SOTT Radio Network


SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Western Hypo-cracy Unmasked: Interview with Eric Draitser

Eric Draitser on PressTV
This week on SOTT Talk Radio we spoke with Eric Draitser, an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City and the founder of Draitser is a regular contributor to Russia Today, Counterpunch, the Center for Research on Globalization, New Eastern Outlook, Press TV, and many other news outlets. Draitser also hosts 'The Reality Principle' podcasts, available here.

Chinese accused of cyber-espionage, 'pro-Russian terrorists' running rampant in Eastern Ukraine, 'pro-democracy rebels' oppressed by dictators in the Middle East, the U.S. well on the road to economic recovery... To read and listen to the Western media you'd be forgiven for thinking that black is white and white is black. Regularly exposing the trillion-dollar-debt levels of hypocrisy in the corporate media, our guest this week has been on the front lines in the information war.

Running Time: 01:09:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: NATO, from Regional Defence Pact to Global Military: Interview with Rick Rozoff

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This week on SOTT Talk Radio we spoke with Rick Rozoff, an investigative journalist who lives and works in Chicago. An active opponent of war, militarism and intervention for over 40 years, Rozoff manages the STOP NATO website and writes on the threat of international militarization, especially in the form of the globalization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Rozoff contends that NATO is the first attempt in history to establish an aggressive global military formation. It currently includes a third of the nations of the world, either as members or partners, has members and partners on five continents, and has conducted active operations on four, with the potential to expand its reach into the remaining two where it has not yet officially intruded itself.

Running Time: 01:50:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Lessons from collapse of USSR for USA: Interview with Dmitry Orlov

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This week on SOTT Talk Radio we spoke with Dmitry Orlov, a Russian-American engineer and a writer on the subject of societal collapse.

Born in Saint Petersburg, Orlov moved to the U.S. at the age of 12. Visiting his homeland between the late 1980s and mid-1990s, he was an eyewitness to the collapse of the U.S.S.R.

Orlov has written extensively on the stages leading up to collapse, and how different groups of people adapt to 'the new normal'. Orlov argues that the U.S. is heading the same way, and that the U.S.S.R. had it easy compared to what's in store for the Atlantic Empire.

Orlov is the author of two books Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects, and The Five Stages of Collapse: Survivors' Toolkit, and regularly publishes essays at his Club Orlov blog.

Running Time: 01:38:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Curing Diabetes and Other Modern Illnesses: Interview With Dr. Antti Heikkilä

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Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in our modern world. Millions of people worldwide suffer from type 2 diabetes, and up to one third of the world's population is pre-diabetic. Caused by disturbances in the metabolism of a hormone called insulin, diabetes is a serious illness affecting the whole body and leads to many complications, even premature death.

Dr. Antti Heikkilä is a surgeon and orthopedic and traumatology specialist at Eira Hospital in Helsinki, Finland. He strongly criticises the current treatment for diabetes that is based on the use of large amounts of insulin, as well as a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates. According to Dr. Heikkilä, this officially recommended treatment worsens the condition, by confusing insulin metabolism even more. Insulin is not harmless, it is a poison, and excess amounts cause much damage in the body.

Dr. Antti Heikkilä's work is based on solid clinical experience of over 43 years, as well as many reliable published studies. Dr. Heikkilä's recommendation for the treatment of diabetes is a natural and nutritional diet low in carbohydrates. Many of Dr. Heikkilä's patients have been able to come off their medication or have completely cured themselves with a low carbohydrate diet.

Dr. Heikkilä is the author of Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes as well as dozens of medical papers

Running Time: 01:59:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: The 'Wetiko Virus' and Collective Psychosis: Interview With Paul Levy

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Born in 1956, Paul Levy graduated with degrees in art and economics and has had a lifelong intense interest in the work of C. G. Jung. As a result of an intense personal trauma in 1981, he began a process of spiritual awakening that led him on a 'shamanic descent' and a quest to understand the fundamental nature of reality.

Paul is the author of: The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis and Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil

In his books Paul explores and explains that we 'disown' our innermost, drarkest thoughts and feelings and project them outwards onto others and the world, a process he compares to the Native American Indian concept of "wetiko". Paul has stated that "there is a contagious psychospiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind, that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions. This mind-virus covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests."

Running Time: 01:48:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Into the supernatural: Interview with parapsychologist Stephen Braude

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This week on SOTT Talk Radio we're interviewing Stephen Braude, philosopher, academic, parapsychologist, author and pianist. Braude is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and former Chair of the Philosophy Department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, past President of the Parapsychological Association, and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Scientific Exploration.

