For hundreds of years, the New World was the dumping ground for the misfits and criminals of Europe. The indigenous peoples of the Americas were their first victims. Will those who once cast off their rejects now stand up and face the consequences?
Hello Vatican, Europe, Britain, Africa and all of those other nations and authorities who used the "New World" as the dumping ground for their undesirables, their criminally greedy, their power mad, their intolerably dishonest, their delusional, their mentally deficient and dangerously violent members, for well over 300 years. We, the tattered, surviving remnants of the more than 500 Nations of Free and Independent Peoples of North America, once numbered approximately 300,000,000 souls before Columbus arrived. We were less than 10,000,000 within two generations after his departure, and entire Nations of us, some among them the most ancient of us, were wiped out, their civilizations destroyed completely. Next we were deliberately betrayed and exterminated, wholesale, for some 300 years thereafter, until today only a sad, official remnant of some 2,500,000 of us survive, with an unofficial estimate of as many as another 5,000,000 to 7,500,000 acculturated and living legally classified as white or black among the general U.S. population due to the racist, U.S. government established and enforced "blood quotas" designed to ever limit and diminish our numbers. We defy you to name to us any Peoples upon the face of this Earth who have endured more injustice, or for so long, and have, to this day, received so very little acknowledgment or awareness of it in the global Human community and consciousness. In order to satisfy your ancestors' lusts, and the lusts of their descendants for wealth and power and land, the largest genocide in known human history was committed against us, and it has never truly ended. For over 100 hundred years it was the official U.S. government policy, and, before that, for the previous 200 years or more, it was the official policies of the various or serial British, French, Dutch and Spanish colonies. To this day, your nations, your governments continue block all of our repeated attempts to file suits and seek redress for their crimes against us in the World Court. Now, we, the survivors of your genocides have a message for you.