlash against refugees in Europe, the latest developments in the Middle East, the many 'Islamic terror'-related incidents around the world thus far in 2016, and some of the recent extreme weather events.

Join us from 12-2pm EST / 5-7pm UTC / 6-8pm CET this Sunday, 17 January 2016, for a global perspective on current events

Running Time: 01:39:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Provocation towards destruction

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your host Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

The Occupation in Oregon, US military infringement on Iran's waters, media-perception-creation of immigrants in Cologne - what do these and other stories we've been reading all have in common? Again and again, by hook or by crook, we continue to see the forces of governments, media and the Western-influenced militaries seeking to covertly and overtly divide and conquer the cohesion and cooperation of normal human beings. How and why is this being done? And how can we battle such insidious influences that so many are so largely effected by but unaware of?

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:17:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: A Closer Look at Depression

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According to, there are an estimated 121 million people worldwide who suffer from depression, affecting as many as 1 in 10 Americans, and diagnoses are growing at an alarming rate. Depression is also shown to be correlated with higher rates of other negative health outcomes, including obesity, heart disease, and stroke, as well as social factors including higher rates of unemployment, divorce, sleep disorders, lack of education and lack of access to medical insurance.

Today on the SOTT Radio Network's Health and Wellness Show, we take a look at the latest research on depression including its causes and strategies on dealing with it. The mainstream view on depression is that it is a result of a "chemical imbalance" that can be rectified with medications. But is this really the whole picture? How do infections, toxic load, diet and social factors contribute to depression? What can an individual do for themselves or loved ones to try to get on top of this crippling condition?

Join us Fridays at 10 am EST for the Health and Wellness Show, where we expose the lies and emphasize the truth about health in our modern world. With us, as always, will be resident animal health expert Zoya, with her weekly Pet Health Segment.

Running Time: 01:59:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Christmas in Syria - Interview with Eva Bartlett

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This week on Behind the Headlines, we're interviewing - for the second time - freelance journalist and human rights activist Eva Bartlett, who was on this show two months ago. Bartlett was aboard the Dignity, one of five Free Gaza relief operations to successfully sail to the Gaza Strip in 2008. She ended up staying in Gaza for some time, reporting from there during Israeli Operations 'Cast Lead' in 08/09, and 'Pillar of Defense' in 2012.

In the last couple of years, Bartlett has been one of the few Western journalists to report truthfully on the situation in Syria, a country she has visited several times, including independently on a journalist visa. Bartlett recently returned from spending 8 days over Christmas in the war-torn country, where she attended conferences, visited recently liberated districts, and met Syrian officials, religious and community leaders.

Listeners can find Eva's writings on Syria and Palestine at her blog,, and support her continuing work as a voice for the voiceless through

We hope you'll join us from 2-4pm EST / 8-10pm CET, this Sunday 10th January 2016, for an account of life in Syria you won't hear anywhere else.

Running Time: 01:32:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: The controlled demolition of Europe and the world

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your host Harrison Koehli, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

2016 hasn't had an auspicious start, from the New Year's Eve assaults in Cologne, Germany, to the DOW's worst first week in nearly a decade. In Cologne reports say a 1000-strong mob of 'migrants' caused mayhem, sexually assaulting at least 100 women in the streets. What does this event mean, and what does it portend for the future? Join us as we discuss this and other news from the new year.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 01:07:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Does Knowledge Trump Diet?

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Despite the fact that there are many people who are doing good work in the intricacies of exploring the ideal diet for humanity, it often seems there are missing pieces of the puzzle as far as having a solid foundational understanding of the ponerized world we live in. Likewise, some who do a great job of exploring the playground of the psychopaths in which we live, looking into the corruption, violence and complete lack of logic in which we're embedded, yet don't seem to have a clue about the importance of getting the human machine into an optimal state of health.

Our question stands: does anyone out there have the whole banana? Can looking into the minutiae of dietary knowledge act as a distraction from a wider view of the world in which we live? Or can we get lost in the big picture and forget about the importance of working on ourselves?

Join us on Fridays at 10 am EST as we discuss this subject and more on the SOTT Radio Network's Health and Wellness Show. With us as always will be resident animal health expert Zoya with her weekly Pet Health Segment.

Running Time: 01:46:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Nations of Entropy, Nations of Creativity

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your host Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

While it may not be quite as 'black and white' as the title suggests, there are different spheres of 'behavior' among many governments that do point towards a particular direction that certain countries are striving towards. For instance: What does sound economic policy look like among countries that are seeking to be constructive? How is force applied when a country is aligned with the forces of destruction? And what are the things that the leaders of these countries say and do that suggest sincerity, or duplicity?

The contrasts we see are stark, but seem lost on all too many of the propagandized people of the world. But with the plethora of objective information being revealed today concerning geopolitical events, we can certainly make some important distinctions that point to some clear truths.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:06:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: New Years Resolutions: Biohacking!

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As we pass the arbitrarily chosen date to mark another successful pass around the sun, it is traditional for residents of this Big Blue Marble to reflect upon the year that's passed and make resolutions, of varying degrees, to attempt improvement in some facet of our lives.

Today on the Health and Wellness Show on the SOTT Radio Network we'll be looking into the phenomenon of New Years resolutions, but more specifically, we'll be picking out some good ones for turning around one's health in 2016. Whether you're not in the best state of health or are just looking for ways to take your body, mind and emotional health to the next level, there will be something we cover that will address ways you can make your 2016 your healthiest year yet!

Join us Fridays at 10 am EST for the SOTT Radio Network's Health and Wellness Show. With us, as always, will be resident animal health expert Zoya, with her Pet Health segment.

Running Time: 02:12:00

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Here's the transcript of the show: