SOTT Focus:

Black Cat

SOTT Focus: The invisible hand of the Cosmic Trickster: High strangeness and the paranormal nature of the UFO phenomenon

© Dremworks Pictures
We seem to be surrounded by an almost invisible world that can manipulate us in any way. ~ John Keel

On Sunday, October 30th, 1938, millions of radio listeners in the USA were shocked to the core by a radio announcement about a Martian attack on Earth. They panicked, some ran out of their homes screaming, others packed up their cars and fled. Even though the ground-shaking news turned out to be nothing more than a portion of Orson Welles' adaptation of the well-known book, War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells, many of the listeners believed what they heard on the radio was real.

In his infamous broadcast, Orson Welles set the scene by saying: "We know now that in the early years of the twentieth century this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own..."

While Welles' radio stunt was fiction, a careful analysis of the evidence suggests the actual reality surrounding UFOs and all things associated is much stranger than any fiction ever invented by a human mind.

Comment: Join your Sott Talk Radio hosts this Sunday, December 1st 2013 for an indepth discussion on this fascinating topic. Callers welcome.


SOTT Focus: Why didn't Comet ISON melt in the Sun? How NASA and Official Science got it all wrong (again)

© Damian PeachComet ISON on November 15th, 2013. The field of view is 2.5°, five times the width of the full moon.


Editors' Note

This article builds on an excerpt from an upcoming book, to be published by Red Pill Press, which draws on the 'Electric Universe' concept, information theory, astronomy, paleogeology - and much more - to present an expanded cosmology linking so-called 'climate change' and 'Earth changes' with mankind's role in the greater cosmic environment.

Written by Pierre Lescaudron, editor and researcher for, in the following article he provides an explanation for the "weird" and "unexpected" behaviour of Comet ISON to date, particularly regarding its unexpected survival as it went around the Sun on November 28th, 2013.

Comets or Asteroids?
© NarwhallComet, asteroid, meteor and meteorite classification - according to mainstream science.
As depicted in the above illustration, and routinely argued by mainstream science, comets are "chunks of ice and rock", a.k.a. "dirty snowballs". This belief, however, is incompatible with the actual data. For instance, in 2011 Comet Lovejoy plunged into the Sun's atmosphere and emerged on the other side after an hour-long journey through the sun's corona. Its size and brightness didn't seem to have diminished.1 Here are some (pretty typical) comments from observers of this event:
This morning, an armada of spacecraft witnessed something that many experts thought impossible. Comet Lovejoy flew through the hot atmosphere of the sun and emerged intact. "It's absolutely astounding," says Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab in Washington DC. "I did not think the comet's icy core was big enough to survive plunging through the several million degree solar corona for close to an hour, but Comet Lovejoy is still with us." 2
But if the temperature of the Sun's corona is several million degrees3, and if Comet Lovejoy is no more than a chunk of ice estimated to be just a few hundred meters in diameter,4 how was it possible that it wasn't vaporized?

Snowflake Cold

SOTT Focus: Volcanic eruptions, rising CO2, boiling oceans, and why man-made global warming is not even wrong

The spectacular eruption of an undersea volcano off the coast of Tonga in the South Pacific in 2009
Perhaps in an effort to ward off yet another long cold winter, officially-sanctioned climate science has been pumping out hot air at exponentially-increasing rates of late. An IPCC report in September told us that global warming "paused" unexpectedly in 1998, and shows no sign of resuming. Actually, the work that went into that report found that warming had stopped altogether, but the wording was altered to describe it as a "pause". You'd think that a pseudo-acknowledgement like this from on-high would dampen the Global Warmists' enthusiasm, but you'd be wrong.

Their driven need to 'fit the facts around the policy' is illustrated by a couple of recent articles that caught our eye. Here USA Today reports on the findings of a study that claims:
"The middle depths of a part of the Pacific Ocean have warmed 15 times faster in the past 60 years than they did during the previous 10,000 years."
Then this BBC article cites "the world's leading experts on ocean acidification", who claim that:
"The world's oceans are becoming acidic at an unprecedented rate and may be souring more rapidly than at any time in the past 300 million years, [...] causing a 30% loss of species in some ocean ecosystems."
And, as you can probably guess, these experts are certain that it's all your fault.

By now you know the drill:

You produce too much CO2 ---> this contributes to the 'greenhouse effect' --> planet heats up --> ice caps melt --> sea levels rise, etc...


SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: JFK remembered, ISON approaches, and electric weather

The team's 'All and Everything' series returns to SOTT Talk Radio this week, when we'll be casting an eye on the latest scandals, the trends that matter, and the kind of information Big Brother prefers you never hear!

Following on from last week's show on the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, we're going to discuss a couple of aspects to the dreadful event that open up intriguing new possibilities. Was the event in Dallas in November 1963 originally meant to be a staged assassination? Did other interested parties then hijack the initial plan by actually killing JFK? We'll look at the evidence for this, including the possibility of Israeli involvement.

With no less than five comets currently flaring brightly within observation range of northern hemisphere observers, 2013 is living up to its moniker as 'Year of the Comets'. As ISON approaches perihelion on November 28th, we'll be asking: is there a connection between the wild spaceweather and the crazy storms taking place around the world of late?

Running Time: 01:58:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: The JFK Assassination, 50 Years Later

People running up the grassy knoll on November 22nd, 1963. They knew what direction the fatal bullet came from. Do you?
Today, November 22nd, 2013, marks 50 years since the Day America Died. A tragic event for most Americans and for ordinary people the world over who choose peace over war, equality over injustice, and happiness over greed, the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy was pivotal in setting the United States on its current path towards doom.

In our recent SOTT Talk Radio show we reflected on the life of a man who dreamed of a better world, and was making that dream a reality until assassins' bullets killed the American Dream that sunny November day in Dallas, Texas.

Half a century later, it's common knowledge in the U.S. that JFK's murder was ordered by a powerful cabal. And yet, successive U.S. administrations have refused to release documents that would fill in the remaining gaps. Who exactly carried it out? And on behalf of whom? How did they organise it? And why did they do it?

Despite the passing of time, the 'suiciding' of key witnesses, the barrage of misinformation and disinformation, and the 'loss' of crucial documentation, excellent research has enabled others to form a cohesive and reasonably objective narrative that counters the official propaganda and places the assassination in proper historical context.

Running Time: 01:54:00

Download: MP3

Comment: If you do nothing else, just take the time to watch the produced version of 'Evidence of Revision', a three disc set that presents archive footage that will leave you in no doubt who killed JFK and why.


SOTT Focus: Gerald Blaine and the Kennedy Detail - Was the Secret Service 'Stood Down' in Dallas?

I am totally convinced that the Warren Commission was correct in its findings, ... there is so much evidence in the Warren Report and the supporting volumes of evidence that there is no doubt there was one lone shooter who fired three bullets from a perfect vantage point and all three shots found their mark.

- Gerald Blaine in The Miami New Times

Most of the people writing conspiracy theory books don't make any sense to me. If they are not going to deal with facts, then I don't want anything to do with it.

Clint Hill on C-SPAN with Gerald Blaine at 16:00
It's generally agreed, especially by anyone who believes that John F. Kennedy was killed by a bullet from behind, that if Secret Service agents were riding the rear bumper steps on JFK's limo, JFK would probably not have been assassinated. Secret Service Agent Lynn Meredith said the number one reason JFK was killed was, "No Secret Service agents were riding on the rear of the limousine." Jim Bishop author of The Day Kennedy Was Shot wrote, "No one wanted to weigh the possibilities that, if a Secret Service man had been on the left [sic] rear bumper going down Elm Street, it would have been difficult to hit President Kennedy."
This is a view from the sniper’s nest on the sixth floor of the TSBD. The car circled in yellow is the location of JFK’s limo on Elm Street at the moment of the fatal headshot. I added two men onto the rear bumper of the car. Image created from the photos of Warren Commission Exhibit 875.
The image above is a view of Elm Street from the sniper's nest on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD). The car in the yellow circle is where JFK's limo was at the moment JFK received the fatal head shot. From this image it is obvious that an agent standing on the right rear bumper step could have shielded JFK.

So, the big question is why were there no agents on the rear bumpers?


Flashback SOTT Focus: John F. Kennedy, The Secret Service and Rich, Fascist Texans

Comment: This is the penultimate article in a series of 12 articles written in 2006 commemorating (at the time) the 43rd anniversary of the assassination of JFK. This year, 2013, is the 50th anniversary of what can, in hindsight and in Truth, be called the Day America Died.

Anyone who has taken the time to study the facts about that fateful day in Dallas, TX, will already know that JFK was deliberately murdered by a cabal of psychopathic warmongers who were opposed to his plans for a more peaceful world. That same cabal is still in power today, and it has extended its reach across the globe.

We will be featuring one article per day between now and the anniversary.

You can find the rest of the JFK series on the right hand bar of You can also purchase a Kindle of the whole series on Amazon.

If you do nothing else, just take the time to watch the produced version of 'Evidence of Revision', a three disc set that presents archive footage that will leave you in no doubt who killed JFK and why.

John F. Kennedy, The Secret Service and Rich, Fascist Texans

A handbill circulated on November 21, 1963 In Dallas, Texas, one day before the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

On November 21st, 1963, 44 years ago today, the 1,035th day of John F. Kennedy's tenure as President, he asked the Congress for $95.7 million in supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 1964. He also asked his economic advisers to prepare a "War on Poverty" program for 1964. Then, President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy departed for a two-day trip to Texas. It was to be his last full day on Earth.