A lifelong student of psychic phenomena, Braude has written extensively on the central issues in parapsychology, publishing over 60 philosophical essays, along with 5 books, including: Immortal Remains: The Evidence for Life After Death, ESP and Psychokinesis: A Philosophical Examination, and The Gold Leaf Lady and Other Parapsychological Investigations. Stephen's sixth book, to appear summer 2014, is titled: Crimes of Reason (Rowman & Littlefield).

Broadly speaking, parapsychology is the study of mediums, telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, reincarnation, and other supernatural and paranormal phenomena. Tune in from 2-4pm EST (11am-1pm PST, 8-10pm CET) as we venture into the broader reality Official Science is scared to explore!

Running Time: 02:01:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Interview with David DiSalvo: What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should Do the Opposite

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David DiSalvo is a science writer and public education specialist who writes about the intersection of science, technology and culture.

His work has appeared in Scientific American Mind, Psychology Today, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Chicago Tribune, Mental Floss, Slate, Salon, Esquire and other publications, and he is the writer behind the widely read blogs, Neuropsyched, Neuronarrative and The Daily Brain.

David has also served as a consulting research analyst and communications specialist for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several public and private organizations in the U.S. and abroad.

His first non-fiction book, What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should Do the Opposite, has been published in 10 languages. His second book, The Brain in Your Kitchen, is available in e-book format at Amazon. His latest book, Brain Changer: How Harnessing your Brain's Power to Adapt can Change your Life, is available at all major booksellers.

Running Time: 01:05:00

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Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Interview with Greg Palast

Greg Palast is an investigator of corporate fraud and racketeering turned journalist, and a man that members of the 'elite' love to hate. War criminal Tony Blair labeled him a liar, a White House spokesman simply stated "we hate that sonovabitch", but to the rest of us, Palast is one of the most important investigative reporters of our time who deserves our appreciation for his untiring work in exposing the unbelieveable levels of corruption that define modern political and corporate policies.

As part of his investigation into the 2000 US Presidential election, Greg uncovered evidence that Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, and Florida Elections Unit Chief Clay Roberts, along with the ChoicePoint corporation, rigged the ballots in 2000 and that there was widespread election fraud again in 2004.

Palast is the author of New York Times bestseller The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, as well as Democracy and Regulation: how the public can govern essential services, and Armed Madhouse; undercover dispatches from a dying regime. His documentary films include: Bush Family Fortunes, The Assassination of Hugo Chavez, Billionaires and Ballot Bandits and Vultures and Vote Rustlers.

His latest book is Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores (2012).

A fascinating conversation with a very rare breed of human being. Don't miss it.

Running Time: 01:47:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Information theory, or why your brain is not your mind

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Is your brain really your mind? Is matter the only thing in the universe? Does neo-Darwinism fully explain evolution? In the last few years, we've seen several controversies erupt in the worlds of science and academia, from Rupert Sheldrake's banned TEDx talk to philosopher Thomas Nagel's infamous book Mind and Cosmos, both of which question the modern scientific worldview and its account of the origins of life, the universe, and consciousness. What should we make of it all? Does the mainstream view really explain the world as we know it, or are there better options?

Returning to SOTT Talk Radio this week is Harrison Koehli, writer and editor for Red Pill Press, to talk about his upcoming book on these topics, tentatively titled Mind Matters. The book takes a hard look at the modern scientific worldview, its inherent absurdities, the facts it ignores, and a possible way out of its seemingly insoluble problems: information theory. We'll also be discussing the recent and enigmatic disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, and why we shouldn't exclude the possibility that it might have a paranormal explanation. Our reality may be way more paranormal than we think.

Harrison will also give some updates on new and upcoming publications from Red Pill Press.

Running Time: 02:10:00

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Quenelle - Golden

SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Vladimir Putin: 'Dictatorial Thug' or Anti-Imperialist Stalwart?

In recent weeks Russian President Vladimir Putin has gone from being a relatively obscure leader of the Russian Federation to a house-hold name around the world. As part of that process, he has been subjected to 'trial by Western media', and the judgement is conclusive: he's a 'thug' determined to reestablish the Soviet Union at the expense of the people of Ukraine who simply want some good old fashioned freedom and democracy.

But is the portrayal of Putin accurate, or even close to accurate?

From his political origins as an agent of Russia's FSB, to his nomination as Prime Minister amid 'Chechen terrorist attacks' on Russian civilians, to his current confrontation with the American Empire over Ukraine, Crimea and much more, this week we'll be delving into the details and asking the question, 'Who is Vladimir Putin?'

Running Time: 01:53:00

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