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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Water: What Do We Really Know?

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Water: it makes up the majority of our planet and our own bodies, filling everything from the earth and skies to our own cells. Yet what is actually known about this mysterious substance, so vital to life? It may surprise us to find that, despite its prevalence in our lives, scientists admit that there is still a great deal to learn about water. Does water have a "memory"? Are there really only three phases of water (liquid, solid and vapour) or is there a "fourth phase of water?" Does water create energy? When we speak to water, does it listen? Is there a structure to water?

All of these topics and more will be explored today on the SOTT Radio Network's Health and Wellness Show. Join us every Friday at 10am EST as we expose the lies and emphasize the truth about health in our modern world. With us, as always, will be resident animal health expert Zoya with her weekly Pet Health segment.

Running Time: 01:49:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Objectivity in a subjective world - Truth versus Lies

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This week on Behind the Headlines, Joe, Niall, Harrison and Bahar will be discussing the role of morality in politics (or rather, the lack of it), and will continue a discussion begun on the Truth Perspective show: the value of objectivity in a world gone mad.

What is truth and why is it important? What does it mean to 'be objective'? If people's beliefs about the world shape their individual experiences, and ultimately co-create the world they share with others, then a world saturated with lies, (apparently) harmless myths and dangerous narratives leads people to create a world in which they (and most others) are hopelessly miserable.

Is there a solution to this profound problem? What if people changed their beliefs? Would this create a happier, more stable world, at least for those who changed? But on what basis should people change their beliefs? And why bother if the only apparent change in the external world is that it keeps getting worse?

Join us this Sunday February 14th from 12-2pm EST / 6-8pm CET / 5-7pm UTC as we get to the heart of the matter at the eleventh hour for modern civilization.

Running Time: 02:06:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Being objective in a subjective world

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your hosts Harrison Koehli and Elan Martin, and fellow SOTT editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

This week, we'll be picking up where we left off last week, with a discussion on objectivity. What does it mean to be objective? Is it possible, and if so, is it desirable? In what ways do we fail to be objective, and what can we do to become more objective? Join us for a broad-ranging discussion on a topic many would ignore, or abuse for their own purposes.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:05:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: The Zika Virus: Hype vs. Reality

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Zika! Ebola! Swine Flu! We're constantly bombarded with new and even more scary viral threats to public health in the media. But how legitimate are these threats? And how complicit is the media in fearmongering? Today on the Health and Wellness show we'll cover these topics and more. How does this process of hype happen, what could it be covering up, if anything, and who are the real victims here? We'll also discuss other threats to public health that are not as discussed as these "viral" stories.

Joining us as always will be Zoya with the Pet Health segment. Be sure to tune into the Health and Wellness show on the SOTT Radio Network every Friday at 10am EST US. Thanks for listening!

Running Time: 01:59:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: US Election Farce, Social Disintegration and Economic Armageddon: Happy Days!

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With statements like "I beat China all the time!" and "I could shoot someone and not lose voters!" potential future US Prsident Donald Trump epitomises all that is great about America, if by the word 'great' you mean 'mindnumbingly idiotic'. The good news, however, is that most of the other potential POTUS' are an equally horrible lot, so at least there's some consistency. If it is true that the people of a country get the leaders they deserve, then what does the line-up for the next "commander in chief" say about American society?

But Americans shouldn't feel too bad, Europe (and much of the rest of the world) is in equally dire straits, both at the political and social level. Someone appears to have decided that it's a good idea to try and tear the fabric of European society apart by flooding the union with desperate and angry refugees, along with a smattering of jihadi terrorists, thereby inflaming racial, religious and ethnic tensions.

Meanwhile, there are growing signs that that strangely self-aware animal known as the 'global economy' is in very poor health, and may even be planning to throw itself off a fiscal cliff in the near future, dragging us all down with it.

A perfect storm of mindless inanity and fecklessness at the global leadership level, hysterial and xenophobia at the social level, and unfettered greed at the economic level, seems set to blow up in all of our faces. Time to sit back and watch the show?

Join your regular hosts Niall Bradley and Joe Quinn, and our special guests Elan Martin and Bahar Azizi, for a discussion of the madness that passes for normal life on planet earth at the end of Empire. This Sunday 7th February: 12-2pm EST 6-8pm CET.

Running Time: 02:06:00

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Here's the transcript of the show:

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Finding Inspiration in a World Growing Dark

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your hosts Elan Martin and Harrison Koehli, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

As we continue to see the encroaching darkness and chaos that seems only to be spreading in the world, this week on the Truth Perspective we'll be sharing the stories, ideas and methods of finding inspiration that will help us to thrive in the midst of it all. The light of inspiration is all around us and may be found and used to fuel us forward in powerful ways. How and where do we find this inspiration, and having done so, how do we share it with others so that its light grows further? Join us as we discuss these themes and as we view them in the context of recent major news.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and SOTT, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:12:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Depression and the Insanity of the World

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Corruption, war, human suffering, disease - there's seemingly no end to the level of insanity and evil that prevades the world around us. It's unsurprising that many who are paying attention will succumb to feelings of depression, anxiety and an intense lonliness.

What's the right perspective to hold on the insanity that surrounds us? How can we continue to function when the world seems bent on descending into chaos? Are we really alone in our unceasing efforts to pay attention to reality, left and right? Is there anything left to be hopeful for?

All these subjects and more will be explored today, as we look into how to stay sane in a world gone mad. With us, as always, will be resident animal health expert Zoya, with her weekly Pet Health Segment. Join us Fridays at 10am EST for the SOTT Radio Network's Health and Wellness Show.

Running Time: 02:12:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Staying Sane in a World Gone Mad

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Do you ever feel like you're the only one in your area or family that seems to understand what is really going on in the world? As a result, do you feel depressed isolated, fearful? It's natural to feel this way when we begin to see and understand the real and often shocking truth about how the world operates. But it can also be struggle. What you once thought was your purpose in life can fall away, leaving you wondering where to turn next and what, if anything, you can do to stop the madness on our planet.

This week on Behind the Headlines we'll be sharing our thoughts about facing the horrors of life on planet earth and where we can still find inspiration, purpose and willpower, and how diet and lifestyle are directly involved in achieving those goals. In this task, we'll be joined by hosts of the Health and Wellness show, Doug DiPasquale and Tiff Miller.

We hope you'll join us on Sunday January 31st 2016 from 12-2pm EST, 6-8pm CET for what may be one of the last Sott Radio Network shows to be hosted by Blogtalkradio, because we're ditching these losers and striking out on our own.

Running Time: 01:53:00

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Here's the transcript of the show:

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Interview with Robert Fantina

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your hosts Harrison Koehli and Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

This week, we are pleased to interview activist, journalist and author Robert Fantina. Robert is a long-time critic of U.S. policy and activist for the cause of the Palestinians. His latest book is Empire, Racism and Genocide: A History of U.S. Foreign Policy. How does the U.S.'s history impact its present? What's really going on in the Middle East? And what do Americans and the world have to look forward to with the coming presidential elections? Tune in Saturday to find out!

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and SOTT, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:04:00

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Here's the transcript of the show:

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Psi Phenomena and the Health Connection

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Is our experience of high strangeness have more to do with the foods we eat, our health status or with a toxic environment? Do gaps in our knowledge leaves us predisposed to the paranormal and some of its negative effects? Today, we'll discuss the paranormal, psi phenomena, sleep paralysis and much more!

Join us Fridays at 10am EST and 16:00 CET for the SOTT Talk Radio Network's Health and Wellness Show, where we expose the lies and emphasize the truth about health in our modern world! With us as always will be resident animal health expert Zoya with her weekly Pet Health Segment.

Running Time: 02:08:00

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