Flashback SOTT Focus: John F. Kennedy and the Titans

Comment: This is the ninth in a series of 12 articles written in 2006 commemorating (at the time) the 43rd anniversary of the assassination of JFK. This year, 2013, is the 50th anniversary of what can, in hindsight and in Truth, be called the Day America Died.

Anyone who has taken the time to study the facts about that fateful day in Dallas, TX, will already know that JFK was deliberately murdered by a cabal of psychopathic warmongers who were opposed to his plans for a more peaceful world. That same cabal is still in power today, and it has extended its reach across the globe.

We will be featuring one article per day between now and the anniversary.

You can find the rest of the JFK series on the right hand bar of You can also purchase a Kindle of the whole series on Amazon.

If you do nothing else, just take the time to watch the produced version of 'Evidence of Revision', a three disc set that presents archive footage that will leave you in no doubt who killed JFK and why.

John F. Kennedy and the Titans

On November 19, 1963, 43 years ago today, at a ceremony in the White House Flower Garden, John F. Kennedy welcomed officers of state education associations of the National Education Association. he remarked: "I realize once again in a very personal way what a tremendous flood of children are coming into our schools..."

He was always concerned about children, his own as well as the children of all Americans and the world.

Later that same day, President Kennedy sent a message to the rededication ceremonies of the national cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania writing:
"The goals of liberty and freedom, the obligations of keeping ours a government of and for the people are never-ending."
Still later, President Kennedy signed into law a bill (HR1989) allowing the legislature of the Virgin Islands to issue general obligation bonds. (PL88-180). He then pocket vetoed a bill (S1201) for the relief of James T. Maddux.

Between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m., Kennedy met with Dean Rusk and Phillips Talbott.

It was John F. Kennedy's 1,033rd day in office.


SOTT Focus: Spot the hypocrisy: Arctic Sunrise versus Mavi Marmara

Israeli commandos storm the Mavi Marmara in May 2010, killing 9 aid workers destined for besieged Gaza
On September 18th, the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise participated in protests against oil drilling activities by the Russian energy company Gazprom at the Prirazlomnaya oil rig in the Arctic Sea. Greenpeace opposes oil drilling in the Arctic on the grounds that oil drilling would cause damage to the delicate ecosystem and that there are no safety plans in place to prevent oil spills.

The crew of Arctic Sunrise circled the oil rig, while three crew attempted to board the platform. In response, the Russian Coast Guard boarded the ship from a helicopter and arrested everyone onboard. Last week, Greenpeace released footage of the military raid:

30 Greenpeace activists were arrested, none of whom suffered any physical harm during the incident. They have since been detained and are awaiting court procedings. The Russian action was heavily criticised in the West, where it was used to once again demonise the Russians and show how barbaric and uncivilised they are.

The boarding of the Arctic Sunrise, and the subsequent media storm, reminded me of another ship that was boarded three years ago - the Mavi Marmara. This incident took place on May 31st, 2010 in international waters off the Easter Mediterranean coast. Below is some footage from the scene:


Flashback SOTT Focus: John F. Kennedy and the Pigs of War

Comment: This is the eighth in a series of 12 articles written in 2006 commemorating (at the time) the 43rd anniversary of the assassination of JFK. This year, 2013, is the 50th anniversary of what can, in hindsight and in Truth, be called the Day America Died.

Anyone who has taken the time to study the facts about that fateful day in Dallas, TX, will already know that JFK was deliberately murdered by a cabal of psychopathic warmongers who were opposed to his plans for a more peaceful world. That same cabal is still in power today, and it has extended its reach across the globe.

We will be featuring one article per day between now and the anniversary.

You can find the rest of the JFK series on the right hand bar of You can also purchase a Kindle of the whole series on Amazon.

If you do nothing else, just take the time to watch the produced version of 'Evidence of Revision', a three disc set that presents archive footage that will leave you in no doubt who killed JFK and why.

John F. Kennedy and the Pigs of War

President Kennedy receives the flag of the cuba exiles (Brigade 2506) in Miami in Dec. 29, 1962 and declares: "I promise to return this flag in a free Havana." Kennedy had been misinformed about the exact details of the planned Cuban invasion.

On November 18th, 1963, John F. Kennedy predicted that the month of April, 1964, would bring "the longest and strongest peacetime economic expansion in our Nation's entire history." And he added: "The steady conquest of the surely yielding enemies of misery and hopelessness, hunger, and injustice is the central task for the Americas in our time . . . 'Nothing is true except a man or men adhere to it -- to live for it, to spend themselves on it, to die for it . . . '"

Time was slipping through his hands . . . he had four days to live.